Records Management Services

Records Analysts help state agency and local government offices establish and maintain effective public records management programs by providing:

  • Training and education - Records Management; Disaster Preparedness
  • Guidelines, standards, and manuals
  • Records retention and disposition schedules for all public records, regardless of format
  • Web content including publications, forms, and links to records management resources
  • Consultation services on:
    • Managing records throughout their life cycle
    • Reformatting and preservation issues
    • Determining proper disposition methods for confidential and privacy-protected records
    • Identifying essential records and planning for emergencies
    • Identifying and transferring appropriate permanent records to the Archives at the Library of Virginia
    • Identifying and transferring non-permanent, non-current records to the State Records Center

The Virginia Records Officer Listserv (VA-ROL) is an electronic mailing list for discussion of records management topics by the Records Officers of Virginia's local and state governments. Through VA-ROL, participants can share problems and the solutions they've found in managing the records of their organization, get notification of updated General Schedules as soon as revised, and receive current workshop schedules or other timely information.

Records Storage and Destruction:

State Records Center (SRC) – off-site storage and destruction services for non-permanent records

Imaging Services – storage and preservation services for permanent records on microforms

Disaster Recovery

Records recovery services are available nationally through POLYGON, BMS Cat, and Belfor. The Library of Virginia does not endorse any company.

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