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John Hoomes et al. to Governor James Monroe, n.d.

John Hoomes, George Buckner  Daniel Coleman  John Baylor Hay Battaile & Reuben Chapman Justices of the peace in the County of Caroline who composed a Court for the trail of Scipio a negro Slave the property of  Paul Thilman  for Conspiracy and insurrection, We whose names are hereunder written do recommend the said Scipio to his Excellency the Governor as an object of Mercy for the following reasons the Condemned Slave is a Young lad not above 18 or 19 years of Age, he appears to be a very ignorant Lad and lived on the same plantation with Mr. Thilmans man Thornton who it appears enlisted the said Scipio & who no doubt drew him into the Conspiracy

John Baylor

Geo: Buckner

Reuben Chapman

Danl. Coleman

John Hoomes

Hay Battaile

[on reverse] Scipio condemend in Caroline Pardoned Nov. 8 1800

Governor's Office, Letters Received, James Monroe, Record Group 3, Library of Virginia.