The Dictionary of Virginia Biography is published online through a partnership with Encyclopedia Virginia. Biographies that do not also appear in the three print volumes (surnames Aaroe�Daniels) link to lists of sources consulted.
Sources consulted for the biography of:Hector Davis (1816–1863)
Biographical and Family Information
- Birth and death dates in Davis family Bible records (1795–1948), Accession 35606, Library of Virginia.
- Family and estate information in printed brief The Court of Appeals of Virginia, Richmond. Crouch, Who Sues &c., v. Davis' Exor (1870).
- Crouch et als. v. Davis' Ex'or (1873) (23 Grattan), Virginia Reports, 64:62–101.
- Transcript of Record. Supreme Court of the United States No. 208. Ann Davis et al., Plaintiffs in Error v. Ann Crouch et al., In Error to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the State of Virginia. Filed October 23, 1874 (1874).
- Davis v. Crouch (1876), United States Reports, 94:514–518.
- Davis's guardian accounts (1854–1863) of Jennie Davis, Eliza Davis, and Sally Davis, Goochland Co. Fiduciary Records.
- Quotation in Davis's will, Richmond City Circuit Court Will Book, 2:118.
Business Records
- Hector Davis and Co. Day Book, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, N.Y.
- Hector Davis and Co. Account Books (1857–1864), Chicago Historical Society, Ill.
- Mutual Assurance Society Declarations, nos. 16439 (1851), 19524 (1858), Library of Virginia.
- Turnage narrative in David W. Blight, A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom, Including Their Own Narratives of Emancipation (2007), 56–59, 214–215.
Secondary Sources
- Daisy L. Avery, "Slave Market of Hector Davis" (typescript dated 11 June 1937), in Works Progress Administration, Virginia Historical Inventory, Library of Virginia.
- Jan Richard Heier, "Accounting for the Business of Suffering: A Study of the Antebellum Richmond, Virginia, Slave Trade," Abacus: A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies 46 (2010): 60–83.
- death notice and memorial resolutions of the Traders Bank of Richmond in Richmond Daily Dispatch, January 8, 1863.
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