L. T. Christian Funeral Home Records Search Results

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Decedant/Client Death Year/Year of Service Box Number Folder Number
Hill, Allan Christian1937148
Hill, Bessie1942326
Hill, Bessie Powell19753323
Hill, Carlotta Mallory19581811
Hill, Carrie Archer19733323
Hill, Clara Viola19551511
Hill, Cora Bransford1941327
Hill, Elizabeth Palmer1933126
Hill, Emma Gill1937148
Hill, Emory1940213
Hill, Ezekial Thomas1934131
Hill, Frank Deane, Jr.19501015
Hill, Franklin Stanhop193925
Hill, Gwendolyn19521213
Hill, Hazel1976359
Hill, Isabel S.192919
Hill, James Hartwell1967279
Hill, James L., Jr.19743323
Hill, Katharine Ingles19571711
Hill, Lelia Palmer1947711
Hill, Mary Eva Templeton19501016
Hill, Mary Frances1931116
Hill, Nannie Massie1937148
Hill, Viada Dumond19622211
Hill, William E.1940213
Hill, William Palmer1941327
Hilliard, Eulalia Spindle1941327
Hilliard, Lula Trice19531310
Hillsman, John Mitchell19551511
Hillsman, Lavinia B.19652514
Hillsman, Lavinia Burwell19581811
Hillsman, Rose Lindner19571711
Hiner, Kenneth Robert19733323
Hines, [infant]1932121
Hines, Clarissa Penn1935135
Hines, Lucy Catherine19531310
Hinkle, Christine Smith19551511
Hinton, Elizabeth Reed1948815
Hinton, George Henry19561611
Hinton, John R.19602014
Hinton, Mabel C.19561612
Hinton, Nannie Sledd1931116
Hirshberg, Julia A.1943327
Hitch, Clyde B.19531310
Hite, Cornelius Baldwin1943327
Hitt, Mamie Luthenia1949915
Hoag, Anna Tichnor19551512
Hobart, Gertrude Bensley19612111
Hobart, John Edgar192919
Hobart, Wilbur Faxon19511112
Hobbs, William Randolph19833816
Hobson, Alex Trent1938155
Hobson, Annie Camp19511112
Hobson, Annie Leigh Camm19551512
Hobson, Bessie Martin H.1966269
Hobson, Edwin Lafayette19521213
Hobson, Elizabeth Bridges19541413
Hobson, Elizabeth Doswell19501016
Hobson, Elizabeth Graham Bruce1946522
Hobson, Ellen Graham1944522
Hobson, Fannie A.1976359
Hobson, Fannie Anderson193925
Hobson, Frank A.1947711
Hobson, Frank Archer, Jr.19551512
Hobson, Graham B.1937148
Hobson, John Cannon1935135
Hobson, John S.1931116
Hobson, Joseph Reid Anderson1938155
Hobson, Mariane Gertrude1944523
Hobson, Mary Binford1933126
Hobson, Matthew deGraffenreidt1937148
Hobson, Robert Archer1960 (disinterred 1976)359
Hobson, Sally Archer Anderson19753323
Hobson, Sarah Weisiger193925
Hobson, Saunders1941327
Hobson, William Plummer1937148
Hockett, Lillie Perkins1942327
Hodder, Alice Crosby1977367
Hodgers, Clifton1935135
Hodges, Charles C.19854017
Hodges, Charles Christopher19703011
Hodges, Leroy Sherrill1943327
Hodges, Lucy1933126
Hodges, William Jesse19622212
Hodkinson, Sydney Jack19612111
Hoff, Ebbe Curtis19854017
Hoff, Margaret Jones19652514
Hoffman, Augusta Marie1944523
Hoffman, Travis F.19511112
Hogan, Carolyn Tubb19823816
Hogan, Margaret Rosalind1948815
Hogan, Virginia Rives Rowe1977367
Hoge, Edmund H.19561612
Hoge, Frances Jones19511112
Hoge, Howard Dandridge1940213
Hoge, Jessie Evans1936142
Hogeboom, Herbert Franklin1938155
Hoggan, Nelle Large19561612
Hoggard, J. T. (George)19682811
Hogge, Mary Fitzgerald1966269

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