L. T. Christian Funeral Home Records Search Results

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Decedant/Client Death Year/Year of Service Box Number Folder Number
Bates, Jane Pollard194772
Bates, John Wythe194335
Bates, Samuel Edward192918
Bates, William Bernard194883
Battle, George Gordon194992
Battle, Martha1954142
Baughan, Lindsey Cane194135
Baughman, Jennie L.1934130
Baum, Dorothy Holmes1973333
Baylis, Ada Wheatley194453
Bayliss, John Yancey1962222
Bayliss, Kate Percy1960202
Baylor, Anne Barksdale1984402
Baylor, Bernard H.1956162
Baylor, Charles Augustus194992
Baylor, Charles Tyree1934130
Bayne, Lloyd Moore194653
Beacham, William Dansler1968281
Beale, Cyrus Wendell1965251
Beale, Martha1968281
Beale, Mary M.1930111
Beall, Florance Valeria1932120
Beall, Mary Lilly1966261
Bears, H. H.192714
Beasley, Benjamin F.194992
Beasley, Louise Alton1985402
Beatie, John R.1931115
Beattie, Anne Sinton1955152
Beattie, Harry C.1955152
Beattie, Miriam Evans1960202
Beattie, P. Joseph194335
Beatty, Albert J.n. d.219
Beaty, John Morton192815
Beauchamp, William Benjamin Bishop1931115
Beazley, Chisolm Hunter1954142
Beazley, Julian Cave1936140
Beazley, Samuel Archer1958182
Beck, Ceta Curtis Scott193923
Beck, Eola Regena1963231
Beck, Henry P.1962222
Beck, Jennie Morris1937147
Beck, Louise Grace1958182
Becker, Elizabeth Virginia194653
Beckham, Leland J.1973333
Bedall, Cardelia May1937147
Bedell, Mary Elizabeth1932120
Bedox, Julian Y.1966262
Bedrosian, Kasper B. (Pete)194992
Bedrosian-Kazarosian, Setrak194992
Bedwell, Lawrence Benton194993
Beeks, Henry S.1957172
Beene, M. Alice1956162
Beers, Frances Dodson1977361
Beers, George Harrington1957172
Bell, Alice McPhail1954142
Bell, Bessie L.1955152
Bell, Clarence Edwin1962223
Bell, Edmund H.1954142
Bell, Mabel Woolston Haines1959192
Bell, Margaret A.1960202
Bellenot, Susan Martini1953131
Bemiss, Cyane Williams1952122
Bemiss, Eli Lockert1961212
Bemiss, Jessie DePass1953131
Bemiss, Samuel M.1966262
Bendix, Henry1935134
Benedict, Elizabeth1955152
Benford, John Geline W.1931115
Bennett, Annabel194993
Bennett, Carrington Watkins1936140
Bennett, Charles Beverly1938153
Bennett, Daisie Collier1960203
Bennett, Dorothy Winifred1983382
Bennett, Dudley194993
Bennett, Emily Waddill1954142
Bennett, Floyd S.1969292
Bennett, Helen A.192815
Bennett, John Christopher F.1964241
Bennett, John Taliaferro1965252
Bennett, John Thomas192613
Bennett, Judith Watkins1936140
Bennett, Nell S.1954142
Bennett, Nellie194553
Bennett, Stanley W.1956162
Bennett, Virginia T.1966262
Bennett, Walter Bouton1969292
Bennett, William Wallace1935134
Benoit, Mary McGrath1972321
Benson, [infant] daughter of Frederick L.1952122
Benson, Alfred1935134
Benson, Ann Drewry1957172
Benson, Bettie C.1938153
Benson, Edmund Lafayette1932120
Benson, Elizabeth Upshur1959192
Benson, Frances Taylor1965252
Benson, George Jarvis194235
Benson, Virginia Harvey1963232
Bentley, Elizabeth Frances1965252
Bentley, Lina Porter1936140
Bentley, Lulu Logan194453

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