Microfilm Reading Area
Many of the Library's most frequently used microfilm collections are located in the West Reading Room on the 2nd floor. This includes but is not limited to:
Land and Personal Property Taxes | Richmond & Petersburg Newspapers |
Local (City & County Court) Records Including Deeds, Wills, and other court records |
Virginia Vital Records |
Military service records and pensions | Virginia Land Office patents and grants |
Additional microfilm collections will need to be requested from the Library's closed stacks and picked up at the Circulation Desk with a valid Library of Virginia card.
Microfilm Policies and Procedures
- Sign up for a microfilm scanner at the West Reading Room Service Desk.
- A two-hour time limit is in place only when all scanners are in use and a waiting list has begun.
- Patrons may retrieve the microfilm to wish to use, pulling only 2 reels at a time.
- If assistance is needed, staff will help to locate microfilm.
- After using the microfilm, rewind it onto its original reel and place the microfilm back into its box. Place the microfilm box on top of the microfilm cabinet.
- Do not refile microfilm in the drawers; staff is required to do this.
- If microfilm is picked up from the Circulation Desk, it must be returned it to the Circulation Desk.
- Return damaged film to the Microfilm Assistant.
- When finished using the microfilm scanner or if the scanner will not be used for more than 20 minutes, please sign off the scanner at the Service Desk before leaving the Microfilm Area.
Microfilm Scanning and Printing
- There is no fee to scan microfilm images to a flash drive. Bring your own flash drive or purchase one from the Circulation Desk for $8.
- Printing paper copies of microfilm images requires a valid Library of Virginia card and cost 50 cents per page.
- Cameras or other electronics may be used to take pictures of the microfilm images on computer screen as long as flash and sound is turned off.