April 14, 2003 -
December 6, 2003
Recording Our History: Writers and Artists
Art for the People
For Teachers
Resources |
The Library's bibliography
The New Deal in Virginia (accessible here as a pdf file)
contains many citations to books, articles, oral history interviews,
and websites. Below is a short list of published sources and
links to selected websites.
Published Resources
Clark, Anne Miren. "'The Difficult Adventure of Our History':
Murals and Memories in Richmond, 1939-1943."
Virginia Cavalcade, 46 (1997): 196-213.
Heinemann, Ronald L. "Alphabet Soup: The New Deal Comes to the
Relief of Virginia."
Virginia Cavalcade, 33 (1983): 4-19.
Heineman, Ronald L. Depression and the new Deal in Virginia: The
Enduring Dominion. Charlottesville, 1983.
Martin-Perdue, Nancy J. and Charles L. Perdue. Talk About Trouble:
A New Deal Portrait of Virginians in the Great Depression. Chapel
Hill, 1996.
Perdue, Charles L., Thomas E. Barden, and Robert K. Phillips.
Weevils in the Wheat: Interviews with Virginia Ex-Slaves.
Charlottesville, 1976.
"Shadows of an Era: The WPA Collection of Virginia Photographs" and
"Shadows of an Era: The FSA Collection of Virginia Photographs."
Virginia Cavalcade, 36 (1987): 128-143.
Virginia Writers' Project. Virginia: A Guide to the Old Dominion.
1941. Reprint. Richmond: Virginia State Library and Archives, 1992.
Columbia University: New Deal Network (http://newdeal.feri.org/)
Library of Congress: America from the Great Depression to World War
II (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/fsowhome.html)
and American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers'
Project, 1936-1940 (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/wpaintro/wpahome.html)
Library of Virginia:
Virginia WPA Historical Inventory Project ,
WPA Life Histories
and a comprehensive list of CCC newspapers (http://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/guides/ccctitle.htm). National Archives: A New Deal for the Arts (http://www.archives.gov/exhibit_hall/new_deal_for_the_arts/index.html)