A Guide to Virginia County and City Records on Microfilm

How are they arranged?

Our microfilmed holdings are arranged by locality and then into the 23 broad categories. Our holdings do not necessarily include records from each locality in each category. Also, especially in the 17th century, a volume may have served multiple purposes. In this case, the record will be placed with the beginning records series in the title. A see also reference is included at the end of the broad category to assist you.

The county and city microfilms on this list may be found in the Second Floor Reading Room.


When searching our microfilm holdings, it is important to remember that the microfilm collection is divided by locality, then by major category, then by records series arranged alphabetically, then chronologically. After locating the item in which you are interested, look in the far left-hand column and note the reel number. This information is necessary to locate the particular item in which you are interested.

Each county has headings for the 23 broad categories. If there are records to be found within the category, the heading is underlined and may be searched by clicking the heading with your mouse. This will take you directly to the desired heading.

It is also possible to scroll through the entire listing for microfilm holdings for each county.

Additionally, a keyword search of the holdings may be performed by using the EDIT function, through FIND (ON THIS PAGE), then typing the keyword in the dialogue box that appears. You may use FIND NEXT to locate all entries of that particular word.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | R | S | T | W | Y | Cities



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