
Results 101-150 of 553

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Edmund Davis

Printer in the office of the Virginia Patriot of his father Augustine Davis (119) in 1820.

Edward Deeble

Bookbinder in Alexandria (1815); apprenticed to Robert Gray (190) there (1805).

Edward Brown

Silversmith apprentice in Richmond (1807); then Engraver in Richmond (1814) and Bedford County (1816-17).

Edward Carter Stanard

Publisher of the Spirit of 'Seventy-Six (1808-10) at Richmond and Washington with John M. Carter (084), his brother-in-law.

Edward Charlton

Printer of The Virginia Gazette and Weekly Advertiser (1787) for Thomas Nicolson (315) at Richmond.

Edward Cummins

Bookbinder in Williamsburg's printing offices (1748-74) and that of the Norfolk Intelligencer (1775); probably then worked in Williamsburg during Revolution (1776-80), before ending career in Richmond office (1783-84) of James Hayes (207).

Edward Mirrick

Bookbinder in Norfolk (1799-1801).

Elder James Reid

Publisher of a sermon collection (1819) from Winchester press of Jonathan Foster (168).

Elhanan Winchester Reinhart

Publisher of first newspaper issued in Danville, The Courier (1818-19); later publisher of the Virginia Advocate (1830-31) in Charlottesville.

Elisha Burch

Publisher of Virginia Express (1804-05) at Fredericksburg with brother Isham Burch (062).

Ellis Price

Publisher of the Columbian Mirror and Alexandria Gazette (1792-1800), initially with John Smith (389), and later with Henry Gird Jr. (181).

Enoch George

Publisher of a funeral sermon in 1805 from the Alexandria press of Samuel Snowden (393).

Erranto Invisius

Editor and publisher of the Candid Review at Staunton in the summer of 1807.

Ferdinando Fairfax

Intended publisher of the proposed Farmers' Museum at Charlestown in early 1808.


Publisher of Genius of Liberty (1800) in Fredericksburg as partner to Robert Mercer (301).

Fleming Grantland

Printer and engraver in the Richmond office of Seaton Grantland (186), his brother; also founding publisher of the Lynchburg Press (1808-09) with Samuel K. Jennings (236).

Forbes Britton, Sr.

Founding publisher of the first newspapers issued in Morgantown (1804) and Clarksburg (1810); the first with Joseph Campbell (078), and then with brother Alexander Britton (052).

Francis Garland Yancey

Publisher of Petersburg Intelligencer (1814-33), initially with Thomas Whitworth (443); of Petersburg Daily Courier (1814) with John Wood (456); and of The Times (1828-29) there.

Franklin Violett

Printer in the Alexandria office of Samuel Snowden (393) in 1815.

Frederick A. Mayo

Bookbinder and bookseller in Staunton (1808-13) and Richmond (1813-38), briefly partner to John Frayser (174); principal bookbinder for Thomas Jefferson from 1818 to 1825.

Frederick Bossler

Engraver and Copperplate Printer in Norfolk (1803) and Richmond (1805-07).


Misidentification of George Trisler (419).

Gavin Miller

Bookseller and job-printer at Staunton (1812-13); likely employed previously at the Henkel Press in New Market.

George Clymer

Printer's Joiner in Alexandria (1801-14).

George A. Martin

Journeyman printer in Petersburg who was briefly publisher of the Petersburg Daily Courier (1814-15) and the Mercantile Advertiser (1816-17) there.

George Balls

Music publishers & sheet-music sellers in Norfolk (1817-22).

George Cochran

Co-proprietor of Richmond job-printing firm of J. & G. Cochran (1814-23) with J. Cochran (096), apparently his brother.

George Davis

Printer in office of his father Augustine Davis (119) and his partner in the Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser (1807-09); later partner in Visitor (1810) with John O. Lynch (273).

George Douglas

Bookseller and bookbinder in Petersburg (1799-1804) in partnership with Joseph Ross (365).

George Ellis

Bookbinder in the Norfolk bookstore of Caleb Bonsal (040) from 1801 to 1839.

George Fisher

Bookbinder in the Williamsburg office of Joseph Royle (368) in 1764-65.

George Fowler

Publisher of two fictional allegories (1810 & 1813) distributed from Alexandria.

George Lewis Gray

Editor and publisher of Norfolk Gazette & Publick Ledger (1804-05) with John Cowper (110).

George McGlassin

Publisher of the Republican Constellation at Winchester (1819), which he then recast as the Winchester Republican (1819-20).

George Nestor

Printer in the office of the Norfolk Gazette and Publick Ledger (1804-11), so employed by its proprietors John Cowper (110), George Lewis Gray (188), and William Davis (127).

George Richards

Publisher of the Virginia Journal and Alexandria Advertiser (1784-89), with the support of Thomas Bond (039) and likely that of Samuel Hanson (200), his successors.

George Savage

Printer working in Richmond in 1799.

George Trisler

Printer of The Virginia Gazette and Winchester Advertiser (1789-91) for Matthias Bartgis (024) and Nathaniel Willis (450); later publisher of the Triumph of Liberty (1799-1803) at Winchester, initially with John Hass (205).

George Washington Carter

One of the founding publishers of The Genius of Liberty, and Fredericksburg & Falmouth Advertiser (1797-99) with Robert Mercer (300).

George Washington Sappington

Publisher of The Informer & Advertiser (1819-20) at Shepherdstown.

Gerard Banks

Editor and publisher of several Republican journals in Virginia between 1800 and 1820.

Gideon Butler

Publisher of the Western Virginian (1815-17) in Clarksburg with Alexander G. McRae (300) and then the Republican Compiler (1818-20) on his own.

Giles Ward, Jr.

Bookseller in Lynchburg (1816-22) in successive partnerships with Anderson M. Waddill (423) and William Digges (136).


Manager of the first subscription circulating library in Richmond in 1785.

Gustavus Reed Porter

Apprentice printer who ran away from the Alexandria office of Samuel Snowden (393) and John D. Simms (387) in 1813.

H. Cohen

Publisher of Elements of the Jewish Faith (1817) through the Richmond press of William Waller Gray (193).


Misidentification of John Hass (205).

Hamilton Shields

Publisher and editor of The American Beacon and Commercial Diary (1815-34) at Norfolk in partnerships with Samuel Shepherd (379), Henry Ashburn (015), Seymour P. Charlton (090), and William C. Shields (381), his brother; also a proprietor of the Steam-Boat Hotel Reading Room there (1820-23).


Publisher of the American Eagle (1817-19) at Shepherdstown with one Maxwell (283), and its continuation, the Potomack Register (1819) with partner named Robinson (361).


Publisher of a set of collected speeches at Alexandria (1820) with Douglas Thomson (413).

Results 101-150 of 553

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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