Imprint Records

Results 1951-2000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Orders of Baron von Steuben.

By the Honourable Major General Baron de Steuben, commanding the troops in the state of Virginia. The Honourable the Congress of the United States having directed that the officers of the state of Virginia, on Continental establishment, should assemble together, that their line may be arranged under the new regulations of the 21st of November last: I do therefore hereby direct all Continental officers ... to repair to Chesterfield court-house ... Given under my hand, at Richmond, this 20th day of December ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty ...

Orders to the 19th Regiment (March 1813).

Regimental orders. Richmond, 16th March, 1813. No period of time ever presented itself, when the prompt exertions of 19th regiment was more necessary than at present ...

Ordinance for Raising Six Troops of Horse.

An ordinance to supply certain defects in a former ordinance of this Convention for raising six troops of horse ...

Ordinance Raising Revenue for Richmond for 1790.

An ordinance, for raising a revenue for the city of Richmond, for the year 1790. : (Passed the 14th of August, 1790.)

Ordinance to raise Revenue for the City of Richmond.

An ordinance to raise a revenue for the city of Richmond, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen … N. Sheppard, C. C. Hall. Warrock-pr.

Ordinances Concerning the Administration of Justice.

In Convention. Saturday, March 25, 1775. Resolved, as the opinion of this Convention, that on account of the unhappy disputes between Great Britain and the colonies, and the unsettled state of this country, the lawyers, suitors, and witnesses ought not to attend the prosecution or defence of civil suits at the next General Court. … In Convention. Wednesday, July 3, 1776. An ordinance to enable the present magistrates and officers to continue the administration of justice ... [and] An ordinance to arrange the counties in districts, for electing senators, and to ascertain their wages.

Ordinances of the Common Hall of the City of Richmond.

A compilation of the ordinances of the Common Hall of the city of Richmond, in force March 19, 1804. To which are prefixed all acts of the General Assembly relating to the said city.

Ordinances of the Convention (December 1775).

Ordinances passed at a convention held at the town of Williamsburg, in the colony of Virginia, on Friday the 1st of December, 1775.

Ordinances of the Convention (December 1775).

Ordinances passed at a convention, held in the city of Williamsburg. In the colony of Virginia, on Friday, the 1st of December, 1775. Re-printed by a Resolution of the House of delegates, of the 24 February, 1816.

Ordinances of the Convention (May 1776).

Ordinances passed at a general convention of delegates and representatives, from the several counties and corporations of Virginia, held at the Capitol, in the city of Williamsburg, on Monday, the 6th of May, anno Dom: 1776. Re-printed by a Resolution of the House of delegates, of the 24th February, 1816.

Ordinances of the Convention (May 1776).

Ordinances passed at a general convention of delegates and representatives, from the several counties and corporations of Virginia, held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg on Monday the 6th of May, anno Dom: 1776.

Ordinances of the Convention at Richmond (July 1775).

Ordinances passed at a convention held at the town of Richmond, in the colony of Virginia, on Monday the 17th of July, 1775.

Organization of the Militia of the Commonwealth.

Organization of the militia of the commonwealth of Virginia in pursuance of the act "to amend and reduce into one, the several acts of the General Assembly, for regulating the militia of this commonwealth," passed the 28th January, 1804.

Organization of the Militia of the State of Virginia.

Organization of the militia of the state of Virginia. … Claiborne W. Gooch, D. A. G., for Moses Green, adjutant general, 1st June, 1814.

Original Essays from the Virginia Religious Magazine.

Original essays selected from the four first numbers of the Virginia religious magazine. A work now publishing under the patronage of the Synod of Virginia, by the editors.

Original Poems written by James Claypool.

Original poems, written by James Claypool, which were found among his papers after his decease; and published at the request of some of his friends.

Orthography Corrected.

Orthography corrected, and made an accurate guide to pronunciation, by means of a new alphabet, adapted to the English language. By Samuel Boyle.

Oscar Fitz-James, A Drama in Three Acts.

Oscar Fitz-James, a drama in three acts, written by a native of Virginia, a youth in the eighteenth year of his age.

Parody of Proclamations of May 3rd & 6th.

By the Lion & Unicorn, Dieu & mon droit, their lieutenant-generals, governours, vice admirals, &c &c. &c. &c. A hue & cry. : Whereas I have been informed, from undoubted authority, that a certain Patrick Henry ... and a number of deluded followers, have taken up arms ... Given, &c. this 6th day of May, 1775

Passive Obedience Considered: A Sermon.

Passive obedience considered: in a sermon preached at Williamsburg, December 31st, 1775. By the Reverend David Griffith, Rector of Shelburne Parish, Virginia. Published at the request of the general convention.

Pastoral Letter by James Muir.

A pastoral letter.

Pastoral Letter from Paul Henkel [in German].

Allen Freunden und Liebhaber der Evangelischen Wahrheit meinen Gruss in dem Herrn ... Paul Henkel

Pastoral Letter from Presbytery of Lexington.

A pastoral letter, from the Presbytery of Lexington, to the people under their care.

Paul and Virginia.

Paul and Virginia. By J.H.B. de Saint Pierre. Translated by Henry Hunter, D.D. Minister of the Scots Church, London-Wall.

Performance Handbill of Bell Tavern Assembly (July 1803).

Bell Tavern Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. Decker … [in] Richmond ... on Saturday evening, July 23d, an evening’s brush; to rub off the rust of old care …

Performance Handbill, April 15, 1768.

By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Friday, the 15th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called The Orphan, or the Unhappy Marriage. … To which will be added, the second night, a Pantomime entertainment, in which will be introduced a new scene, not before presented, called Harlequin skeleton, or the Burgomaster Tricked.

Performance Handbill, April 1771.

By the American Company: at the theatre in Fredericksburg on ... being the ... of ... will be presented a comedy called The Provoked husband: or, A journey to London ... to which will be added [Love a-la-mode].

Performance Handbill, April 4, 1768.

[By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Monday, the 4th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called Douglas. … To which will be added a farce, called The Honest Yorkshireman.]

Performance Handbill, April 8, 1768.

By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Friday, the 8th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called Venice Preserved, or a Plot Discovered. … To which will be added a ballad Opera, called Damon and Phillida.

Performance Handbill, January 3, 1798.

Richmond Theatre. On Wednesday evening, January 3, 1798. Will be presented, the much admired comedy of The rivals; or, A trip to Bath. ... To which will be added, the musical entertainment of The romp. ... Tickets to be had at Prichard & Davidson's Book-store, at Dixon's printing-office, and at the office of the theatre ...

Performance Handbill, June 3, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mr. Parker) … On Friday the 3rd of June will be presented The Beggar's Opera. … To which will be added a farce, called The Anatomist, or Sham Doctor.]

Performance Handbill, June 8, 1768.

Mr. Charlton: by permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg at the old theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians on Wednesday the 8th instant [June] will be presented a comedy wrote by Mr. Fielding call'd the Miser ... To which will be added, a farce, called The Brave Irishman.

Performance Handbill, May 1771.

By authority: by the American Company at the theatre in Williamsburg ... an English comik opera called Love in a village ... To which will be added a farce called The Buck: or, The Englishman in Paris ... tomorrow ... The Clandestine marriage, and The Padlock ...

Performance Handbill, May 18, 1768.

By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mrs. Osborne) at the old theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, will be presented, on Wednesday next, being the 18th instant [May], a comedy called The Constant Couple, or A Trip to the Jubilee. … To which will be added a farce, called The Miller of Mansfield.

Performance Handbill, May 20, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mrs. Bromadge) at the old theatre, near the Capitol, tomorrow evening, being the 20th instant [May], will be presented a tragedy, called The Gamester. … To which will be added a farce, called Polly Honeycomb.]

Performance Handbill, May 21, 1819.

Theatre. Last night but one. Of Mr. & Mrs. Bartley's appearance. The ladies and gentlemen of Petersburg, are respectfully informed that after this week, the theatre will be closed for a short period--until the company returns from Richmond. For the benefit of Mrs. Bartley. On Friday evening, May 21st, 1819, will be presented, Murphey's [sic] tragedy of the Grecian daughter. ... To which will be added, a petit comedy called Three weeks after marriage. ...

Performance Handbill, May 25, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mr. Parker) … on Wednesday the 25th instant [May] will be presented the historical tragedy of Henry the Fourth. With a new farce, never performed here, called The Old Maid.]

Performance Handbill, May 25, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mr. Parker) … on Wednesday the 25th instant [May] will be presented the historical tragedy of Henry the Fourth. With a new farce, never performed here, called The Old Maid.]

Performance Handbill, May 27, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Miss Yapp) … on Friday the 27th instant [May] will be presented a comedy, written by Shakespeare, called Merchant of Venice. … To which will be added a comedy of two acts, never performed here, called High Life Below Stairs.]

Performance Handbill, November 13, 1799.

The Petersburg theatre. On Wednesday evening, November 13, 1799, will be presented, a favorite comedy in four acts, called The child of nature or, The happy discovery. ...

Performance Handbill, November 2, 1818.

New theatre, on Monday evening, Nov. 2d, will be acted the celebrated tragic play of Pizarro, or The Spaniards in Peru ... to which will be added the burlesque tragedy of Bombastes furiosos …

Performance Handbill, November 3, 1818.

New theatre. (By particular desire.) On Tuesday evening, Nov. 3d, will be presented the admired play of the Foundling of the forest ... to which will be added a petit comedy, (never acted here) called the Liar (written by Samuel Foote) ...

Performance Handbill, November 5, 1818.

New theatre, on Thursday evening, Nov. 5, will be acted the admired comedy, called The way to get married (written by Thomas Moreton) ... to which will be added a laughable farce ... called Killing no murder ...

Performance Handbill, November 7, 1818.

New theatre, on Saturday evening, Nov. 7, will be acted the play of the Point of honor ... to which will be added ... The three & deuce...

Performance Handbill, October 21, 1818.

New theatre, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 21, will be presented the admired play of the Foundling of the forest ... to which will be added the farce of The devil to pay ...

Performance Handbill, October 23, 1818.

New theatre, on Friday evening, Oct. 23, will be acted the celebrated comedy of Laugh when you can ... to which will be added the farce of The spoil'd child ...

Performance Handbill, October 24, 1818.

New theatre, on Saturday evening, Oct. 24, will be acted the celebrated comedy of John Bull, or, An honest man's fireside ... to which will be added the petit comedy in one act, called The day after the wedding ...

Performance Handbill, October 26, 1818.

New theatre, on Monday evening, Oct. 26, will be presented Shakespear's [sic] celebrated tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice ... to which will be added the laughable farce of the Romp...

Performance Handbill, October 28, 1818.

New theatre, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28, will be acted the admired comedy of Town and country, (or which is best) ... to which will be added the musical farce, in one act, called the Purse, or The benevolent tar …

Performance Handbill, October 30, 1818.

New theatre, on Friday evening, Oct. 30, will be presented (for the first time in Petersburg) the comic drama of The three & deuce ... to which will be added the farce of Catharine & Petruchio ... in preparation with appropriate scenery, Sheridan's celebrated tragic play of Pizarro …

Results 1951-2000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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