Imprint Records

Results 2551-2600 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Resolutions on Virginia Senate's claim to Right to amend Money Bills.

On the 31st of January, 1805, the House of Delegates (with one dissenting voice) adopted the following resolutions. …

Resolves of the House of Burgesses, May 16, 1769.

Resolves of the House of Burgesses, passed the 16th of May, 1769.

Response to Calumny Circulated by John Brown, Senator from Kentucky.

Observations and documents, relative to a calumny circulated by John Brown, a member of the Senate of the United States, from Kentucky, to the prejudice of Elisha I. Hall, of Frederick County, Virginia.

Review of the Rector Detected

A review of the Rector detected: or The colonel reconnoitred. : Part the first.

Revisal of the Laws, 1733

A collection of all the acts of Assembly, now in force, in the colony of Virginia. : With the titles of such as are expir'd, or repeal'd. And notes in the margin, shewing how, and at what time, they were repeal'd. Examin'd with the records, by a committee appointed for that purpose. Who have added many useful marginal notes, and references: and an exact table. : Publish'd, pursuant to an order of the General Assembly, held at Williamsburg, in the year M,DCC,XXVII.

Revisal of the Laws, 1752.

The acts of Assembly, now in force, in the colony of Virginia. With the titles of such as are expired, or repealed; notes in the margin, shewing how, and at what time they were repealed: and an exact table to the whole. Publish'd pursuant to an order of the General Assembly.

Revisal of the Laws, 1769.

The Acts of Assembly, now in force, in the colony of Virginia. With an exact table to the whole. Published by order of the General Assembly.

Revisal of the Laws, 1783.

A collection of all such public acts of the General Assembly, and ordinances of the conventions of Virginia, passed since the year 1768, as are now in force; with a table of the principal matters. Published under inspection of the judges of the High Court of Chancery, by a resolution of General Assembly, the 16th day of June 1783.

Revisal of the Laws, 1792.

A collection of all such acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force; : with a table of the principal matters. To which are prefixed the declaration of rights, and constitution, or form of government. Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, intituled, "An act providing for the republication of the laws of this Commonwealth," passed on the twenty-eighth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.

Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia (1819).

The revised code of the laws of Virginia: being a collection of all such acts of the General Assembly, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force; with a general index. To which are prefixed, the Constitution of the United States; the Declaration of rights; and the Constitution of Virginia. Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act providing for the re-publication of the laws of this commonwealth," passed March 12, 1819.

Revolutionary Annals, or History of the French Revolution.

Revolutionary annals, or History of the French Revolution, from the convocation of the States-General to the Treaty of Amiens, in 1802. Part V. Bonaparte, during the first three years of his consulate. Translated from the French manuscript of Jean Henry De Croisoeuil, by L.H. Girardin, professor of modern languages, history, and geography, in the College of William and Mary.

Reward Offered for Information on an Arson Fire.

Ten dollars. The above reward will be given to anyone who, within thirty days from this time, shall give certain information of the person or persons who lately set fire to that part of the Blue Ridge which was the property of the late George William Fairfax. It is not only the duty, but the interest of the tenants upon the said land, to assist in detecting those unprincipled men, who, regardless of every moral and sacred obligation, are continually wasting and destroying the timber, either by burning or cutting, as it is only by care and attention, in preserving the land and timber, that any of them can expect favours at a future day. Mr. Battaille Muse is directed to make strict enquiry, and to use every means of bringing to justice every offender, and a particular attention on his part is required. ... Ferdinando Fairfax. Shannon-Hall, Berkeley County, [blank] 1793.

Richmond Enquirer Extra (June 15, 1807).

Enquirer Extra … June 15, 1807. Some important mistakes having occurred making up of a part of the proceedings in the last Enquirer ...

Richmond Enquirer Extra (September 5, 1807).

Enquirer Extraordinary Saturday. September 5th. 1807. New York Aug 31. Late and important news from Europe …

Richmond Enquirer Extra of April 16, 1814.

Enquirer Extra. April 16, 1814. Washington, April 14. Copy of a letter from Capt. Holmes to Lt. Col. Butler, commanding at Detroit …

Richmond Enquirer Extra of April 23, 1814.

Enquirer Extra. April 23, 1814. The tide turning …

Richmond Enquirer Extra of November 29, 1809.

Enquirer Extra. Washington, November 29, 1809. The President . . . this day communicated . . . the following message to Congress . . . James Madison.

Richmond Examiner Extra (November 27, 1802).

Examiner Extra. November 27, 1802. Bell Tavern, at the sign of the bell. Richmond

Richmond Lodge Event Notice (August 1797).

Richmond Lodge, No. 10. Richmond, March 9, 5797/1797: Brother, You are requested to meet your brethren … to lay the foundation stone of the Penitentiary House. By order of the Master. John Potts, Sec'y.

Richmond Lodge Funeral Notice.

Richmond Lodge, No. 10. Brother, You are requested to meet your brethren, at their lodge room on [blank] o'clock, in order to pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased brother [blank] By order of the Master, Benjamin Moseby, sec'y. Richmond [blank]

Richmond Lodge Meeting Notice (March 1797).

Richmond Lodge, No. 10. Richmond, March 9, 5797/1797: Brother, You are requested to meet your brethren, at their lodge room, on Tuesday evening next at 6 o'clock. By order of the Master. John Potts, Sec'y.

Richmond Recorder Extra (April 24, 1802).

Extra "Recorder." April 24th [1802]. …

Richmond Resolutions in Support of Jay's Treaty.

On Monday the 25th of April, at the instance of some Friends of the British treaty, a meeting (on short notice) was held at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, when a resolution was proposed, expressing the wish of the people, that Congress would carry that Treaty into full effect, without any reservation as to constitutional impediments, or other consideration of expedients …

Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia.

A history of the rise and progress of the Baptists in Virginia, by Robert B. Semple, Minister of the Gospel in King and Queen County, Virginia.

Road Bill listing Different Stages from Wythe Courthouse.

Road bill specifying the different stages from Wythe C. H. Va. to Nashville Ten., Huntsville, Alb., Lexington Ken., Cumberland Gap, Jonesborough, Ten., Richmond Va., Winchester Va., Baltimore Md., Washington City, and Raleigh N.C. … furnished at the Wythe Hotel, sign of General Washington, by Marshall & Trigg.

Road Bill.

Road Bill.

Ruddiman's Rudiments of the Latin Tongue.

The rudiments of the Latin tongue, or, A plain and easy introduction to Latin grammar: wherein the principles of the language are methodically digested, both in English and Latin. With useful notes and observations, explaining the terms of grammar, and further improving its rules. By Thomas Ruddiman, M.A. The twenty-sixth genuine edition, carefully corrected and improved.

Rudiments of English Grammar.

Rudiments of English grammar. Containing I. The different kinds, relations, and changes of words; II. Syntax, or the right construction of sentences. : With an appendix comprehending a table of verbs regularly inflected; remarks on some grammatical figures; a praxis on the grammar; rules of punctuation; and examples of true and false construction. By Mr. Harrison. New ed. with additions and improvements by an eminent teacher in Philadelphia

Rudiments of the Latin Tongue.

The rudiments of the Latin tongue, or, A plain and easy introduction to Latin grammar wherein the principles of the language are methodically digested, both in English and Latin: with useful notes and observations, explaining the terms of grammar, and farther improving its rules. … 24th genuine ed., carefully corr. and improved.

Rules & Regulations of the Staunton Academy).

Rules & regulations for the government of the Staunton Academy.

Rules and Articles for Government of Troops Raised.

Rules and articles for the better government of the troops raised, or to be raised and kept in pay by and at the expence of the United States of America.

Rules and Articles for the Better Government of Troops.

Rules and articles for the better government of the troops raised, or to be raised and kept in pay by and at the expence of the United States of America.

Rules and Orders of the Senate.

[Rules and Orders of the Senate]

Rules and Regulations for the Spotsylvania Troop of Cavalry.

Rules and regulations for the government of the Spotsylvania Troop of Cavalry belonging to the second regiment and second division of militia. … Fredericksburg. May 14, 1805.

Rules and Regulations of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle.

Rules and regulations of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle.

Rules and Regulations of the Bremo Seminary.

Rules and regulations of the Bremo Seminary ... By order of the Visitors. George Richardson, Principal. Bremo, Fluvanna County, July 10, 1820.

Rules and Regulations of the Richmond Female Humane Society.

Rules and regulations of the Richmond Female Humane Society.

Rules for a Richmond Cricket Club.

We the subscribers, desirous of establishing a Cricket Club, and also Rules and Regulations that appear to be best calculated to render it permanent, have agreed to the following Rules.

Rules governing Superior Courts of Chancery and their Districts.

[Rules for the government of the superior court of chancery, and the districts]

Rules of Decorum at Sittings of Associations.

[The rules of decorum at their sitting].

Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends.

Rules of discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Virginia. Printed by direction of the Meeting, 1814.

Rules of the Amicable Society of Richmond.

Rules of the Amicable Society of Richmond. Whereas it frequently happens that people in distress, natives and strangers, for whom the law has not made provision, are found in this city, destitute ... a number of gentlemen, actuated by these considerations, as well as by a desire of promoting a friendly intercourse with each other, having met at the Richmond Coffee-House, on the 13th day of December, 1788, resolve to institute, ... a society, by the name of the Amicable Society of Richmond ...

Rules of the Court of Appeals.

[Rules of the court of appeals].

Rules of the Female Charitable Society of Portsmouth.

A number of females of the town of Portsmouth, assembled at the house of Josiah Fox, on the 4th of May, 1804, and agreed to form ... the Female Charitable Society of Portsmouth ...

Rules of the Hawksbill Society.

Rules of the Hawksbill Society, (in the county of Shenandoah,) for apprehending horse thieves.

Rules of the Union Fire Company of Richmond.

Rules of the Union Fire Company of Richmond … list of the members.

Rules of the Virginia Penitentiary.

[Penitentiary rules].

Runaway Apprentice Notice for Andrew Spraker.

Six cents reward. Ran away from the subscriber, near Keezel-Town, Rockingham county ... an apprentice ... named Andrew Spraker ... Bernard Peal. March 30th, 1814. New-Market: printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper explain'd.

The sacrament of the Lord's Supper explain'd: or The things to be known and done, to make a worthy communicant. : With suitable prayers and meditations. By The Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of London.

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper [with others].

The sacrament of the Lord's Supper explain'd: or The things to be known and done, to make a worthy communicant. With suitable prayers and meditations. by The Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund Lord Bishop of London. ; To which is added, the holy days, or the feasts and fasts, as they are to be observed in the Church of England, explained: and the reasons why they are yearly celebrated.

Results 2551-2600 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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