Imprint Records

Results 2151-2200 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Plain and Easy Catechisms for Children.

Dr. Watts' Plain and easy catechisms for children to which are added, A preservative from the sins & follies of childhood and youth, The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, with explanatory notes, and Songs, divine and moral with some short prayers, for the use of children all by the same author.

Plain Elementary Explanation of Nature and Cure of Disease.

A plain elementary explanation, of the nature and cure of disease, predicated upon facts and experience; presenting a view of that train of thinking which led to the invention of the patent, portable, warm and hot bath. By Samuel K. Jennings.

Plain Instructions for Patent Portable Warm and Hot Bath.

Plain instructions for using the patent portable warm and hot bath. By Samuel K. Jennings.

Plain Truth.

Plain truth: addressed to the people of Virginia. Written in February 1799 – by a citizen of Westmoreland County, (Virg.)

Plan and Sentiments of the Associations.

[The plan and sentiments of the associations in general].

Plan for an Iron-Works in Spotsylvania County.

A plan for the establishment of iron-works, in Spotsylvania County, and state of Virginia. The proprietors of the mine tract, in Spotsylvania County, in order to form a company …

Plan of an Academy in New Kent.

An Address to the Inhabitants of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, Containing a Plan of an Academy, to be erected at Providence, in New Kent, Dedicated to His Excellency Lord Botetourt

Plan of the Fœderal Constitution.

Plan of the Fœderal Constitution.

Plan of the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire.

Explanations of the plan "of the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on buildings of the state of Virginia", established the 26th of December, 1795, agreeable to law."

Plan of the Town of Alexandria.

Plan of the town of Alexandria. In the District of Columbia 1798. Engrav'd. by T. Clarke New York.

Plan wherein the Power of Steam is Fully Shewn.

A plan wherein the power of steam is fully shewn, by a new constructed machine, for propelling boats of vessels, of any burthen, against the most rapid streams or rivers, with great velocity. Also, a machine, constructed on similar philosphical [sic] principles, by which water may be raised for grist or saw-mills, watering of meadows, &.&. By James Rumsey, of Berkeley County, Virginia.

Planter's & farmer's Almanack for the year 1808.

Planter's & farmer's Almanack, for the year 1808: adapted to the latitude and meridian of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Playbill for A Favorite Song.

A favorite song by Mrs. Lewis. To which (by desire) will be added a farce, called The cheats of Scapin ....

Playbill for Company of Placide & Green (December 1811).

Last week of performance this season : Mr. Placide’s benefit ... on Thursday next, when will be presented, an entire new play, translated from the French of Diderot ... The father, or, Family feuds ... to which will be added, (for the first time here) the favorite new pantomime, of Raymond and Agnes, or, The bleeding nun ...

Playbill, April 15, 1768.

{By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Friday, the 15th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called The Orphan, or the Unhappy Marriage. … To which will be added, the second night, a Pantomime entertainment, in which will be introduced a new scene, not before presented, called Harlequin skeleton, or the Burgomaster Tricked.]

Playbill, April 4, 1768.

[By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Monday, the 4th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called Douglas. … To which will be added a farce, called The Honest Yorkshireman.]

Playbill, April 8, 1768.

[By permission of the Worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg, At the old Theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, on Friday, the 8th of April will be presented a Tragedy, called Venice Preserved, or a Plot Discovered. … To which will be added a ballad Opera, called Damon and Phillida.]

Playbill, December 30, 1791.

Mrs. Davids: with the greatest respect they beg leave to acquaint ... Richmond and its vicinity, that their benefit is fixed for ... Dec. 30, 1791 ... tragedy, of Isabella ..

Playbill, June 3, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mr. Parker) … On Friday the 3rd of June will be presented The Beggar's Opera. … To which will be added a farce, called The Anatomist, or Sham Doctor.]

Playbill, June 8, 1768.

Mr. Charlton: The Miser. The Brave Irishman.

Playbill, May 18, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mrs. Osborne) at the old theatre near the Capitol, by the Virginia Company of Comedians, will be presented, on Wednesday next, being the 18th instant [May], a comedy called The Constant Couple, or A Trip to the Jubilee. … To which will be added a farce, called The Miller of Mansfield.]

Playbill, May 20, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Mrs. Bromadge) at the old theatre, near the Capitol, tomorrow evening, being the 20th instant [May], will be presented a tragedy, called The Gamester. … To which will be added a farce, called Polly Honeycomb.]

Playbill, May 27, 1768.

[By permission of the worshipful the Mayor of Williamsburg (for the benefit of Miss Yapp) … on Friday the 27th instant [May] will be presented a comedy, written by Shakespeare, called Merchant of Venice. … To which will be added a comedy of two acts, never performed here, called High Life Below Stairs.]

Poem on the Death of General George Washington.

A poem on the death of General George Washington, late president of the United States. In two books. By Charles Love.

Poems and Compositions in Prose on Several Occasions.

Poems, and compositions in prose on several occasions. By William Munford, of the county of Mecklenburg, and state of Virginia.

Poems and Translations by Richard Dabney.

Poems and translations by Richard Dabney.

Poems of Laura.

Poems of Laura; an original American work. By Martha Ann Davis.

Poems on Several Occasions by a Young Man.

Poems on several occasions by a young man, formerly attached to the squadron under the command of Commodore S. Decatur.

Poems on Several Occasions.

Poems on Several Occasions.

Poetical Descant on the Primeval and Present State of Mankind.

A poetical descant on the primeval and present state of mankind; or, The pilgrim's muse. By Joseph Thomas, minister of the gospel.

Poetical Works of Doct. Benjamin Dolbeare.

The Poetical Works of Doct. Benjamin Dolbeare, consisting of his Art of courtship, and other pieces, amatory and sentimental.

Poetical Works of Doct. Benjamin Dolbeare.

The Poetical Works of Doct. Benjamin Dolbeare, consisting of his Art of courtship, and other pieces, amatory and sentimental.

Poetical Works of Robert Burns.

The poetical works of Robert Burns. A new edition.

Point of Fork Arsenal Employment Circular.

Point of Fork, May 9, 1785. The Honorable Executive having empowered me to employ six additional armourers and a black-smith, at the Point of Fork, this is to make known that I will give at the rate of forty pounds per annum ...

Political Essays on the War of the French Revolution.

Political essays, relative to the war of the French Revolution; viz. an argument, against continuing the war, for the subversion of the republican government of France: a letter to the Duke of Portland, being an answer to the two letters of the late Right Honorable Edmund Burke, against treating for peace with the French Republic: and, a memorial, proposing a plan, for the conquest and emancipation of Spanish America, by means which would promote the tranquillity [sic] of Ireland.

Political Mirror Extra reporting Land Tax Due under Act of Congress.

Political Mirror, Extra. Staunton, June 16, 1801. Notification to all concerned, The following list of lands lying in the county of Kanawha, being the 9th collection district, of the sixth survey of the district of Virginia: with their valuations and the taxed assessed thereon, is published pursuant to the directions of the 11th section of an act of Congress, entitled, "An Act to Lay and Collect a Direct Tax within the United States."

Political Truth.

Political truth; or, An examination of a law, told in plain English, concerning the laws of Virginia against gaming with sundry general observations, shewing things as they are and man as he is. By Virginius.

Postscript of Alexander Smyth to Freeholders of Congressional District 6.

Postcript [sic] to An address to the freeholders of Washington, Wythe, Russell, Lee, Scott, Grayson, and Tazewell. Since I addressed you, fellow citizens, two subjects have come before the House of Delegates, which I have deemed of some importance, as affecting the public faith, and the character of the legislature of the state. … Alexander Smyth. Richmond, February 18, 1817.

Practical Discourse Concerning Death

A practical discourse concerning death. The twentieth edition

Prayers of the Right Rev. Thomas Wilson.

Prayers of the Right Rev. Thomas Wilson, D.D. Fifty-eight years Bishop of Sodor and Man. Selected from his works, and digested into forms, suited to private persons and families. With an appendix. Containing prayers out of the sacred Scriptures, arranged under various heads, and suited to the various feelings of the heart, and the various situations of human life

Prayers, for the Use of Families.

Prayers, for the use of families

Preamble and Resolutions concerning Bank of the United States.

[Preamble and resolutions, proposed by Mr. Baldwin, opposing the establishment of a Bank of the U. S. by congress].

Preamble and Resolutions concerning McCulloch v, Maryland.

[Preamble and resolutions, proposed by Mr. Archer of Amelia, opposing the incorporation of a Bank of the U. S. by the U. S. congress, and including a discussion and arguments on the constitutionality of such incorporation].

Preamble and Resolutions on Admission of Missouri Territory.

Preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. Baldwin to the House of Delegates on the Missouri question.

President's Annual Address to Congress (1798).

The president's address, to both houses of Congress.

Prices for Printing in the City of Richmond (May 1818).

Prices for printing in the city of Richmond ... We the undersigned, printers in this city ... May 28, 1818.

Principal Arguments of William Wirt on the Trial of Aaron Burr.

The two principal arguments of William Wirt, Esquire, on the trial of Aaron Burr, for high treason, and on the motion to commit Aaron Burr and others, for trial in Kentucky.

Proceedings of a Federal Republican Meeting.

Federal Republican meeting.

Proceedings of a Special Conference held in Madison County.

The proceedings of a Special Conference, held in Madison County, Va. in the Lutheran congregation of said county, on the 14th day of September, 1817 together with a letter by a travelling Jew.

Proceedings of Female Humane Association (February 1816).

At a meeting of the Female Humane Association, February 5th, 1816 ...

Results 2151-2200 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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