Imprint Records

Results 851-900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Circular-Schreiben von Johannes Braun [Circular-Letter by John Brown].

Circular-Schreiben an die deutschen Einwohner von Rockingham und Augusta, und den benachbarten Caunties. Erster Band. Von Johannes Braun, Prediger des Evangelii in den Caunties Rockingham und Augusta, Virginia.

Citizen Bill.

[The Citizen Bill]

Civil List of Virginia (December 1820).

Civil list of Virginia, auditor’s office, December 22nd, 1820.

Collection of Laws and Resolutions relating to Board of Public Works.

A collection of all laws and resolutions of the general assembly of Virginia, relating to the board of public works; the report of the commissioners appointed to view certain rivers within the commonwealth in 1812; the reports of 1814-15, from the committee of roads and internal navigation to the legislature; and the several annual reports of the board of public works to the general assembly, up to 1819.

Collection of Resolutions adopted by the December 1819 Assembly.

[Collection of Resolutions adopted by the December 1819 Assembly].

Collection of Sacred Ballads.

[A Collection of Sacred Ballads]

Collection of the Several Acts relating to the Literary Fund.

A collection of the several Acts of Assembly relating to the Literary Fund, and the appointment and duties of escheators.

Commentary on Samuel Southwick's Conduct.

[Commentary on Samuel Southwick's Conduct].

Comments on Judges and Arrangement of Districts.

[Judges, arrangement of districts, &c.].

Commission for Military Supply Procurement.

To [blank]: Gentlemen, You are hereby appointed Commissioners for the purpose of carrying into execution in the county of [blank] the act of the present session of assembly [May 1780], for procuring a supply of provisions, and other necessaries for the use of the army. …

Commission to Collect Donations for Monument to Washington.

Council Chamber, Richmond, April 4th, 1817. Sir, In pursuance of a resolution of the General Assembly of Virginia passed the sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen ... James P. Preston.

Commissioners Report on Proposed Canals to North Carolina.

[Report of the commissioners, P. R. Gilmer, Isaac H. Coles, and George Tucker, appointed from Virginia to the legislature of North Carolina, on the subject of the canals proposed to be cut from Roanoke river to Meherrin, and from the waters of Chowan river to Norfolk].

Committee Report on Accounts of Treasurer John Preston.

[Report of committee of finance on the accounts of the treasurer, John Preston, Jan. 1, 1810 to Dec. 31, 1810].

Committee Report on Accounts of Treasurer John Preston.

[Report of committee on the reports of the treasurer, John Preston, Jan. 1, 1811 to Dec. 31, 1811].

Committee Report on Claims of Revolutionary War Veterans.

[Report of committee respecting the claim of the Virginia officers and soldiers of the late continental and state lines, and such part of the governor’s letter as relates to that subject].

Committee Report on Condition of the Bank of Virginia.

[Report of committee on memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of Virginia].

Committee Report on Probable Expenses of Government in 1811.

[Report of committee of finance on probable expenses of government, Jan. 1, 1811 to Dec. 31, 1811, and probable receipts].

Committee Report on Probable Expenses of Government in 1812.

[Report of committee of finance on probable expenses Jan. 1, 1812 to Dec. 31, 1812, and probable receipts].

Committee Report on Resolutions on Crisis with Great Britain.

[Report of the select committee on Robertson’s resolutions].

Committee Report on the Conduct of John McKeon.

[Report of committee on the conduct of John McKeon, a member of the house].

Committee Report on the Election of Richard Coleman.

[Report of committee on the election of Richard Coleman of Fairfax].

Committee Report on the Estimate of the Expenses of Government.

The Committee of Finance have had the various subjects to them referred, under their consideration, and beg leave to submit thereupon, the following report to the House: Estimate of expenses of government from the first of October, 1805, to the thirtieth of September, 1806, including debts payable during that period

Communication from Maryland on Amendments to Federal Constitution.

[Communication from state of Maryland proposing amendments to the federal constitution].

Communication from President and Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Communication from the president, and directors of the literary fund prepared in obedience to the resolution of the general assembly of the 24th of February, 1816, that they be requested to digest and report to the general assembly, a system of public education ... and to comprehend in such system, the establishment of an university, to be called “The university of Virginia,” and additional colleges, academies and schools].

Communication from the Judiciary to the Legislature.

[Communication from the Judiciary, made to the Legislature through the Executive].

Communication from Treasurer on State of the Treasury.

Communication from Jerman Baker, treasurer of the commonwealth, to the house of delegates, February 7th, 1820; on the state of the treasury.

Communication of Governor in relation to the Treasury Department.

Communication of the Chief Magistrate, to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, in relation to the treasury department (published by order of the House of Delegates.)

Communications of Several States on Virginia Resolution.

The Communications of several states, on the resolutions of the legislature of Virginia, respecting the Alien and Sedition laws.

Communications on Unsatisfied Claims of Virginia with United States.

Communications from the executive to the General Assembly, on the subject of the unsatisfied claims of the Commonwealth of Virginia on the government of the United States. Printed by order of the House of Delegates

Communications on Virginia Resolution with Committee Report thereon.

Communications from several states, on the resolutions of the legislature of Virginia, respecting the Alien & Sedition laws: also instructions from the General Assembly of Virginia, to their senators in Congress and, the report of the committee to whom was committed the proceedings of sundry of the other states in answer to the resolutions of the General Assembly, of the 21st, day of Dec. 1798. By order of the General Assembly.

Communications relative to the Conduct of John K. Read, magistrate.

Richard E. Lee's letter, the attorney general's opinion, and the affidavits accompanying the governor's communication to the General Assembly, relative to the conduct of Doctor John K. Read, a magistrate of the borough of Norfolk.

Company Orders for Petersburg Troop of Cavalry.

Company Orders for 1819. Attention cavalry. The members of the Petersburg troop of cavalry are ordered to parade on Saturday, the 17th day of April next, at Poplar Spring, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, armed and equipped according to law, and agreeable to the bye-laws of the Company . . . Dan’l C. Butts, Captain. Petersburg, Va., April 1, 1819.

Comparative View of the Four Projected Coastwise Canals.

A comparative view of the four projected coastwise canals, which are proposed by some to be in competition for the trade between Norfolk and North-Carolina. By William Tatham

Compendious View of the Trial of Aaron Burr.

A compendious view of the trial of Aaron Burr, (late vice-president of the United States), charged with high treason. Together with biographical sketches of several eminent characters. By William Thomson, attorney at law, Abingdon, Virg.

Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery.

A compendium of practical and experimental farriery, originally suggested by reason and confirmed by practice equally adapted for the convenience of the gentleman, the farmer, the groom, and the smith, intersperses with such remarks, and elucidated with such cases, as evidently tend to insure the prevention, as well as to ascertain the cure of disease. By William Taplin, surgeon, author of "The Gentleman's Stable Directory, 2 vols." the twelfth edition of which is now published.

Compleat System of Fencing

A compleat system of fencing: or, The art of defence, in the use of the small-sword. Wherein the most necessary parts thereof are plainly laid down; chiefly for gentlemen, promoters and lovers of that science in North America. : Shewing also, how necessary it is for all gentlemen to learn it. In a dialogue between master and scholar.

Complete Table of Currency Values.

A Complete table of dollars and cents, and of the value of foreign gold coins, (as rated by an act of Congress, of the United States, passed the 9th of February, 1793.) -- The 1st table shews the value of Virginia currency in dollars and parts--The 2d the value of dollars and parts in Virginia currency--The 3d the value of penny-weights and grains of different gold coins in dollars and parts--And the 4th the value of penny-weights and grains of different foreign coins in Virginia currency.

Concise Statement on Federal Duties on Distilled Spirits.

The following is a concise statement of the act of Congress, passed at the last session, laying certain duties on distilled spirits, : published for the information of all concerned ... Edw. Carrington, sup. for the District of Virginia. Richmond, May 16, 1791.

Concise System of English Grammar.

Concise system of English grammar, by Francis Crutchfield, for the use of his own school.

Conference of Evangelical Lutheran Ministers, October 1806 [in German].

Berrichtung der Special-Conferenz der Evang. Luth. Prediger und Abgeordneten im Staat Virginien, gehalten in der neuen Röders-Kirche, Rockingham Caunty, den 6ten October, 1806. Mit zu gesetzter Ermahnung an alle Glieder der Kirche, auf besseren Kirchen-Gang; und etliche Werke die bey der Einweihung besagter Kirche gesungen wurden; wie auch eine kurze Nachricht von den deutschen Kirchen und ihre gegenwärtige Laage in Nord Carolina.

Conference of Evangelical Lutheran Ministers, October 1807 [in German].

Berrichtung der Special-Conferenz der Evang. Luth. Lehrer im Staat Virginien, gehalten in Neumarket, Schenandoah Caunty, den 4ten und 5ten October, 1807. : nebst einen Anhang eines Leichen-Formulars. Zum Gebrauch der verschiedenen Gemeinden unseres Districts, wobey Todes-Fällen kein ordentlicher Lehrer kann erlangt werden.

Conference of Evangelical Lutheran Ministers, October 1808 [in German].

Bericht von der Special-Conferenz der Evan. Luth. Prediger und Abgeordneten im Staat Virginien, gehalten in Winchester, Friederich Caunty, den 3ten October, 1808. : Mit einer zugesetzter [sic] Ermahnung zum sonntäglichen Vorlesen in den predigerlosen Gemeinen; so auch zur Heiligung des Sabbaths.

Conference of Evangelical Lutheran Ministers, October 1809 [in German].

Die Verrichtungen der Special-Conferenz, der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Prediger und Abgeordneten, in der Salomons-Kirche, Schenandaah [sic] Caunty, Virginia, gehalten den ersten und zweyten October, 1809. Mit beygefügten Ermahnungen.

Confession of Faith held by a Society of Friends.

A confession of faith held by a Society of Friends called Separates, containing their fundamental principles. It was wrote with a desire of promoting truth by one that sincerely wishes the good of all.

Confession of the Prince of Darkness.

Confession of the prince of darkness, concerning his devices, in politics and religion. … By D.A. Balcom. Second edition.

Confirmation of a General Peace.

Confirmation of a general peace. Richmond, March 29. By an express arrived this afternoon, from Philadelphia, to His Excellency the governour, we have the following agreeable intelligence. ...

Congressional Act Laying Import Duties.

Congress of the United States, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday, the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine. An act for laying a duty on goods, wares, and merchandises, imported into the United States.

Congressional Act Regulating Administration of Oaths.

In Council, June 23, 1789. The governor laid before the board a letter from the president of the United States, inclosing a copy of an act of Congress, intituled, "An act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain oaths"---whereupon it is advised, that 200 copies thereof be struck, and that two of them be transmitted to each of the Superior and County Courts within this state. ...

Congressman's Constituent Letter of April 1806.

... The session of Congress being about to close, I make use of this method of communicating to you, and through you to your neighbours, a view of the most important measures adopted during its progress ... Washington City, 18th April, 1806.

Results 851-900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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