Results 1001-1050 of 3366
This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
[District Court Bill]
Doctor Dick's instructions for the nursing and management of lying-in-women: : with some remarks concerning the treatment of new-born infants.
[Documents accompanying a proposed bill providing for the endowment of primary schools, academies, colleges and an university!
[Documents of the auditor, John Burfoot, accompanying the journal].
[Documents accompanying auditor’s report].
[Documents accompanying the supplemental report of the board of public works].
[Documents accompanying the auditor’s communication marked “Revenue for the year 1809” and “A list of expenditures charged on the revenue for 1809.”].
[Documents accompanying the treasurer’s report].
[Documents accompanying the report of treasurer, John Preston].
Documents accompanying the treasurer’s report, December, 1817
[Documents concerning Expenses attending Defense of Virginia].
Richard E. Lee's letter, the attorney general's opinion, and the affidavits accompanying the governor's communication to the General Assembly, relative to the conduct of Doctor John K. Read, a magistrate of the borough of Norfolk.
[Document no. 1. Abstract of prisoners in the penitentiary.—no. 2. Criminal charges from 1795 to 1805.—no. 3. Shewing the number of prisoners convicted for each crime, the number from each district, the number of years each was sentenced.—no. 4. Letter from Captain Quarrier showing number of public guard kept at the penitentiary. —no. 5. Letter from the superintendent of the penitentiary laid before the house by the governor].
The Articles of Confederation; the Declaration of Rights; the Constitution of the Commonwealth, and the articles of the definitive treaty between Great-Britain and the United States of America. Published by order of the General Assembly.
[Substitute resolutions on contracts involving public square in Richmond, Bill to make additional appropriations to defray the expense of improvements of the public square and repairs to the capitol, and accompanying documents]
A plan of government. Laid before the committee of the House, which they have ordered to be printed for the perusal of the members.
The following declaration was reported to the Convention by the committee appointed to prepare the same, : and referred to the consideration of a committee of the whole Convention; and, in the mean time, is ordered to be printed for the perusal of the members. : A declaration of rights made by the representatives of the good people of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention ...
[Resolution of confidence in the president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson].
Draughts of such bills, as have been prepared by the committee appointed under the act, intituled, “an act, to amend an act, intituled, an act, concerning a new edition of the laws of this commonwealth, reforming certain rules of legal construction, and providing for the due publication of the laws and resolutions of each session, “passed on the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, on the subjects of those laws which from their multiplicity require to be reduced into single acts. Transmitted to the executive on the twenty-sixth of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, in order to be printed.
Draughts of such bills, as have been prepared by the committee appointed under the act, intituled, “an act, to amend an act, intituled, an act, concerning a new edition of the laws of this commonwealth, reforming certain rules of legal construction, and providing for the due publication of the laws and resolutions of each session, “passed on the twenty-third day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, on the subjects of those laws which from their multiplicity require to be reduced into single acts. Transmitted to the executive on the eighteenth of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, in order to be printed. Vol. II.
Draughts of such bills as have been prepared by the Revisors of the Laws, appointed by the act entituled "An act concerning a new edition of the laws of this commonwealth", passed the fifteen day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, on the subjects of those laws which, from their multiplicity, require to be reduced into single acts. As also, their report of such other laws and parts of laws of a general concern, as shall remain in force at the close of the present session of the General Assembly, and of such laws as are unfit to be construed in force, together with their report of the titles of all acts which may be proper to be omitted in a general compilation of the laws.
The governour's answer to the joint address of the Hon. the Council and the House of Burgesses, in consequence of the message which His Excellency left behind him, upon his retreat on board the Fowey man of war.
Duties laid on the following articles by the House of Assembly of the state of Virginia, the 27th December, 1787.
The duties of the members of a church to each other. Extracted from Dr. Gill's works.
To the printer. Sir, The inclosed letter contains the reasons of His Excellency Governor Randolph for refusing his signature to the proposed fœderal constitution of government submitted to the several states by the late convention at Philadelphia.
Education during the year 1812. John Lewis, proposes to engage in the professional instruction of youth, at Belle Air, in Spotsylvania County ... Belle Air, October 10th, 1811 ...
Education. A discourse, upon the nature and importance of a good education. By George Bourne.
Evidences of the efficacy of Doctor Perkins's patent metallic instruments.
Ein Abend-Gespräch, zwischen drey Knaben, in Nord-Carolina, : betreffend dem Vollsaufen und dessen üblen Folgen.
Ein Geschenk fúr die Kinder der Deutschen Schule, auf das Oesterfest, im Jahr 1814. L.M. Mel. Wir singen dir Immanuel.
Ein Geschenk fúr die Kinder der Deutschen Schule, auf das Oesterfest, im Jahr 1814. L.M. Mel. Wir singen dir Immanuel.
Ein musicalisches Lied. Grosser Himmel darf ich's nennen …
Ein neues A.B.C. Lied...
Ein neues Trauer-Lied. Wie man vernommen, von einem Menschen, der nach dem Tode ist wieder kommen. Diese Begebenheit hat sich vor nicht langer Zeit zehn Meilen von Carlisle zugetragen; die Namen der Personen sind verschwiegenp um die noch lebende Familie zu schonen. Melodie: Ihr Sünder kommts gegangen
Ein schon Pilgcr Liedlein. Dies Liedlein hat ein Mann gedichtet ...
Ein Schönes Jesu-Lied. Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen...
Ein Zeugniss von der Taufe, wie dieselbe bey den ersten Christen von der Aposteln Zeit an ist geübet worden, und von dem Abendmahl nach der Einsetzung Christi und seiner Apostel, und von dem Füsswaschen wie dasselbe in rechter Ordnung soll gebraucht werden, : und auch vom Aussatz und Spreng-Wasser was es abbildet. Geschrieben von einem Liebhaber der göttlichen Wahrheit; vorgestellet, zum Nachdenken allen deujenigen [sic] welche ihr Heil suchen.
Eine Predigt ueber die Epistel Pauli an die Epheser, im 5ten Capitel und 14ten Vers: herausgegeben von Georg Marcell Wenng, wohnhaft in Schenandoah Caunty, Virginien.
Eine Rede über die Rechtfertigung eines bussfertigen und gläubigen Sünders vor Gott. Am 11ten Sonntag Trinitatis.
Eine Reise Beschreibung vom 28sten May bis zum 18ten August, im Jahr 1811 von Psr. Paulus Henkel.
Eine traurige Geschichte [eine Gedichte], welche sich auf einem zwischen einem Gesellen und einer Jungfrau zugetragen hat.
Eine Verhandlung von der äusserlichen Wasser-Taufe : und Erklärung einiger Irrthümer, wie auch von der Feuer-Taufe und wie in Christo das gesetzliche Osterlamm aufgehöret, und das Abendmahl eingesetzt, und wie man den Geist Gottes erkennen soll von den Geistern des Irrthums durch Peter Burkholter.
Eine wahre Geschichte, oder, Eeine probirte Kunst, in Feuers-Gefahr wie auch in Pestilenz Zeiten zu gebrauchen : ist von einem christlichen Singmeister, König aus Egypten erfunden worden...
Einige Verse, die gesungen wurden bey einer Trauerrede, die von Pfr. Paul Henkel gehalten wurde, zum Andenken des seligen Pfr. J. Friederich Schlägels, den 9ten July, 1805, in Stokes Caunty, Nord-Carolina ...
To the citizens of Accomack, Northampton, Elizabeth-City, Warwick and York. Friends and fellow-citizens, As I had the honor of being twice elected your representative without opposition, when your counties were added to Gloucester and Mathews to compose a new district ... I trust I shall not be charged with arrogance in offering you my services again as your representative ...
To the Editor of the Enquirer ... Whether the cheerful sun shall gild the day ... Carolinus.
Lines written by Lewis Littlepage, a youth at William & Mary College, 15 years of age. An elegy on the death of the late Colonel Tarleton Fleming, of Rock Castle. Goochland County, A. D. 1778 ...
Elements of the Jewish faith, translated from the Hebrew of Rabbi S.I. Cohen. Republished by H. Cohen, Richmond, Virginia, A.M. 5577.
Results 1001-1050 of 3366
This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.