Imprint Records

Results 801-850 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Circular Letter on the Two Per Cent Tax.

In Council, March 26, 1781. Gentlemen, the law requiring that the tobacco notes received by you in payment of the two per cent tax, under the act of October 1780, for recruiting out quota of continental troops, should be transmitted to the Executive, you will be pleased to transmit them accordingly, so soon as they shall be received, the tobacco being much, and immediately wanted, to provide clothing for the soldiers ...

Circular Letter on Ticket of Federalist Electors.

Sir, It being doubtful whether printed tickets, from an ambiguous expression of the law, may not be objected to, we earnestly recommend it to you to procure as many tickets to be written, as may be necessary for the Federal voters in your county … William Austin, Secretary to the Committee at Richmond, August 19th, 1800.

Circular Letter on Ticket of Republican Electors.

Richmond, August 9th, 1800. Sir, we have taken the liberty to advise you, to have the tickets for electors of president and vice-president of the United States written; and have thought proper to recommend to you the following form.

Circular Letter relating to Escheators and County Courts.

[Circular letter relating to escheators and county courts].

Circular Letter relative to Commissioners.

[Governor’s letter relative to commissioners, March 29, 1781]

Circular Letter relative to County Sheriffs.

(Circular.) In Council, 8th of January, 1798. Gentlemen, My official duty calls upon me to request your particular attention to the law relative to the appointment and duties of sheriffs. ... I have the honor to be, with the most respectful consideration, gentlemen, your most obedient servant, [blank].

Circular Letter Relative to Pensioners.

In Council, January 21, 1790. Gentlemen, A list of the pensioners who are still chargeable to the state, has been forwarded to you; by it you will perceive that the amount is considerable ... I am gentlemen, your most obedient servant, James Wood, lieutenant governor. (The governor being sick).

Circular Letter relative to Pensioners.

Richmond, July 6, 1792. Gentlemen, I beg leave to transmit to you a copy of a letter of the 21st of January, 1790, and to request your uniform attention thereto. ... I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant, Henry Lee. …

Circular Letter Relative to Pensioners.

In Council, February 20, 1786. Gentlemen, I am under the necessity of troubling you again on the subject of pensioners. The General Assembly, at their last session, having materially altered the law respecting them, that no person now on the pension list, can procure a warrant for the present year, until they undergo a re-examination, in order that their several degrees of disability may fully be ascertained, so as to make their future allowances correspond with their real situation. … I am, gentlemen, your very obedient servant, [blank]

Circular Letter Reporting on Colonial Grievance Meetings.

Saturday, June 4, 1774. Yesterday the northern post came in just after we had published our paper. ... Mr. Speaker called upon us this morning, and expressed an earnest desire to have the transactions of the different colonies transmitted to our late representatives as speedily as possible. ...

Circular Letter requesting List of County Magistrates.

In Council, January the 16th, 1797. Gentlemen, The executive deem it essentially necessary, that an accurate state of the commission of the peace in each county, should be known to them ... I have the honor to be, with due consideration and respect, gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant, [blank].

Circular Letter respecting Arms.

[Circular Letter respecting Arms].

Circular Letter respecting Magistrates in Commission.

[Communication from the governor to the several counties, respecting magistrates in commission].

Circular Letter to Assembly Delegates.

[Letter of the executive enclosing the proclamation convening the assembly]

Circular Letter to Brigadier Generals.

[Letter to brigadier generals].

Circular Letter to Clergymen and Vestries of Diocese of Virginia.

Alexandria, Sept. 19, 1816. To the friends of the Church in Virginia : On the 1st of March last, we took the liberty to address a circular letter to the clergymen and vestries of the different parishes within the diocese of Virginia submitting to their consideration the propriety of constituting a fund for the support of the episcopate …

Circular Letter to Commandants of Brigades and Regiments.

[Advice of council to commandants of brigades and regiments].

Circular Letter to Commandants of Regiments.

[Circular to commandants of regiments, with extract from Governor Cabell’s letter].

Circular Letter to Commissaries.

[Letter of the executive for commissaries]

Circular Letter To County Court Clerks (October 1803).

Circular: Richmond, October 17th, 1803. Sir, As the 30th section of the act "Concerning Slaves, free Negroes and Mulattoes" enacted, "That no Slave shall be codemned [sic] unless all the justices sitting upon his or her trial shall agree in opinion that the prisoner is guilty, after allowing him or her counsel in his or her defence;" and as ... these requisites of the act have not been fully complied with in some cases … John Page.

Circular Letter to County Courts (January 1806).

Circular to county courts, Richmond, January 16. 1806. Gentlemen . . .

Circular Letter to County Courts on Raising New Militia Companies.

To the worshipful the county court of [blank]. Gentlemen, The last General Assembly having authorised me, with the advice of Council, to raise as many additional companies of artillery and troops of cavalry as will constitute a regiment of each, in the four respective divisions of the militia in the State, and to appoint the necessary officers to command them ... I am, Gentlemen, with the highest respect, your obedient servant, [blank] Richmond, February 12th 1796.

Circular Letter to County Escheators.

Council chamber, January 25, 1794. Sir, The annexed resolution of the General Assembly is sent to you for your information ...

Circular Letter To County Militia Commanders (November 1803).

[Circular letter with copy of former orders by Gen. Lee and extract from militia law annexed].

Circular Letter to County Militia Commanders.

Williamsburg, August 6, 1778. : Sir, By the resolutions of Congress which accompany this, you will perceive that the expedition against Detroit is laid aside; but that, in order to protect the frontiers, the war is to be carried into such of the enemies towns as General Mackintosh shall direct. ... I am, Sir, your most humble servant, P. Henry.

Circular Letter to County Officials.

[Letter of the executive to magistrates and county lieutenants]

Circular Letter to Federalist County Committees.

Richmond, September 22, 1800. Sir, Whether we shall succeed ... in the ensuing election, will depend almost entirely upon the zeal of the county committees ... William Austin, secretary. By order of the committee entrusted with the ticket of the minority.

Circular Letter to Militia Colonels (August 1805).

[Governor’s circular letter to colonels of regiments].

Circular Letter to Militia Commandants.

Circular: Richmond, April 14th, 1808. Sir, I forward you a list of officers who ... appear to hold commissions in your regiment ...

Circular Letter to Militia Commanders from Adjutant General’s Office.

[Circular from adjutant general’s office with advice annexed].

Circular Letter to Militia Commanders.

As we have great Reason to believe that our Enemies will make a vigorous Attack on this Commonwealth if they should not succeed in their Attempts against New York, where they have at this Time a very large and formidable Force, which may be transported hither in a few Days; I have thought proper, by the Advice of the Council, to direct that the Militia of this State be immediately trained, armed, and prepared for Action, … Given under my hand, this 20th of August, 1776. John Page, president.

Circular Letter to Militia Officers, October 27, 1820.

[Circular of adjutant general to militia officers. Oct. 27, 1820].

Circular Letter to Officers appointed in the New Army.

[Letter of executive to officers appointed in the new army].

Circular Letter to Possible Federalist Presidential Electors.

Richmond, February [blank] 1800. Sir, The members of the late General Assembly opposed to a law of the last session which changes the ancient usage of this country in elections, by substituting, in the place of viva voce suffrage, a ballot by a general ticket, in the election of a president and vice president of the United States; perceiving that the acknowledged object of this alarming innovation, is to annihilate, in this instance, the rights of the minority as citizens on the United States, and thereby produce such a change in the government thereof ... In conformity with this plan, we address you, who are named in the 3d resolution for the county of Accomack with information that George Parker Esq. is upon the list of candidates for your district, and request a free communication upon the subject. By order of the Committee, at Richmond, William Austin, Secretary

Circular Letter to Possible Republican Presidential Electors.

Richmond, January 30, 1800. : Dear sir, The legislature of this state, at their last session, deemed it expedient to prescribe a mode of choosing electors, to vote for a President and Vice-President, of the United States, calculated to give to Virginia, the weight to which she is entitled in the Union … The committee have it in charge to request that you will as soon as convenient, after the receipt of this communication inform them by letter to their chairman, wheteer [sic] you consent to be placed upon the Republican ticket, as a candidate in your electoral district. … Philip Norbome Nicholas, Chairman of the general committee of correspondence at Richmond. John H. Foushee, Secretary.

Circular Letter to Supernumeraries.

[Letter of the executive for supernumeraries]

Circular Letter to the County Courts.

[Advice of council to the county courts].

Circular Letter to the Masonic Lodges of Virginia.

Richmond, Virginia, February 28--A.L. 5799. Worshipful brother, pursuant to a regulation of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, which confers on me the honorable office of supporting a regular correspondence with the grand lodges established in North-America and Europe, I now do myself the pleasure of addressing to you, for the information of your right worshipful grand lodge , the annexed extracts from the proceedings of our last grand annual communication ...

Circular Letter to Western Militia.

[Circular letter of the governor, Patrick Henry, to the county lieutenant of Monongalia, stating that the expedition against Detroit is laid aside. Aug 6, 1776]

Circular Letter with Republican Electoral Ticket for 1816.

Circular. To the corresponding committees for promoting the election of the Republican candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States. Richmond, August 22d, 1816. Gentlemen ... [signed] William Brockenbrough, Francis Taliaferro Brooke, John Campbell, John Coalter, Charles Everett, Alexander McRae, John Preston, Thomas Ritchie, John Robertson, Andrew Stevenson, and William Wirt.

Circular Letters of the Executive to the Officers.

[Circular of the executive to the officers].

Circular Letters to County Lieutenants.

[Letter of the executive to the county lieutenants]

Circular of Society for Promoting Success of the War with Great Britain.

Sir, The Central Standing Committee invites you attention to the inclosed report of the proceedings of the society, from which you will perceive, it has derived it's powers and received it's instructions. You, Sir, are an American―you are a Virginian―it is enough. You shall be insulted by no effort to rouse your patriotism. Feeling, as we are sure you do, what is due from you to the land of your fathers―to the place of you nativity―the most glowing words would barely give utterance of what is in your heart. ..

Circular on Sale of Lands taken for Non-Payment of Taxes.

[Opinion of the attorney general on the law subjecting lands to be sold for the non-payment of taxes].

Circular regarding Museum established by Alexandria-Washington Lodge.

Circular. [blank] Dear Sir, The members of Alexandria Washington Lodge ... having consented to the establishment of a museum …

Circular reporting District Deputy Grand Master Masons.

Richmond, June 28, 1810. I have the pleasure of forwarding to you the following list of the district deputy grand masters of the districts assigned to them ... Wm. H. Fitzwhylsonn.

Circular reporting District Deputy Grand Master Masons.

Richmond, June 28, 1810. I have the pleasure of forwarding to you the following list of the district deputy grand masters of the districts assigned to them ... Wm. H. Fitzwhylsonn.

Circular reporting Proceedings of Salem Lodge no. 81.

(Circular.) Richmond, May 11, 1813. The master of Lodge no. [b;ank]. Worshipful sir and brother, at a meeting of Lodge no. 81 ...

Circular soliciting Annual Exhibitions for Virginia Museum of Art.

Sir, the building for the Virginia Museum, in this city is now nearly completed, and the establishment will, we flatter ourselves, be opened early the ensuing summer. It is our wish to have annual exhibitions of the works of art. they will enable the public to form a just estimate of individual talent, and have a tendency to improve general taste. Many artists have productions on hand, which they would like to dispose of, in Richmond ... The first annual exhibition to take place the first Monday in October next; each individual sending any specimen of art must have it framed, and may be assured attention will be used to place it advantageously ... Sir, Your humble servants, [blank] Richmond, Virginia. [Blank] 181[blank].

Circular to the Patrons of the Lexington News Letter.

The News-Letter, Lexington: Saturday, June 12, 1819. To the patrons of the News Letter. The editor is under the necessity of apologizing for the non-appearance of the News Letter today - it is owing to a disappointment at the paper mill …

Results 801-850 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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