Imprint Records

Results 2601-2650 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Sacred Dramas.

Sacred dramas, written in French, by Madame la comtesse de Genlis. Translated into English, by Thomas Holcroft. Contents. The death of Adam, Hagar in the wilderness, The sacrifice of Isaac, Joseph made known to his brethren. Ruth and Naomi. Widow of Sarepta, Return of Tobias.

Sale Catalogue of Thomas Keesee, Vendue Merchant.

Catalogue of rare books, maps, pictures, engravings, bookcases, &c., to be sold at my auction rooms on Tuesday, 30th inst., at 10 a.m.

Sanction for the New Ahiman Rezon.

Sanction. To the Masters and Wardens of the subordinate lodges, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, Greeting. …

Scenes in the World of Spirits of Henry Stilling.

Scenes in the world of spirits of Henry Stilling, professor of the University at Marburg, (Germany). Translated from the third original edition.

Schedule of Compensation for Troops of the United States.

Schedule of the monthly compensation of the troops of the United States, agreeably to the several acts of congress in force on the 1st of April, 1813. … William W. Hening, deputy adjutant general, April 28, 1813.

Schedule of Pay, Subsistence, and Forage of Troops in Service.

Schedule of monthly pay, subsistence, and forage, of troops in actual service, agreeably to the acts of congress in force on the 1st July, 1814.

Scheme of the Petersburg Church Lottery.

Petersburg Church Lottery. Scheme of a lottery, for raising the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds, to be applied toward paying the expence of building a church in the town of Petersburg.

Scriptural Doctrine of Water Baptism.

The scriptural doctrine of water baptism. Shewing I. The scriptural subjects of that ordinance. II. The scriptural mode of its administration. And, lastly, answering some questions for the satisfaction of serious enquirers. By the Rev. William Graham, A.M.

Scripture Proofs of Sorcery.

Scripture proofs of sorcery, and warning against sorcerers. A treatise by Jerem. Minter ...

Second Annual Report of President and Board of Public Works.

Annual report of the president and directors of the board of public works, to the general assembly of Virginia, in pursuance of an act, entitled “an act creating a fund for internal improvement.”

Second Annual Report of the Bible Society of Frederick County.

The second annual report of the Bible Society of Frederick County, Virginia; read before the Society at their annual meeting, April 1st. 1815. With an appendix and list of subscribers and benefactors.

Secretary Pickering's Letter answering French Complaints.

A letter from Mr. Pickering, secretary of state, to Mr. Pinckney, minister plenipotentiary at Paris, in answer to the complaints communicated by Mr. Adet, minister of the French republic, against the United States of America.

Sections of Act appropriating part of Revenue of the Literary Fund.

[The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4tb, 5th, 6th and 7th sections of the act, passed at the last session of the General Assembly, entitled, "an act appropriating part of the revenue of the Literary Fund, and for other purposes"].

Sections of Bank Bill relative to Literary Fund Banks.

[Report of the committee of finance, giving an estimate of expenses and receipts, Oct. 1, 1815 to Sept. 30, 1816].

Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs for Children of God.

A Selection of hymns and spiritual songs: Designed to engage the children of God, in their private circles and public assemblies, to speak to each other in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. As a supplement to those selections now in use. By George C. Sedwick, pastor of the Baptist church at Rock-Hill, Stafford Co. Virginia.

Self Disclaimed and Christ Exalted.

Self disclaimed and Christ exalted: A sermon, preached at Philadelphia, before the reverend Synod of New-York, May 25th, 1758. By David Bostwick, A.M. Minister of the Presbyterian Church in N. York. Published at the request of the members of the Synod.

Self-Government: or The Victory of Reason over the Passions.

Self-government: or the victory of reason over the passions. A funeral sermon, occasioned by the death of Doctor Francis H. Peyton. By the Rev. John Mines, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Leesburg, Virginia.

Senate Address on the Emission of Paper Money.

By the Senate, January 20, 1787. … the message on the subject of an emission of paper money, sent to the house of delegates …

Senate Amendment to Bill to Prevent Frivolous and Vexatious Suits.

[Bill for limitation of actions, to prevent frivolous and vexatious suits, concerning jeofiails, and certain proceedings in civil cases, with amendments to 37th and 38th sections].

Senate Amendment to House Bill concerning Taxes on Land.

[An amendment proposed by the committee of the senate to the bill entitled “an act to amend and explain the act entitled an act concerning taxes on lands”].

Senate Amendments proposed to Bill to Raise a Force for Defence.

[Amendments bv the senate to the bill to authorize the raising of regular troops for the defence of the commonwealth].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning Executions and Insolvent Debtors.

[Amendments of the senate to the bill concerning executions, and for the relief of insolvent debtors].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning Inferior Courts.

[Amendments of the senate to the bill concerning the county and other inferior courts].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning Obstructions to Water Courses (1).

[Amendments proposed by the Senate to the bill to reduce into one several acts concerning Mills, Mill-dams, and other obstructions to water-courses].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning Obstructions to Water Courses (2).

[Amendments proposed by the Senate to the bill to reduce into one several acts concerning Mills, Mill-dams, and other obstructions to water-courses].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning Superior Courts.

[Amendments proposed by the senate to the bill concerning the establishment, jurisdiction and powers of the superior courts of law].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning the Land Office.

[Amendments proposed by the senate to the bill concerning the land office].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning the Land Tax.

[Amendments of senate to bill concerning taxes on lands].

Senate Amendments to Bill concerning the Penitentiary House.

[Bill to reduce into one a. t the several acts and parts of acts for establishing a penitentiary-house, and for punishment ol crimes, with amendments].

Senate Amendments to Bill for Consolidating Acts on Conveyances.

[Amendments proposed by the committee of the senate to the bill entitled An act to reduce into one the several acts for regulating conveyances, and concerning wrongful alienations].

Senate Amendments to Bill on Criminal Proceedings of Free Persons (1).

[Amendments proposed by the senate to the bill concerning the method of proceeding against free persons charged with certain crimes, etc.].

Senate Amendments to Bill on Criminal Proceedings of Free Persons (2).

[Amendment proposed by the Senate to the bill, entitled, An act to reduce into one act the several acts concerning yhe method of proceeding against free persons charged with certain crimes; declaring the mode of proceeding on indictments, inhumations, and prosecutions

Sequel to the English Reader.

Sequel to the English reader: or, Elegant selections in prose and poetry. Designed to improve the highest class of learners, in reading; to establish a taste for the just and accurate composition; and to promote the interests of piety and virtue. By Lindley Murray, author of "English grammar adapted to the different classes of learners," from the third English edition, enlarged and improved.

Sermon before the Young Men's Missionary Society of Richmond.

The instrumentality of man, employed in propagating the gospel: a missionary sermon, by John H. Rice. Published for the benefit of the Young Men’s Missionary Society of Richmond. With an appendix, containing the constitution of the society; the first annual report; and an address to the young men of Virginia.

Sermon by Conrad Speece on Day for Humiliation and Prayer.

A sermon, delivered at Peterville Church, on Thursday, August 20, 1812: being the day appointed by the president of the United States for public humiliation and prayer, on account of the war with England. By Conrad Speece.

Sermon by William Meade at Convention of the Diocese of Virginia.

Sermon, delivered by the Rev. Wm. Meade, at the opening of the Convention, of the Diocese of Virginia, at Winchester. May twentyeth one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

Sermon concerning Excellency and Usefulness of the Common Prayer.

A sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the Common prayer: preached by William Beveridge, D.D. late Bishop of St. Asaph, at the opening of the Parish Church of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London, the 27th of November, 1681. 31st edition.

Sermon Delivered for Benefit of the Female Humane Association.

Sermon delivered at the capitol on Sabbath, April 30th, 1809. For the benefit of the Female Humane Association of the city of Richmond. By the Reverend Conrad Speece. Published by request of the Association

Sermon delivered in the Monumental Church by Rev. William H. Wilmer.

A sermon, delivered in the Monumental Church, in Richmond, before the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of the state of Virginia, and at the first opening of the Monumental Church, on Wednesday, May 4, 1814 By Rev. William H. Wilmer. rector of St. Paul’s Church, Alexandria

Sermon delivered to Washington Society of Alexandria.

At a meeting of the Washington Society of Alexandria, at Canton's Hotel, the 22d February, 1809, it was resolved, that the thanks of the Society be tendered to the Rev'd. Dr. Muir, for the elegant and pathetic sermon this day delivered by him before the Society, and that a copy be requested for publication. G. Deneale, sec'ry.

Sermon for the Benefit of the Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergymen (A).

A sermon preached at Williamsburg, May V. 1771, for the benefit of a fund to support the poor widows and orphans of clergymen in Virginia: by S. Henley, professor of moral philosophy, in William and Mary College.

Sermon for the Benefit of the Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergymen (B).

A sermon preached at Williamsburg, May V. 1771, for the benefit of a fund to support the poor widows and orphans of clergymen in Virginia: by S. Henley, professor of moral philosophy, in William and Mary College.

Sermon Occasioned by the Richmond Theatre Fire.

A sermon, delivered in the Presbyterian meeting-house in Winchester, on Thursday the 23d Jan. 1812; being a day of fasting and humiliation, appointed by the citizens of Winchester on account of the late calamitous fire at the Richmond Theatre. By the Rev. William Hill, of Winchester.

Sermon on Covenants of Works and Grace by James Morgan.

A sermon on the covenant of works and the covenant of grace, by James Morgan, minister of the Gospel.

Sermon on the Death of George II.

A sermon delivered at Nassau-Hall, January 14, 1761, on the death of His late Majesty King George II. By Samuel Davies, A.M. late president of the College of New-Jersey; To which is prefixed a brief account of the life, character and death, of the author. By David Bostwick, A.M. Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in New-York.

Sermon on the Death of Washington by John D. Blair.

A sermon on the death of Lieutenant General George Washington. Delivered in the Capitol in Richmond, by John D. Blair, Chaplain to the House of Delegates.

Sermon on the Death of William Alexander.

A sermon, Delivered on the 5th of April 1801, by James Hurt, V.D.M. On the Death of William Alexander, late D.C.C.C., who was inhumanly murdered on the 27th day of September, 1800, upon the highway.

Sermon on the Doctrine of the Trinity.

A sermon on the doctrine of the Trinity. By Nathanael Emmons., D.D. of Massachusetts.

Sermon on the Impetuosity and Bad Effects of Passion.

A sermon on the impetuosity and bad effects of passion. And the most likely means of subduing it. By John D. Blair.

Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of the Right Rev. T. J. Claggett.

A sermon, delivered in Christ Church, Alexandria. On the occasion of the death of the Right Rev. T. J. Claggett, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland. By the Revd. William H. Wilmer., rector of St. Paul's Church, Alexandria.

Results 2601-2650 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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