Imprint Records

Results 2251-2300 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Proclamation of October 15, 1770

Virginia, sc. By the Honourable William Nelson, Esq; president of His Majesty's Council and commander in chief of this dominion. a proclamation: Whereas by the death of the Right Honourable Norborne, Baron de Botetourt, His Majesty's late lieutenant and governor general ... and by the resignation of the Honourable John Blair, Esquire, the administration of the government is devolved upon me ... Given at the Council-chamber at Williamsburg, this 15th day of October 1770.

Proclamation of October 19, 1769

Virginia sc. By His Excellency the Right Honourable Norborne Baron de Botetourt, His Majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the said colony and dominion, and vice admiral of the same. A proclamation. : Whereas I have received information upon oath, that several Indians of the Six Nations, have been murdered within the limits of this government ... Given under my hand at Williamsburg, this 19th day of October, 1769, and in the ninth year of His Majesty's reign. Botetourt.

Proclamation of October 19. 1773.

By his Excellency, The Right Honourable John, Earl of Dunmore, his majesty's lieutenant, and governor of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and vice admiral of the same. A Proclamation. … farther to prorogue the said Assembly to the first Thursday in May next, at which time I require their attendance at the Capitol, in the city of Williamsburg, for the dispatch of public business. Given under my hand, and the seal of the colony, at Williamsburg aforesaid, this 19th day of October, 1773, and in the 13th year of his Majesty's reign. Dunmore.

Proclamation of Quarantine at Norfolk (September 1793).

By the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia: A proclamation : Whereas, I have received information, that the City of Philadelphia, the Grenades and the Island of Tobago, are infected with the plague or other infectious disease ... [I] direct, that all vessels coming from either of the aforesaid places, do make their quarantine at the anchorage ground off Craney Island, near the mouth of Elizabeth River, for the space of twenty days .

Proclamation of Quarantine in Virginia Ports (August 1794).

By the lieutenant governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a proclamation. : Whereas I have received information that a pestilential or contagious disease prevails in the West-Indies ... Given under my hand, as lieutenant governor, in the absence of the governor, and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this second day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four ...

Proclamation of Quarantine in Virginia Ports (May 1795).

By the governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, A Proclamation. Whereas from informa-tion to be relied on, it appears, that the yellow fever has spread its baneful contagion so generally over the whole of the West-India Islands, as to excite just ground of apprehension ... Given under my hand as governor, and under the seal of the commonwealth, at Richmond, this twenty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and of the Commonwealth the nineteenth.

Proclamation of War with Great Britain.

[President's proclamation of war].

Proclamation on Paroles.

By his excellency Thomas Jefferson, Esq., governor of the commonwealth of Virginia: A proclamation …

Proclamation Respecting the Uniform of the Militia.

[Proclamation of the governor respecting the uniform of the militia].

Prophecy. A Discourse.

Prophecy. A discourse, delivered in Harrisonburg: August 18th. 1814. The day appointed for humiliation and prayer.

Proposal for Publishing Poems by J. R Toulmin.

May 30, 1803. A proposal for publishing by subscription, Poems on Several Occasions, mostly on religious and moral subjects. By J. R. Toulmin . . .

Proposals for Printing the Acts of Assembly now in force.

Proposals for printing by subscription, A collection of all such acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a public and permanent nature as are now in force, with Marginal Notes and Index complete, to which will be affixed The Declaration of Rights and Constitution or Form of Government; as also The Constitution of the United States, and Acts of Congress for the Government of the District of Columbia. The whole compiled by Joseph Caldwell, attorney.

Proposals for Printing the Revised Code of Virginia.

Proposals for printing by subscription the revised code of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia … [signed] Richmond, Oct. 2d, 1801.Samuel Pleasants, Jun., Henry Pace.

Proposed Address of the Assembly to the People of Virginia.

[Address of the general assembly to the people of the commonwealth of Virginia].

Proposed Amendment to the Federal Constitution.

Resolutions proposing an amendment to the constitution of the U. S. authorizing state legislatures to remove from office their senators, Feb. 29. Washington, 1808.

Proposed Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (December 1803).

[Amendment proposed by congress to the constitution of the United States].

Proposed Constitution of the United States.

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Proposed Constitution of the United States.

Supplement to the Norfolk and Portsmouth Journal. Friday, September 28, 1787. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union ...

Proposed Resolution on Loyalty to the U. S. Constitution.

[Resolutions that the general assembly of Virginia will cooperate with the authorities of the United States in maintaining the independence, union and constitution thereof against the hostilities or intrigues of all foreign powers whatever, etc.].

Proposed Resolution supporting Thomas Jefferson.

[Proposed Resolution supporting Thomas Jefferson].

Proposed Resolutions for establishing Real Estate Bank of Virginia.

[Proposed resolutions for establishing The Real Estate Bank of Virginia].

Proposed Resolutions on Board of Public Works and Literary Fund.

[Proposed resolutions relative to the abolition of the board of public works, and the president and directors of the literary fund]

Proposed Resolutions on Conduct of Senators Giles and Brent in Congress.

[Proposed resolutions in relation to the conduct of William B. Giles and Richard Brent in the senate of the United States].

Proposed Resolutions on Creating a Fund for Internal Improvement.

[Resolutions proposed for creating a fund for internal improvement].

Proposed Resolutions on Crisis with Great Britain.

[Proposed resolutions respecting the present crisis with Great Britain].

Proposed Substitute for the Bill concerning Taxes on Land.

[Substitute proposed by Mr. Johnson of Isle of Wight for the bill concerning taxes on lands].

Proposed Substitute Resolutions on McCullough v. Maryland.

Substitute proposed by Mr. Morris of Hanover, to the instructions offered by Mr. Stevenson, on the subject of the United States’ hank, and the opinion of the supreme court thereon.

Propositions concerning the Administration of Justice.

Propositions designed to simplify and expedite the administration of justice. By Henry Banks

Propositions … with Some Objects of Benevolence and Public Utility.

Propositions to establish a mechanic's bank in the city of Richmond, connected with some objects of benevolence and public utility. By Henry Banks.

Prosody of the Latin Language.

Prosody of the Latin language, or, A concise system of rules for the quantity of syllables in Latin : and for making and scanning several kinds of Latin verse : carefully revised and amended, for the use of colleges and academies.

Prospectus for a Book Examining the Principles of "The Age of Reason."

Proposals for printing by subscription an Examination of the principles contained in "The age of reason," in ten sermons, by James Muir, D.D. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Alexandria.

Prospectus for a Continuation of Burk's History of Virginia.

History of Virginia. Skelton Jones having entered into a contract with the administrator of the late John D. Burke [sic] of Petersburg, proposes to complete the Fourth and Last Volume of the History of Virginia ... Richmond, August 2, 1808 ...

Prospectus for a Map of Virginia.

A map of Virginia, formed from actual surveys, and the latest as well as most accurate observations by James Madison, D. D, President of William & Mary College.

Prospectus for Concise History of Ketocton Baptist Association.

A concise history of the Ketocton Baptist Association in Virginia; wherein a description is given of her constitution—progress and increase … doctrines holden …annual meetings ... By William Fristoe.

Prospectus for Freemasons' Magazine and Miscellaneous Library.

Prospectus of a new periodical work. It is proposed (in case sufficient encouragement offers to justify the undertaking) to commence the publication of a new work in Richmond, Virginia, on the first of January, 1811, under the title of the Freemasons' magazine, and miscellaneous library. By an association.

Prospectus for German and English Grammar by David Henkel.

Proposals by Ambrose Henkel & Co. for printing a book entitled: A German and English Grammar, or a grammatical system of the two prevailing languages of the United States of America. by David Henkel.

Prospectus for Ligon's Arithmetic Improved (A).

Arithmetic Improved, or a summary system of common and decimal arithmetic, collaterally & concisely combined in every rule. By William Ligon, Senr. Prince Edward, Virginia. 1808.

Prospectus for Ligon's Arithmetic Improved (B).

Arithmetic Improved, or, a summary system of common and decimal arithmetic intended for the American tutor's guide ... By William Ligon, Senr. Prince Edward, Virginia. 1808.

Prospectus for Publishing a Map of the Southern United States.

Proposals, for publishing a large and comprehensive map of the southern division of the United States of America (By subscription only).

Prospectus for the Farmer’s Museum at Charlestown.

Proposals for publishing in Charles Town, Jefferson County, Va. a weekly paper to be called the Farmer’s Museum. Ferdinando Fairfax ... intends ... to assume ... exclusive direction ... as editor ... this paper (of the size of the Richmond enquirer) is to be published every Friday morning, commencing the first week in the year 1807, at three dollars per annum to each subscriber ...

Prospectus for the Hobb's Hole Advertiser.

Proposals for printing by subscription, a weekly newspaper, intituled the Virginia Gazette, and Hobb's Hole Advertiser; provided sufficient Encouragement will be given the subscriber. … Subscriptions for this paper are received ... by the subscriber in the city of Richmond.

Prospectus for the Independent Virginian at Clarksburg.

Proposals, for publishing in Clarksburgh, Virginia, a weekly news-paper, to be entitled The Independent Virginian. By William M'Granaghan.

Prospectus for The Miner's, Smelter's & Mechanic's Friend.

Proposals for publishing a new work, the title of which will be The Miner's, Smelter's & Mechanic's Friend and Pocket Companion. In which the following useful arts shall be explained, in a plain, concise manner, free from all mystery and unnecessary technical terms.--To which will be added, some useful hints to farmers.

Prospectus for the New Virginia Justice.

The new Virginia justice comprising the office and authority of a justice of the peace, in the Commonwealth of Virginia ... by William Waller Hening, attorney at law.

Prospectus for the New Virginia Justice.

Proposals for printing by subscription The New Virginia Justice comprising the office and authority of a justice of the peace in the commonwealth of Virginia ... by William Waller Hening, attorney at law.

Prospectus for The Prodigal Reformed.

The Prodigal reformed by a Virginia farmer. Contents. The author’s birth, and origin, his education, and profession, his travels through England, Ireland, France, Algiers, and America. … Robert F. Palmer

Prospectus for The Virginian Orator.

The Virginian Orator, being a variety of original and selected poems, orations … to improve American youth in the …useful arts of eloquence and gesture. By Thomas E. Birch.

Prospectus for the weekly journal The Eye By Oliver Optic.

Proposals by M. W Dunnavant for publishing, in Petersburg, a weekly literary and miscellaneous paper, entitled The Eye By Oliver Optic, Esq. Aided by several members of the Lynx Club .

Prospectus for Virginia Law Reports by Hening and Munford.

Proposals for publishing by subscription, Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, with select cases, relating chiefly to points of practice, settled by the late High Court of Chancery, and present Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond District by William W. Hening and William Munford.

Prospectus of the Alexandria Daily Gazette.

Prospectus of the Alexandria Daily Gazette by S. Snowden and J.D. Sims; to commence on the 1st October, 1812.

Results 2251-2300 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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