Imprint Records

Results 1851-1900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Norfolk & Portsmouth Herald Extra (November 23, 1807).

Herald Extra … (November 23, 1807)

Norfolk Gazette & Publick Ledger Extra (June 24, 1807).

Ledger office, Norfolk, June 24, 1807. We are now to present to our readers the details of a most unexampled outrage, in the perpetration of which, the blood of our countrymen has been shed by the hand of violence, and the honour and independence of our nation insulted beyond the possibility of further forbearance. ...

Norfolk Herald Extra concerning Quasi-War with France.

Herald office, Monday morning, June 11, 1798. Anxious to gratify our patrons, we hasten to lay the following sketch before them, received via Eastern Shore. Fuller details shall be given in tomorrow's Herald.

Noted English Horse Knowsley will Stand (February 1807).

The noted and much admired English horse Knowsley imported in 1801, by William Lightfoot ... We have annexed a statement of the performance of Knowsley's colts ... William Woods, George M. Woods. Albemarle, February 20th, 1807

Noted Horse Elegant Will Stand.

The noted horse Elegant will stand the ensuing season and be let to mares at the reduced price of four dollars, which may be discharged with three dollars, if paid within the season ... The season to commence on the 1st day of April at Jacob Roof’s, deceased, on Smith’s creek, near New-Market … Good attendance will be given by William Hess. March 31st, 1814. ... New-Market: printed by Ambrose Henkel, & Co.

Noted Horse Thunderbolt Will Stand (February 1802).

The noted horse Thunderbolt, will stand the ensuing season at the stable of Robert Hanna, in Middlebrook, Augusta County ... Moses Moore, Junr. February 28, 1802.

Notes of an American Lyre.

The notes of an American lyre. By Judith Lomax, a native of the state of Virginia ...

Notes of Revisors of the Laws to Bills included in the Revisal.

[Notes of the revisors of the laws to the bills by them reported]

Notes on the War in the South.

Notes on the war in the South; with biographical sketches of the lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, the late Gov. Claiborne, and others. By Nathaniel Herbert Claiborne, of Franklin County, Va. a member of the executive of Virginia during the late war.

Notice concerning Certain Lots in Richmond by Thomas Taylor.

Notice to the public. At the request of the executrix of the late Col. William Byrd of Westover, it is thought proper to warn the public against the purchase of supposed titles to lots in the city of Richmond, to which the seller can show no legal title derived from the trustees of Col. Byrd … Thomas Taylor. Richmond. December 9, 1813.

Notice for Commission Business of J.D. Townes & Webb.

Petersburg, July 31, 1820. Permit us to inform you, that we have formed a connection in business, under the firm of J.D. Townes & Webb, in the general commission & auction line, as heretofore conducted by J.D. Townes, to whom a residence of 12 years has given an intimate acquaintance with the productions of this and the adjoining state, viz.: tobacco, cotton, flour, wheat and Indian corn, with which this market is abundantly supplied. …

Notice for George Redd's Tract on Fertilizers.

A late discovery extremely interesting to planters and farmers, relative to fertilizing poor and exhausted land . . . with some remarks and observations on orcharding and gardening, by George Redd, of Frederick County, Virginia.

Notice for Gourd Vine Grammar School, Culpeper County.

Gourd Vine Grammar School. This shool [sic] will be continued by the subscriber ... Culpeper County: October 9th, 1812. George Ficklen. New-Market: Printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co

Notice for Medical Practice of William Hereford.

Doct. Hereford, having been regularly educated to the science of medicine ... now offers his services to the public ... at Henry Court-House ... Feb. 6, 1816. Haas & Lamb, Printers—Lynchburg, Va.

Notice for New Market Races of November 1812.

New Market races. Will be run for, on Wednesday the 4th day of November next ... New Market, October 10th, 1812.

Notice for School at Glenmore conducted by Louis Hue Girardin.

Particulars relative to L.H. Girardin's contemplated establishment at Glenmore, near Milton, Albemarle County, Virginia. … L. H. Girardin. Milton, January 1st. 1813.

Notice for Staunton Academy, April 1819.

Staunton Academy, April 24th, 1819. In unavoidable haste ...

Notice of a Sale of Land in William Anderson Estate.

Land for sale. In pursuance of an order the high court of chancery for the Richmond district, will be sold ... land, on the Little Bird Creek, in county of Goochland ... estate of the late William Anderson ... Benjamin Toll agent ... Hanover, July 20th, 1805.

Notice of Auction of Estate of Israel I. Cohen.

Sales at auction, by Prosser & Moncure, all that valuable assortment of merchandize, belonging to the estate of Israel I. Cohen, dec. late of this city, on Wednesday the 16th inst. at the store lately occupied by the decedent. The sale will begin precisely at 10 o'clock, and continue from day to day till the whole is sold. Six months credit will be allowed the purchasers for all sums above twenty dollars, on their giving bonds with approved security, to bear interest from the date if not punctually paid. The household and kitchen furniture of the dec. will be sold at the same time, and on the came terms. Richmond, November 7th, 1803. Jacob I. Cohen, adm'r.

Notice of Auction of Estate of William Carr, deceased.

To be sold, on the 30th inst. ... all the perishable property belonging to the estate of William Carr ... Simon Luttrell, Thomas Chapman, executors, Dumfries, March 1, 1791.

Notice of Auction Sale by S. & J. Anthony of Lynchburg.

Extensive public sale of dry goods and groceries ... at auction ... S. & J. Anthony. Lynchburg, March 20, 1818

Notice of Auction Sale by Taylor & Brown (October 1807).

Sales at auction, On Friday the 2nd day of October next, will be sold ... at the lumber house lately occupied by Mssers. Wm. Mackenzie, & Co. on the cross street leading to Shockoe Warehouse … At the same time will be sold … that valuable ... ground on the above mentioned street … Taylor & Brown, V.M.’s 25th September, 1807.

Notice of Auction Sale of Estate of John Puller.

Land, negroes and stock at auction. Will be offered for sale at the late dwelling of John Puller, decd. on the premises, (4 miles above Jefferson) on Thursday the 19th of November next ... the remaining part of his property consisting of 15 to 20 likely negroes, stock of every kind, crop of corn, rye, oats ... 1000 or 1200 acres of land ... Thomas Spindle & John P. Smith, exrs. Culpeper County, October 7, 1818.

Notice of Auction Sale of Land in Mecklenburg County.

20,000 acres of land for sale. On the 15th of November next at the White Plains, upon the premises, in the county of Patrick, 1 shall proceed to sell 20,000 acres of land to the highest bidder in tracts to suit purchasers … Proposals for the whole estate will be received at any time previous to sale day. by application at my house near the Vineyard. Thomas Wilson, by his attorney in fact, Howell P. Harper. Mecklenburg County, Sept. 9, 1814.

Notice of Auction Sale of Marmion.

Marmion for sale. This desirable and airy situation in King-George County, Virginia ... G. Lewis. Marmion, Feb. 26, 1820.

Notice of Auction Sale of Plantation of George Robinson.

To be sold, at public vendue, on Saturday, the 26th inst. at one o'clock, P. M. on the premises, a valuable plantation … James Foot, executor of Andrew Gibson, who was surviving executor of the said George Robinson, deceased. November 19, 1803.

Notice of Auction Sale of Robert McCullock's Estate.

Public sale. In pursuance to the last will and testament of Robert McCullock deceased will be exposed to public sale on the 26th day of this month, at the late dwelling house of the decd. a tract of land lying in the county of Loudoun, five miles from Snicker's Gap & three from Goose-Creek meeting house ... at the same time ... all the personal property of the said deceased ... Jonas Janney, Jesse Janney, Executors. November 13, 1811.

Notice of Benefit Performance by Winchester Thespian Society.

Theatre. For erecting a town clock The Winchester Thespian Society having surmounted the many obstacles which presented themselves in the outset of their undertaking, are now prepared to exhibit to the public the first gathered fruit of their toil … October 3rd. 1820.

Notice of Carding Machine at Bowman’s Mill.

Carding machine. The subscribers … inform ... that they have erected a machine for breaking and carding wool ... at Mr. Joseph Bowman’s Mill ... in Rockingham County ... March 16, 1809. Edward A Gibbs, Samuel Bowman ... New Market, printed by Ambrose Henkel.

Notice of Carding Machine at Hoover’s Mills.

Wool-carding-machine. The subscriber ... begs leave to inform ... that his ... machine is now in opperation [sic] ... at Hoover’s Mills, on the South-Fork, in Pendleton County ... June 1st, 1811. Joseph Hicks ... New-Market: Printed by Ambrose Henkel & Comp.

Notice of Carding Machine at Loehner's Mill.

Wool carding machine. The subscriber ... has erected a new carding machine at his mill on Shenandoah river ... May 15th 1813….George Loehner ... New-Market: Printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Notice of Carding Machine at Sigler’s Mill.

Carding machines. The subscribers have erected two new wool carding machines, at Mr. Michael Sigler’s plaster-mill ... 7 miles below New-Market on the stage road ... M. Sigler. Wm. Gibbs. April 26th, 1810. New-Market: Printed, by Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Notice of Carding Machines at Combs’s Mill.

Picking & carding machines. The subscribers are now adding new cards to their machines ... on Buffaloe or Tinker creek ... 12 miles from Fincastle. Botetourt, June 17th, 1816. Gilbert Combs, Thomas Tousey. New-Market, printed in S. Henkel’s Office.

Notice of Carding Machines at Grantzdorf’s Mill.

Wool carding machines : the subscribers respectfully inform the public, that they have have erected a new and complete set of wool carding machines at Philip Grantzdorf’s Boring- Mill, on Stony Creek, in Shenandoah County … 5 miles west of Woodstock. May 9th, 1814. George Grantzdorf, Philip Grantzdorf.

Notice of Carding Machines at Kipf’s Mill.

Machines. For picking & carding wool ... now put into operation at Jacob Kipf’s ... near John Zerkel’s Saw-mill ... about one mile from New-Market ... June 23, 1813. Jacob Kipf, Geo. Kipf, Thomas Tousey … New-Market: printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Notice of Carding Machines at M'Quown's Mill.

Machines for picking and carding wool. The subscribers are now putting into operation ... in Brownsburg, Rockbridge County, a machine for picking wool ... July, 1815. James M’Quown, Thomas Tousey. New-Market: Printed in S. Henkel’s Office

Notice of Carding Machines at Mauck’s Mill.

Wool carding machines. The subscriber ... is erecting a ... set of wool carding machines, at Mr. Peter Mauck’s hemp-mill ... Tom’s Brook: Shenandoah County June, 23d. 1813. James Walker ... New-Market: printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Notice of Carding Machines at Wayland’s Mill.

Wool & cotton carding machines. The subscribers inform the public, that to the machine already in operation, at John Wayland’s mill near Madison Court-house, they have now added another new one ... John Wayland, Thomas Tousey. September 1st, 1813. New-Market: Printed by Ambrose Henkel & Co

Notice of Depositions in Probate of Estate of Milchizedeck Spragins.

Messrs. John Fowler and Milicent his wife ... take notice ... I will take the deposition of Mrs. Mary S. Gallaway, the wife of Robert Gallaway ... at the store-house of Barksdale Wimbish & Co. in the County of Halifax and State of Virginia; I will take the deposition of Mrs. Nancy Murphy, and others, which said depositions are to be read as evidence in the Superior Court of Halifax County, in an issue directed out of the High Court of Chancery holden for the District of Lynchburg ... in which you are complainants and Thomas Spragins … are defendants … Thomas L. Spragins, one of the heirs of Milchizedeck Spragins, and administrator of Milchizedeck Spragins, who was one of the heirs of Reuben Abney, dec., January 23d, 1818.

Notice of Dry Goods for Sale by James L. Markham.

James L. Markham has just received from the cities of New-York & Philadelphia, a large and general assortment of new goods ... Culpeper Courthouse, 23d Sept. 1810.

Notice of Goods for Sale by James Walker & Co.

James Walker & Co. respectfully inform their friends ... that they have just received from Baltimore and Philadelphia a complete assortment of goods ... which they are now opening in the house formerly occupied by Clifton Garland, Esq. in the town of Warren . . . Warren, Feb. 20th, 1806

Notice of Goods Manufactured at the Penitentiary for Sale.

Prices of nails, brads & sprigs, manufactured at the penitentiary, and for sale by Nicholas Hallam, agent for the Commonwealth, a few doors above the Swan Tavern, Richmond ... also ... a variety of plantation utensils, such as plough-irons, harrow-teeth, axes, wedges, chains, &c. shoes of all sizes ...

Notice of Goods sold by Fitzwhylsonn & Potter.

Fitzwhilsonn [sic] and Potter, Book Binders and Stationers, Richmond ... For sale; on the lowest terms, a general assortment of blank books, stationery, &c...

Notice of Groceries for sale by Francis Piatti.

Francis Piatti, respectfully informs his friends … that he has for sale at his store, on the Main Street ... a general assortment of groceries … Richmond, June 16, 1809 … Richmond: Printed by Lynch & Southgate, Corner of Harris’s building.

Notice of House for Rent by John Beale.

To rent, a three story house, on the main street in this city, a few doors from the Courthouse . . . John Beale. Richmond, April 24. 1804.

Notice of Land for Sale in Western Virginia (December 1805).

100,000 acres of land, on the waters of the Ohio River the subscriber offers for sale ... situated on Middle Island Creek, French Creek, the Little Kanawha River, Tyger Creek, Lee Creek, and Pond Creek, all in the Commonwealth of Virginia ... William Howe Cuyler. 24th December, 1805

Notice of Lands for Sale by Thomas Massie (August 1803).

Lands for sale ... six hundred and twenty-eight acres of land in Frederick County, Virginia ... Thomas Massie, August 11, 1803.

Notice of Lands for Sale by Thomas Massie (May 1803).

Lands for sale: fifteen hundred and sixty acres of land, in Frederick County, Virginia ... Thomas Massie, May 4th, 1803.

Notice of New Editor at the Virginia Gazette.

Office of the Virginia Gazette, Richmond. March 22nd, 1805. The subscriber … has associated with himself in the management … Mr. Charles Prentiss … Augustine Davis …

Notice of Partnership Dissolution of Doyle & Morgan.

Notice. The copartnership of Doyle & Morgan, is this day dissolved by mutual consent ... Doyle and Morgan. The subscriber … intends keeping ... dry goods and groceries ... Alexander Doyle. March 27th, 1810. New-Market, Printed: By Ambrose Henkel & Co.

Results 1851-1900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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