Imprint Records

Results 3101-3150 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Topographical description of Frederick, Berkeley & Jefferson Counties.

Topographical description of the counties of Frederick, Berkeley & Jefferson, situated in the state of Virginia. in which the author has described the natural curiosities of those counties, their minerology [sic] and lithology; also, the quality of the soil, the manufactories, mills, &c. The number of inhabitants, towns, villages, &c. to which is added a beautiful map of those counties. By Charles Varle, engineer and geographer. Anno, 1810.

Tour through the Southern and Western Territories.

A tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North-America; the Spanish dominions on the River Mississippi, and the Floridas; the countries of the Creek Nations; and many uninhabited parts. By John Pope.

Town & Country Almanac for 1818 (Stewart).

The Town & Country almanac, for the year of Our Lord 1818. Being the second after bissextile [sic], or leap year, and forty second of American independence. … Adapted to the latitude and meridian of Virginia and Maryland. By John Sharp.

Town & Country Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1808.

The Town & Country Almanack for the year of our Lord 1808. Being Bissextile, or Leap-Year; and the 32d of American Independence.

Town and Country Almanac for 1805 (Robert & John Gray).

The Town and Country Almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1805. Being the first after Leap-Year; and the twenty-ninth of American Independence. Calculated for the meridian of Washington City. ... The astronomical calculations by Abraham Shoemaker, of New-York.

Town and Country Almanack for 1806 (Cottom & Stewart).

The Town and Country Almanack for the year of our Lord, 1806. Being the 2d. after Bissextile, or Leap-Year; and the 30th of American Independence. Containing, a great variety of amusing and useful matter. The astronomical calculations, by John Alexander, of Prince-George's County, Maryland.

Town Lots for Sale in Woodstock, Pennsylvania.

Town of Woodstock. Whereas I John Hopwood, of Fayette-County, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, have surveyed and laid out into convenient lots or parcels, for the purpose of erecting a town thereon, the quantity of two hundred acres of land, being part of that tract of land on which I now live, situate in Union Township ...

Tract on Morning and Evening Devotions.

[Tract on Morning and Evening Devotions]

Treasurer's Account of Contingent Military Expenses in 1813 to Date.

[Detailed account of all warrants paid at this office out of the fund appropriated for contingent expenses of government, Jan. 1-May 19, 1813; account of all warrants paid out of the fund appropriated by act of the last general assembly entitled “an act providing for the defence of the state against invasion or insurrection, Jan. 1, to May 19, 1813; money received into the treasury, in pursuance of an act of the last general assembly, authorizing a loan for the support of government. Prepared by the treasurer].

Treasurer's Report of Grand Lodge of Virginia (1794-1797).

Account of the grand treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Virginia for the years 1794, 1795, 1796 and 1797.

Treasurer’s Account with Report Thereon.

[Treasurer’s account, with the report of the committee thereon].

Treatise on Canals in Virginia.

To His Excellency Henry Lee, Governor, and the respective gentlemen of the Council ... to the share-holders and others interested in the canals of Virginia … to the commercial interest and property-holders thereof ...

Treatise on Christian Baptism.

Treatise on Christian baptism, being an answer to a piece, entitled, The Bible Baptist; written by Mr. Leeland [sic], by Joseph Moore, V.D.M.

Treatise on Christian Baptism.

A treatise on Christian baptism. Being an answer to a piece entitled The Bible Baptist, written by Mr. Leeland [sic] by Joseph Moore, V.D.M.

Treatise on Gardening.

A Treatise on Gardening. Written by a native of this state.

Treatise on the Art of Fencing.

A treatise on the art of fencing: taken from the best authorities. For the use of the officers of the U. States. Dedicated by T. de St. Margueritte, to the officers of Virginia.

Treatise on the Culture of Lucerne.

A treatise on the culture of Lucerne.

Treatise on the Gonorrhoea.

A treatise on the gonorrhoea. By a surgeon of Norfolk, Virginia.

Treatise on the Military Duty.

A Treatise on the Military Duty. By Adjutant Davis

Treatise on the Propagation of Sheep

A treatise on the propagation of sheep, the manufacture of wool, and the cultivation and manufacture of flax, with directions for making several utensils for the business.

Treatise on Universal Redemption.

A Treatise on universal redemption. : Wherein is contained, many Scripture proofs to support the same. : Likewise many weighty and pressing arguments, both from Scripture, reason and justice, to prove the reality of that doctrine. : Also--some observations on the different opinions of those that oppose it. : To which is added a few poetical queries to prove the same.

Treaty held with the Catawba and Cherokee Indians (1756).

A treaty held with the Catawba and Cherokee Indians, at the Catawba-Town and Broad-River, in the months of February and March 1756. By virtue of a commission granted by the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie, Esquire, His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia, to the Honorable Peter Randolph and William Byrd, Esquires, members of His Majesty's Council of the said colony. Published by order of the governor.

Treaty with the Six Nations Indians [1744]

The treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, in June, 1744. To which is prefix'd, an account of the first confederacy of the Six Nations, their present tributaries, dependents, and allies, and of their religion, and form of government.

Trial of James Thomson Callender.

Trial of James Thompson [sic] Callender, for sedition, on Tuesday the third day of June, 1800, in the Middle Circuit Court at Richmond, in the District of Virginia

Trial of John Stockdale for a Libel.

Trial of John Stockdale for a libel against the House of Commons, before Lord Kenton, in the Court of King's Bench.

Tribute to Patriotism.

Tribute to patriotism. Behold the generous patriot band, Brave guardians of their native land ... Petersburg volunteers, who embarked in the service of their country in the War with Great Britain, on the 21st of October, 1812; … commanded by Captain Richard McRae … General Order — Head-quarters, Detroit, 17th October, 1813 … Robert Butler, Acting Assistant Adjutant General

True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captain John Smith.

The trve travels, adventvres and observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America: beginning about the yeere 1593, and continued to this present 1629. … From the London edition of 1629 [stylistic spelling throughout].

Trumpeter Will Stand (February 1799).

Trumpeter, by Shark, a fine chestnut sorrel, rising five years old, will stand at my stable in Goochland county, to be let to mares the ensuing season, at three pounds ... Robert Payne. White-Hall, Goochland, Feb. 1799.

Tucker's Treatise on Influence of English Common Law.

Examination of the question, "How far the common law of England is the law of the federal government of the United States?" By St. George Tucker, professor of law in the University of William and Mary, and one of the judges of the General Court in Virginia.

Twilight's Orations, Chap I.

Twilight's Orations, or Revelation of Politics.

Two Acts Regulating Trade and Immigration.

An act to authorize the Congress of the United States to adopt certain regulations respecting the British trade.

Two Amendments to a Bill for endowing Public Education.

[Amendments to the bill (one by Mr. Scott, and the other by Mr. Hill) providing for the endowment of primary schools, academies, colleges and an university]

Typographia: An ode, on printing.

Typographia: An ode, on printing: Inscrib'd to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony of Virginia.

U.S. Navy Solicitation for American Hemp.

American hemp. The Secretary of the Navy will receive ... proposals for furnishing water rotted hemp ... Navy department, May 3, 1808 ... Norfolk: Printed by J. O’Connor, No. 60, Main Street.

Ueber der Schöpfung [About the Creation].

Ueber der Schöpfung, dem Sündenfall, der Verheissung, dem Gesetze und dem Evangelio. Ein Reim mach dem Alphabet von W: Harms.

Unterredung auf das Oster-Fest [Conversation on the Feast of Easter].

Eine Unterredung zwischen Knaben und Mägdchen auf das Oster-Fest, samt einer schönen Geschichte, Taglöhners Abend-Essen genannt.

Upon the Peace. A Sermon.

Upon the peace. A sermon. Preach'd at the church of Petsworth, in the county of Gloucester, on August the 25th, the day appointed by authority for the observance of that solemnity. By the Reverend James Horrocks, A.M. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and master of the grammar school in William and Mary College.

Useful Discovery in a Letter.

Useful discovery: in a letter addressed to the Rev. Mr. C****** and Mr. M***. I never saw the like before.

Utility of the Scriptures of the Old Testament.

The utility of the Scriptures of the Old Testament: a discourse delivered at the opening of a session of the Presbytery of Baltimore, held in Alexandria, September 27, 1797. By James Wilson A.M. one of the members of said presbytery. Copy-right secured.

Various Extracts on the Fœderal Government.

Various extracts on the fœderal government, proposed by the Convention held at Philadelphia.

Verhandlungen der Conferenzen [Reports on Conferences], 1801-1812.

Verhandlungen der Conferenzen der vereinigten evangelisch lutherischen Prediger, und Abgeordneten in dem Staat Nord-Carolina, vom Jahr 1811 zum Jahr 1812.

Verhandlungen der … Synodi { Discussions of the … Synod].

Verhandlungen der Evangelisch Lutherischen Synodal Versammlung : welche den 15ten October, 1815, und die folgende Tage, in Lincoln Caunty, N. Carolina, an der Immanuels Kirche gehalten worden.

Verhandlungen des Synodi [Report on the Synod], October 1812.

Verhandlungen des Synodi der Vereinigten Evangelischen Lutherischen Prediger, in dem Staat Nord Carolina, im October 1812.

Verrichtungen der Special Conferenz [Proceedings of Special Conference].

Verrichtungen der Special Conferenz der Evangel. Lutherischen Lehrer im Staat Virginien, gehalten in der Culpeper Gemeinde, in Madison Caunty, den 14ten September, 1817. Samt einem Brief von einem reisenden Jude

Verrichtungen der Special-Conferenz [Transactions of Special Conference].

Verrichtungen der Special-Conferenz der Evangelischen Lutherischen Lehrer im Staat Virginien, gehalten in Woodstock, Schenandoah Caunty, den 25ten September, 1815.

Verrrichtungen des Synody [Proceedings of the Synod], October 1816.

Bericht der Verrichtungen während des Synody des Lutherischen Ministeriums, gehalten im Staat Nord Carolina, im Jahr unsers Herrn 1816.

View of the proposed Grand Junction Canal.

A view of the proposed Grand Junction Canal, designed to bring the commerce of North Carolina to Norfolk, by an inland navigation. Together with a proposed lateral canal from Kampsville to Lynhaven [sic] River, calculated for the defence [sic] of Norfolk, and for the promoting the gun boat service, &c. By William Tatham.

View of the Title to Indiana.

View of the title to Indiana, a tract of country on the river Ohio, containing Indian conferences at Johnson-Hall, in May, 1765; the deed of the Six Nations to the proprietors of Indiana; the minutes of the congress at Fort Stanwix, in October and November, 1768; the deed of the Indians, settling the boundary line between the English and Indians lands; and the opinion of counsel on the title of the proprietors of Indiana

Vindication of Laws limiting the Rate of Interest on Loans.

A vindication of the laws, limiting the rate of interest on loans from the objections of Jeremy Bentham, and the Edinburgh reviewers.

Vindication of the Character of the Rever'd David Henkel.

A vindication of the character of the Rever'd David Henkel, residing in Lincoln County, N. C. by the elders, &c., of his several congregations.

Results 3101-3150 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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