Imprint Records

Results 401-450 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1817).

[Communication from the governor, James P. Preston]

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1818).

[Communication from the governor, James P. Preston].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1819).

[Communication from the governor, James P. Preston]

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1820).

Governor’s communication. December 4th, 1820.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (November 1812).

[Message of the governor, session of 1812-13].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (November 1816).

[Communication including documents from the governor].

Annual Register and Virginian Repository (1802).

The Annual register, and Virginian repository.

Annual Register and Virginian Repository for 1800 (Douglas).

The Annual register, and Virginian repository, for the year 1800.

Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination.

The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North-America; to the first of November, 1790. Containing an account of the churches and their constitutions, ministers, members, associations, their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. : Also remarks upon practical religion. Humbly offered to the public, by John Asplund.

Annual Report of Benevolent Society of the Parish of St. Andrews (1817).

First annual report of the managers of the Benevolent Society of the Parish of St. Andrews.

Annual Report of Bible Society of the District of Columbia, 1817.

Second report, of the managers of the Bible Society of the District of Columbia; : auxiliary to the American Bible Society.

Annual Report of President and Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Annual report of the president and directors of the literary fund]

Annual Report of the Board of Visitors for the University of Virginia.

Report and documents respecting the University of Virginia.

Annual Report of the Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Report of the president and directors of the literary fund]

Annual Report of the Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Report of the president and directors of the literary fund for year ending Sept. 30, 1819].

Annual Report of the Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Annual report of the directors of the Literary Fund].

Annual Report of the Directors of the Literary Fund.

[Annual report of the president and directors of the literary fund].

Annual Report of the Directors of the Penitentiary.

Annual report of the directors of the penitentiary.

Annual Report of the Public Auditor (December 1820).

[Annual report of the auditor, James E. Heath, for year ending Sept. 30, 1820, with documents].

Annual Report of the Treasurer (December 1820).

[Annual report of Jerman Baker, treasurer, for year ending Sept. 30, 1820, with documents].

Annual Report of the Treasurer, November 26, 1816.

[Letter from treasurer, J. Preston, transmitting annual report].

Annual Report of the Treasurer.

[Annual report of the treasurer].

Ansprache der Synode von Pennsylvanien [Address of Pennsylvania Synod].

Ansprache der Evan. Lutherischen Synode von Pennsylvanien, gehalten den 5ten etc. Juny, 1814, an die Deutschen überhaupt und in sonderheit and die deutschen Einwohner Virginiens.

Answer to a Pamphlet entitled Priest-Craft Detected.

Answer to a pamphlet entitled, Priest-craft detected by Stith Mead

Answer to the Layman's Treatise on Baptism.

An answer to the layman's treatise on baptism: in which the author is pleased to say, that the Quaker doctrine of water baptism is considered, their objections answered, and the doctrine of the Church of England, upon that important point, stated and vindicated.

Appeal of John Hook in Chancery Case of Ross v. Hook.

In the Court of Appeals: the case of John Hook, appellant, vs. David Ross, appellee: on an appeal from the High Court of Chancery

Appearance Bond Form.

Know all men by these presents, that we [blank] are held and firmly bound unto [blank] in the full and just sum of [blank] lawful money to be paid unto the [blank] certain attorney, his executors, administrators, or assigns; for the true payment whereof, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this [blank] day of [blank] 179[blank] The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas [blank] hath sued out of the [blank] a writ of capias ad respondendum, against the bod[blank] of the above bound [blank] in an action [blank] indorsed "bail required;" which writ hath been duly executed. Now if the said [blank] do well and truly make [blank] personal appearance before the [blank] on the [blank] day of next [blank] term, then and there to answer to the said action according to the form and tenor of the said writ, and the act of the General Assembly in such cases made and provided requires, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force, power, and virtue in law. Signed and acknowledged in the presence of [blank]

Appropriation Law.

[Appropriation law].

Argument delivered before Court of Appeals by John Browne Cutting.

Argument delivered before the judges of the Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, in the case of Carter's executors―appellants, against Cutting and others― appellees, by John Browne Cutting. Occasioned by the necessary absence of one of his counsel, March 30, 1816. Chiefly intended to demonstrate that by the operation of the gaming statutes no gaming security can be rendered valid by devise.

Argument Respecting the Constitutionality of the Carriage Tax.

An argument respecting the constitutionality of the carriage tax; which subject was discussed at Richmond, in Virginia, in May, 1795.

Arithmetic Improved.

Arithmetic Improved, or, A Summary System of Common and Decimal Arithmetic, Collaterally and concisely combined in every rule; with the operation of every question full and expressive. Intended for the American Tutor’s Guide; also as an Assistant to persons of every occupation. This system from the commencement, progressively exhibits an improve-ment of the modern and ancient method of calculation; for everything that is superfluous, is discarded; and many entirely recent rules, cases and necessary discriminations are intro-duced. The whole, though adapted to the easy instruction of youth, is nevertheless, concise and perspicuous; and may be comprehended by adults, who have been instructed in ancient arithmetic, without the expense of tuition. By William Ligon, Sen. Prince Edward, Virginia, 1808. 1st edition, re-examined and corrected by the proprietor.

Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy.

The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy; Excelling Any Thing of the Kind ever yet published. Containing directions how to market; the seasons of the year for butchers' meat, poultry, fish, &c. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. ... Also, the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with modern improvements.

Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy.

The art of cookery made plain and easy; excelling any thing of the kind ever yet published. Containing directions how to maket [sic]; the season of the year for butchers' meat, poultry, fish, &c. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. ... Also……the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with modern improvements.

Arthur Lee's Defense of Silas Deane.

Extracts from a letter written to the president of Congress, by the Hon. Arthur Lee, Esquire, in answer to a libel published in the Pennsylvania Gazette of the fifth of December, 1778. By Silas Deane, Esquire. In which every charge or insinuation against him in that libel, is fully and clearly refuted.

Articles for Mutual Assurance Society Against Fire Constitution.

Additional articles to the Constitution of the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on buildings of the state of Virginia. Adopted the 10th Jan. 1801 ... The following were adopted on the 8th Jan. 1802 ...

Articles of Association of Bank of Potomac.

Articles of association of the Bank of Potomac, established at Alexandria.

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the states of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Articles of War.

[Articles of war]

Articles of War.

[Continental and provincial articles of war.]

Articles of War.

[Articles of war]

Assembly Resolutions for Amendments to U.S Constitution.

In the house of delegates, Saturday, December 12, 1795. The house, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole, on the state of the Commonwealth … Resolved … the following amendments to the constitution, viz. …

Assembly Resolutions on Ratification Convention.

In the House of Delegates, Thursday, the 25th of October, 1787. Resolved unanimously, that the proceedings of the fœderal convention transmitted to the General Assembly through the medium of Congress, be submitted to a convention of the people for their full and free investigation, discussion, and decision. ...

Assembly Resolutions on Ratification Convention.

In the House of Delegates, Thursday, the 25th of October, 1787. Resolved unanimously, that the proceedings of the fœderal convention transmitted to the General Assembly through the medium of Congress, be submitted to a convention of the people for their full and free investigation, discussion, and decision. ...

Assembly Sermon (November 1753).

The nature and extent of Christ's redemption. A sermon preached before the General Assemely [sic], of Virginia: at Williamsburg, November 11th, 1753. By William Stith, A.M. President of William and Mary College. Published at the request of the House of Burgesses.

Assembly Sermon (November 1759).

The duty of living peaceably with all men: recommended, in a sermon (on Romans XII. v. 18.) preached at Williamsburg, November 11th 1759. Before the General Assembly of Virginia. By the Revd William Giberne, Rector of Hanover Parish, King-George County. Printed at the request of the worshipful the House of Burgesses.

Association of August 1774.

At a very full meeting of delegates from the different counties in the colony and dominion of Virginia, begun in Williamsburg the first day of August, in the year of our Lord 1774, and continued by several adjournments to Saturday the 6th of the same month, the following association was unanimously resolved upon and agreed to.

Assorted Goods for Sale by James Worrall.

James Worrall, has lately received a general and carefully assorted stock of medicines, paints, &c., &c. which he offers for sale ...

Results 401-450 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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