Imprint Records

Results 1501-1550 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Justification of General Moreau.

Justification of General Moreau, from a charge of conspiracy; exhibited against him by the imperial republick of France. Translated by Geo. L. Gray.

Justification of Ministry of Joseph Thomas.

[Justification of Ministry of Joseph Thomas].

Justification of Personal Conduct by Dr. Holmes.

After the business was settled between myself and Mr. Richard Apperson, by satisfactory concessions from the latter, for his conduct to Mr. Samuel Holmes, Senior ...

Justification of Personal Conduct by John James Speed.

To the public. Viewing with no less astonishment than abhorrence, the hand-bill publication of Dr. Holmes together with his subsequent conduct, I am induced to offer to the public, facts and sentiments ...

Kain against Paine on The Age of Reason.

Kain against Paine on The age of reason. With a hint to the public--Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth, Gal. iv. ?? Together with thirty-six advices formerly wrote to an American youth, but inserted here. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. Gal. vi. 16. To which are added, a few remarks on a controversy between two members for Congress--each of which wished to take a seat in the Union Hall. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour and evil-speaking, be put away from you; ??? all malice. Ephe. iv. and ??, Wrote in Berkeley County, Virginia, August 25th, 1795, by Maurice Kain.

Kentucky Harmony (2nd edition).

Kentucky harmony. Or, A choice collection of Psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems. : In three parts. : Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, or private societies. Selected, by Ananias Davisson. Second edition. Printed, and sold by the author, in Harrisonburg Virginia; and by one of the principal booksellers in each of the following places, viz. Newmarket, Staunton, Lexington, Fincastle, Christiansburg, and Abington, Va. Knoxville, E. Tennessee, Nashville, W. Tennessee, and Lexington Kentucky. N.B. All description of music printing can be done at this office, upon as reasonable terms as any in the United States.

Kentucky Harmony.

Kentucky harmony or A choice collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems. In three parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches singing schools, or private societies. Selected by A. Davisson.

Kleine Catechismus des Martin Luthers [Little Catechism of Martin Luther].

Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers, worin die fünf Hauptstücke zergliedert und in kurzen Fragen gestellt sind, dass der Innhalt leichter kann gelernt und besser begriffen werden. Nebst andern Fragstücken, wie auch erbauliche Morgen- Tisch- und Abend- gebäten, und Liedern, und was sonst nöthig ist.

Kleine Catechismus des Martin Luthers [Little Catechism of Martin Luther].

Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers, worin die fünf Hauptstücke zergliedert und in kurzen Fragen gestellt sind, dass der Innhalt leichter kann gelernt und besser begriffen werden. Nebst andern Fragstücken, wie auch erbauliche Morgen- Tisch- und Abend- gebäten, und Liedern, und was sonst nöthig ist.

Kurzer Auszug der Synode [Short Summary of the Synod].

Kurzer Auszug von den Verrichtungen, der Synode, des Lutherischen Ministeriums, gehalten im Staat Nord Carolina, im Jahr unsers Herrn 1817.

Kurzer Bericht der Special-Conferenz [Brief Report of Special Conference].

Ein kurzer bericht der Special-conferenz, gehalten in der Salomons kirche, in Schenandoah caunty, Virginien, den 20sten merz, 1815.

Kurzer Bericht der Verrichtungen (1814) [Short Report of issues (1814)].

Kurzer Bericht der Verrichtungen des Lutherischen Ministerii bey ihrem Synodo in Nord Carolina im Jahr 1814.

Kurzer Zeitvertreib [Short Pastime].

Kurzer Zeitvertreib, bestehend in einigen Liedern, dienlich zur Sittenlehre.

Kurzer Zeitvertreib [Short Pastime].

Kurzer Zeitvertreib, bestehend in einigen Liedern, dienlich zur Sittenlehre.

Kurzer Zeitvertreib [Short Pastime].

Kurzer Zeitvertreib, bestehend in einigen Liedern, dienlich zur Sittenlehre. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage.

Land for Sale [Land zum Verkauf], February 1811.

Land for sale. Will be sold at public sale, on the 28th of this month … land … whereupon Henry Forrer now resides … Cristian Forrer. February, 16. 1811 … New-Market: Printed by Ambrose Henkel & Comp.

Land Grant Form.

[Blank] Esquire, governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that [blank] there is granted by the said commonwealth unto [blank] a certain tract or parcel of land, containing [blank] with its appurtenances; to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances, to the said [blank] and his heirs for ever. In witness whereof, the said [blank] governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his hand, and caused the lesser seal of the said commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond, on the [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and of the commonwealth the [blank]

Land Lease Offer by George Washington.

Mount-Vernon, April 2, 1784. The subscriber would lease about 30,000 acres of land on the Ohio and Great Kanhawa, for which he has had patents ten or twelve years ...

Land Office Treasury Warrant.

Land Office treasury warrant, no. [blank] To the principal surveyor of any county within the commonwealth of Virginia. : This shall be your warrant to survey and lay off in one or more surveys, for [blank] his heirs or assigns, the quantity of [blank] acres of land, due unto the said [blank] In consideration of the sum of [blank] current money, paid into the public treasury, the payment whereof to the treasurer hath been duly certified by the Auditors of Public Accounts and their certificate received into the Land Office. Given under my hand, and the seal of the said office, this [blank] day of [blank] in the year one thousand seven hundred and [blank]

Land Sale or Lease Offer by Thomas Bond.

'Tis now two years since I left my native place, and retired to the wilds of the western waters, beyond the Apalachian [sic] Mountains. I have saved a small part of a genteel fortune from certain Harpies and Rascals of Philadelphia, by making a few early entries on lands in Virginia, and the purchase of some others, which have, as minute investigations, proved very valuable, and which I wish to invite all European and other emigrants to buy; offering my rich Lands at a very low price for sale, or on exceeding easy terms on lease. ... Further particulars may be had of William Ward Burress, Esq. and the committee of correspondence for the Hibernian and German Societies, Philadelphia; Mr Charles Gallagher, my surveyor; Major Samuel Hanway, surveyor of the county, and every other gentleman in the county of Monongehela [sic] and Morgan Town; or, of the proprietor at Alexandria; who will give Fee Simple, and, what is uncommon for speculators in Virginia Lands, a general warranty.

Lands For Sale on Mill-Creek.

Lands. For sale, two hundred and sixty acres on a drain of Mill-Creek, in the county of Hampshire, adjoining Enoch Person's survey ... James Mercer. Fredericksburg, July 2, 1789.

Lands to be Rented or For Sale.

Lands. Lands to be rented or for sale. The Subscriber is about laying off the following twelve Tracts of Land, in lots of 100 Acres each by dividing them into Ranges of sufficient breadth to allow the 100 Acres to lie in a Square, and to leave on Range as present unsettled, and so make a Settlement of every third Lot only, on the next Range, and so on, alternately, through each Tract; by this Mode each Tenement of 100 Acres will have adjoining it five vacant Lots. … [signed] Richard Graham. Dumfries, August 22, 1789.

Lass, mein Kind, aufwecken [Let, my child, awaken].

Lass, mein Kind, den Hahnen dich Früh aufwecken, williglich.

Last Letter of Frederick Briggs to his Wife.

The following letter was written by Frederick Briggs to his wife, while sentence of death, for horse stealing : and who was executed, together with his comrad [sic], M’Elheney, on the 16th October, 1789, in the county of Prince Edward.

Last Report of the Committee of Finance.

[Report of the committee of finance].

Late Discovery relative to Fertilizing Poor and Exhausted Lands.

A late discovery, extremely interesting to planters and farmers, relative to fertilizing poor and exhausted lands, upon a cheap and easy plan; with some remarks and observations on orcharding and gardening. By George Redd, of Frederick County, Virginia.

Late Foreign News (December 1797).

The Virginia Argus Extra. … A free press maintains the sovereignty of the people … Richmond, (Virg.) ―Printed … by Samuel Pleasants, Jun. … Saturday, December 23, 1797 … Norfolk, December 18. Late foreign news … overthrow of the Dutch fleet, by the British …

Law authorizing Detachment from Militia of United States.

[Act passed by the congress of the United States authorizing a detachment from the militia of the United States].

Law authorizing President to accept Service of Volunteers.

An Act authorizing the President of the United States to accept the service of a number of volunteer companies, not exceeding thirty thousand men.

Lawful Amusements (VRTS no. 5).

Lawful amusements. Religious tracts, no. 5.

Laws of Corporation of Town of Alexandria.

The laws of the corporation of the town of Alexandria. To which are prefixed, the acts of the legislature of Virginia, and the acts of congress, respecting the said town. Revised & published by authority of the common council of Alexandria.

Laws of Hampden Sidney College.

Laws of Hampden Sidney College.

Laws of the Royal Arch Chapter of Alexandria (1805).

Laws of the Royal Arch Chapter of Alexandria, no. 22. As adopted at a full meeting of the Chapter, 26 March, A.M. 5805 [I.e. 1805].

Laws on Forfeiture of Lands for Non-Payment of Taxes.

[Laws respecting the forfeiture of lands for non-payment of taxes].

Laws respecting the Forfeiture of Lands.

[Laws respecting the forfeiture of lands for non-payment of taxes].

Laws respecting the Town of Alexandria.

Laws of the mayor and commonalty of the town of Alexandria: to which are prefixed, acts of the legislature of Virginia respecting the town of Alexandria.

Laws to be Observed by the Students of Washington Academy.

Laws, to be Observed by the Students of Washington Academy.

Lease Agreement for Fairfax Lands in Virginia.

This indenture made the [blank] day of [blank] one thousand seven hundred and [blank] between the Rev. Denny Fairfax, lately called Denny Martin, of Leeds-Castle, county of Kent and kingdom of Great-Britain, D.D. a devisee and legatee named in the last will and testament of the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Fairfax, ... deceased by Thomas Bryan Martin, Esq. of Greenway Court, county of Frederick, and state of Virginia, on the one part, and [blank] of [blank] in the said state, of the other part: ... Now this indenture witnesseth, that the said Denny Fairfax, by his attorney aforesaid, for and in consideration of the rents and covenants hereafter mentioned, hath demised, granted, and to farm letten, and by these presents doth demise, grant, and to farm let unto the said [blank] all that piece, parcel and lot of land, No. [blank] in the county of [blank] ... In witness whereof, both parties, the said Denny Fairfax, by his attorney aforesaid, and the said [blank] have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year before written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of [blank]

Lessons in Elocution.

Lessons in elocution: or, A selection of pieces, in prose and verse, for the improvement of youth in reading and speaking. By William Scott. To this edition are prefixed, Elements of gesture, illustrated by four plates: and Rules for expressing, with propriety, the various passions and emotions of the mind.

Letter Addressed to Archbishop Leonard Neale of Baltimore.

Letter, addressed to the Most Reverend Leonard Neale, Arch Bishop of Baltimore. By a member of the Roman Catholic congregation of Norfolk, in Virginia.

Letter concerning Account between Commonwealth and the United States.

[Letter from the accountant of the war department to the governor, and the statements relative to the account between this commonwealth and the .United States].

Letter from Alex. Smyth to Francis Preston.

A letter from Alex. Smyth to Francis Preston.

Letter from Governor concerning Executive Disbursements.

[Letter from the governor with respect to the executive disbursements of the past year, Jan. 29, 1802].

Letter from Governor of Maryland on Boundary with Virginia.

Letter from the Governor of Maryland enclosing an act of the assembly of said state, respecting the boundary line between the said state and the state of Virginia.

Letter from Justice William Nelson to Governor Tyler.

[Letter from William Nelson, one of the judges of the general court, addressed to the governor, Nov. 30, 1810, stating the suggestions, adopted at a conference of judges, relative to changes in the law touching witnesses in trials, the use of escheats and fines, and the definition of murder in the first degree, and asking the governor to present such suggestions to the legislature].

Letter from Manlius to John Marshall.

A letter from Manlius, to John Marshall, Esq. Member of Congress.

Letter from North Carolina Governor on Amending U.S Constitution.

[Letter from the governor of North Carolina transmitting a proposed amendment to the constitution of the United States].

Letter from the Attorney General to the Auditor (December 1809).

[Letter from Philip Norborne Nicholas to the auditor, Samuel Shepard, relative to securities of sheriffs] … Richmond, December 4th, 1809.

Letter from the Engineer to a Member of the Board of Public Works.

Letter from the Engineer of the Board of Public Works to a member of the Board. January 1819.

Letter from the Lord Bishop of London.

A letter from the Lord Bishop of London, to the clergy and people of London and Westminster; on occasion of the late earthquakes.

Results 1501-1550 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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