Imprint Records

Results 651-700 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Bookplate of William A. Bayley.

William A. Bayley, Norfolk, Virginia, July 9th, 1783.

Books available at the Office of Ambrose Henkel [in German].

Ein verzeichniss der Deutschen and Englischen bücher, etc.: die gedruckt und zu haben sind, in der Deutschen und Englischen druckery von Ambrosius Henkel and Co. in Neu-Market, Schenandoah caunty, Virginien.

Books available at the Office of Davidson & Bourne.

The Mountain Muse: Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone ... By Daniel Bryan: of Rockingham County, Virginia. Marriage Indissoluble; and Divorce Unscriptural …

Boston Port Bill of March 1774.

The following is the act of Parliament, assented to by His Majesty, on the 30th of March, 1774. An act to discontinue in such manner, and for such time, as are therein mentioned, the landing and discharging, lading or shipping of goods, wares, and merchandize, at the town and within the harbour of Boston, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, in North America.

Bounty for Wool for National Military Dress.

National military dress. A premium will be offered at the next Arlington sheep shearing, (30th April, 1810) for the best model of a National Military Dress ... Arlington, Va. 22d May, 1809.

Bragg & Townes Prices Current.

Bragg & Townes prices current, Petersburg, Va.

Britain's Remembrancer

[Britain's Remembrancer or, The danger not over: being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture: remarkable deliverences this nation has had in the most imminent dangers, with suitable relections : some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do towards securing the state from all its enemies.]

Burk's History of Virginia (vol. 1).

The history of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. By John Burk. Volume I.

Burk's History of Virginia (vol. 2).

The history of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. By John Burk. Volume II.

Burk's History of Virginia (vol. 3).

The history of Virginia, from its first settlement to the present day. By John Burk. Volume III.

Burk's History of Virginia (vol. 4).

The history of Virginia; commenced by John Burk, and continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Girardin. Vol. IV.

By-laws of St. John's Lodge, Richmond.

By-laws of St. John's Lodge, No. 36. : Passed unanimously, October 7, A.L. 5797,--A.D. 1797. Printed by order of the lodge, October, 1797.

Bye laws for the Charlestown Academy.

Bye laws, for the organization and government of Charlestown Academy, in Berkeley County, Virginia; adopted by the board of trustees, 3d. February, 1798, after mature deliberation at several meetings held prior to that day pursuant to authority derived to them from the original articles of subscription upon which the institution is founded.

Bye Laws of the Lodge of Naphtali of Norfolk.

Bye laws of the Lodge of Naphtali, No. 56, Norfolk, Virginia. Printed by order of the Lodge, Dec'r. 2, A.L. 5800--A.D. 1800.

Bye Laws of the Richmond Randolph Lodge, no. 19.

Bye laws for the government of the Richmond Randolph Lodge, no. 19. Passed at a stated meeting in August, A.L. 5794. [1794] … The second edition, altered and amended, and now published, pursuant to a resolution which passed, at a stated meeting in July, A.L. 5797.

Bye-laws of Board of Trustees of Shepherd's-Town Academy.

Bye-laws of the Board of Trustees of the Shepherd's-Town Academy passed on the 4th day of May, 1814, agreeable to the powers vested in the said Board, by an act of the Virginia Assembly, incorporating said Trustees.

Bye-Laws of the Norfolk Junior Volunteers.

Bye-laws of the Norfolk junior volunteers, in the borough of Norfolk.

Bye-Laws of the Warren Lodge, No. 33.

The bye-laws, of the Warren Lodge, no. 33.

Call to Arms for Fourth Division of Virginia Militia (July 1807).

Fourth division, you are called upon, by your governor to stand forth, in defence of your country ...

Call's Reports, vol. 1 (Virginia Reports, vol. 5).

Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of Virginia. By Daniel Call.

Call's Reports, vol. 2 (Virginia Reports, vol. 6).

Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Volume second.

Call's Reports, vol. 3 (Virginia Reports, vol. 7).

Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Volume third.

Calvinism and Arminianism Displayed.

Calvinism and Arminianism displayed, : in a series of dialogues, between Mr. Predestinarian and Mr. Arminian. Wherein their arguments are properly advanced, and the determination of the matter, left to the judgment of the candid reader. Second edition … for John Asplund.

Campaign Circular from John Clopton of New-Kent.

To the citizens of Henrico, Hanover, New-Kent, Charles-City, and James-City. Fellow-citizens, In continuing to offer myself a candidate for the ensuing election of a representative ... for this district ... John Clopton. New-Kent, March 30th, 1801.

Campaign Circular of Alexander Smyth.

Fellow citizens, electors of Wythe County. When I retired from your immediate service in the House of Delegates, it was with a view to be still more useful in the Senate of the State … Your fellow citizen, Alexander Smyth. March, 1816.

Campaign Letter from Arthur Lee.

To the freeholders of the counties of Gloucester, Middlesex, Essex, King and Queen, King William, Caroline, Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland, and Lancaster: [from] Woodbury, in Richmond County. Gentlemen, When I offer myself, as a candidate to represent you in the general Congress of the United States, I think it proper to declare the principles, which shall govern my conduct, if I have the honour of being elected. ...

Campaign Letter of John Patterson for Seat in the Senate of Virginia.

Richmond, December 15, 1819. Dear Sir, the Senate has appointed Monday the 27th instant, for the elections ... to supply the vacancy occasioned by the election of Severn E. Parker, Esq. (the late Senator) to a seat in Congress. The candidates ... are Colonel John Lewis, James H. Rey, Esq. and myself ... John Patterson.

Candid Appeal to Present Ruling Party in the United States.

A candid appeal to the present ruling party in the United States, by a citizen.

Candid Refutation of Robert Carter Nicholas.

A candid refutation of the heresy imputed by Ro. C. Nicholas Esquire to the Reverend S. Henley.

Canons for Government of Protestant Episcopal Church.

Canons for the government of the Protestant Episcopal church, in this state

Canons for Government of Protestant Episcopal Church.

Canons for the government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this state.

Carrier’s Address to Patrons of the Petersburg Republican.

The carrier’s address to the patrons of the Petersburg Republican. Christmas, 1819. …

Case Report on Aylett v. Aylett (1794).

Report of the case between Aylett and Aylett, determined by the High Court of Chancery in which the decree was reversed by the Court of Appeals.

Case Report on Field v. Harrison (1794).

A report of the case between Field and Harrison, determined by the High Court of Chancery, in which the decree was reversed by the Court of Appeals.

Case Report on Love v. Donelson & Hodgson (1801).

Love against Donelson and Hodgson, in this cause, which, on the [blank] day of [blank] in the first year of the nineteenth centurie of the Christian æra, was heard on the bill, answers, exhibits and examinations of witnesses, the court, after considering allegations of parties, their proofs, and arguments of counsil, [sic] discussed the subjects of controversy in these terms ...

Case Report on Pleasants v. Logan (1798),

Virginia: in the High Court of Chancery, March 16, 1798. Between Robert Pleasants, son and heir of John Pleasants, dee'd. Plif. and Mary Logan, widow and administratix of Charles Logan, and devisee of John Pleasants and Jonathan Pleasants ...

Case Report on Wilkins v. Williamson's Executors.

Between, Joseph Wilkins, administrator of his late defunct wife Sarah, one of the grandaughters [sic] and legataries of Thomas Williamson, and widow, when she was married last of Hartwell Cocke, plaintiff, and, John Taylor, and William Urquhart, executors of the said Thomas Williamson, defendents [sic].

Case Report on Yates v. Salle et al (1792).

Between William Yates and Sarah his wife, plaintiffs, and Abraham Salle, Bernard Markham, Edward Moseley, Benjamin Harris, and William Wager Harris, defendents [sic].

Case Reports on Fowler v. Saunders (1798) and Goodall v. Bullock (1796).

Between, William Fowler and Susanna his wife, plaintiffs, and, Lucy Saunders, an infant, by James A Patterson, her guardian, defendent [sic], … Between Parke Goodall and John Clough, plaintiffs, and, John Bullock, the younger, defendent [sic], …

Case Upon the Statute for Distribution.

Case Upon the Statute for Distribution.

Catalogue of Books belonging to Alexandria Library Company.

A catalogue of the books, belonging to the Alexandria Library Company. To which are prefixed, the Act of incorporation; the Laws of the Company, and the names of the members.

Catalogue of Books for Sale by Gray & Cady in Fredericksburg.

A catalogue of books and stationary [sic], for sale by Gray & Cady, booksellers and stationers, Fredericksburg‒Va. September, 1817.

Catalogue of Books for sale by Robert Macgill.

Catalogue of a small collection of books, consisting of history, entertainment, new novels, song books, some laws books, and a few divinity books.

Catalogue of Books for Sale by Samuel Pleasants.

Catalogue of books, for sale at Samuel Pleasants’ Book-Store, Richmond, Va.

Catalogue of Books now selling by Ross & Douglas.

A catalogue of books, &c. now selling by Ross & Douglas, booksellers and stationers, Petersburgh. N.B.--As they expect fresh supplies of books and stationary from both Europe and Philadelphia, new or additional catalogues will be published occasionally.

Catalogue of Books sold by R. and J. Gray.

Catalogue of law books, for sale, by R. and J. Gray. …

Catalogue of Books to be Sold at the Post Office.

A Catalogue of books to be sold at the Post Office, Williamsburg.

Catalogue of the Richmond Library.

A catalogue of books belonging to the Richmond Library.

Celebrated and Admired Horse Apollo Will Stand.

The celebrated and admired horse [cut of a horse] Apollo … a handsome chestnut sorrel … will stand … Abraham Strickler. March 5th 1816. New-Market: Printed in S. Henkel's Office.

Celebrated Stallion Conqueror will Stand.

The celebrated stallion Conqueror will stand, at Diamond Grove the present season ... March 3, 1819. James J, Harrison.

Results 651-700 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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