Imprint Records

Results 751-800 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Circular Letter concerning Pensioners and Justices of the Peace.

In Council, May 20, 1788. Gentlemen, I beg leave to submit to your particular attention, the acts of the executive hereto subjoined ... I have the honor, to be, with great respect, Your most obedient humble servant, Edmund Randolph ... Attest A. Blair, C.C.

Circular Letter Concerning Pensioners.

Council Chamber, October 20, 1785. Gentlemen, The act of Assembly passed last session for further continuing the act concerning pensioners, directs the courts of the several counties within this commonwealth to make, to the executive, returns respecting the bodily abilities of all persons receiving annual pensions from the public ... I am, Gentlemen, your obedient humble servant, [in manuscript: "P. Henry"].

Circular Letter concerning Possible Slave Insurrection.

In Council, December 19, 1808. Sir, In the absence of the Governor ... I have to inform you ... [of] an apprehension that our slaves meditate a general insurrection and masacre on the 24th or 25th ...

Circular Letter concerning Securities for County Sheriffs.

Circular. Council Chamber, Nov. 24th, 1809. Gentlemen, The subjoined copy of an advice of the Council of State is explicit as to the object therein contemplated ...

Circular Letter concerning the Distribution of Public Arms.

[Letter of the governor to the several counties respecting public arms to be distributed].

Circular Letter covering Act for Providing against Invasion.

[Letter of the governor enclosing law for providing against invasion].

Circular Letter covering Constitutional Convention Resolution.

Virginia, to wit: In General Assembly, Friday, the 20th November, 1788. Resolved, that an application be made, in the name and on behalf of the legislature of this commonwealth, to the Congress of the United States, in the words following, to wit: "The good people of this commonwealth in convention assembled, having ratified the Constitution ..."

Circular Letter covering the Public Acts of the last Assembly.

[Letter of the executive to the several counties enclosing acts of a public nature passed at the last session].

Circular Letter defending Aaron Burr's Conduct.

... Before the meeting of Congress rumours were in circulation, that a conspiracy against the peace and safety of the union, and a military expedition against the territories of Spain had been planned by A. Burr, late Vice-President of the United States, and others his associated ... City of Washington, February 20, 1807.

Circular Letter from Alexandria Society for Promotion of Useful Knowledge.

Alexandria, [blank] 179[blank] : Sir, We take the liberty of enclosing you the constitution of a society which has been lately established in this town. ...

Circular Letter from Executive to Brigadier Generals.

[Circular letter from the executive to the brigadier generals].

Circular Letter from George Washington offering Land Leases.

Mount Vernon, July 15 1773. The subscriber, having obtained patents for upwards of 20,000 acres of land, on the Ohio and great Kanhawa, being part of 200,000 acres, granted by proclamation, in 1754 (10,000 of which are situated on the banks of the first mentioned river, between the mouths of the two Kanhawa's; the remainder on the Great Kanhawa or New River, from the mouth, or near it, upwards in one continued survey) proposes to divide the same into any sized tenements that may be desired, and lease them upon moderate terms, allowing a reasonable number of years, rent free; provided that [improvements be made to the tract leased].

Circular Letter from George Washington.

A letter from His Excellency George Washington, Esq; commander in chief of the army of the United States, to His Excellency Benjamin Harrison, Esq; governour of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Circular Letter from Gov. Monroe on the Loss of Public Arms.

[Letter from James Monroe respecting the loss of the public arms].

Circular Letter from Grand Lodge of Virginia (January 1798).

Richmond, Virginia, Jan. 28, A.D. 1798 A.L. 1798 Most worshipful sir & brother: The pleasurable office of communing with you, on the basis of fraternal correspondence, having been assigned to me, by the Grand Lodge of Virginia ...

Circular Letter from Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Richmond, Virginia [Blank] most worshipful sir and brother, pursuant to the order of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, I have taken the liberty to inclose you the proceedings of their last grand annual communication ...

Circular Letter from War Office, August 17, 1779.

War Office (Williamsburg) August 17, 1779. Sir, It is a matter of no small moment to the salvation of this country, that the act passed last session Assembly, for providing a defence for this commonwealth, be carried into effect with all possible expedition. ... The legislature have pointed out the most effectual mode to attain this happy end, … We hope therefore to be speedily informed of the progress which has been made in your county,… we shall send out officers to collect the men, and march them to their desired stations.

Circular Letter from War Office, November 11, 1779.

War Office, Williamsburg, November 11, 1779. The appointment of a clothier having in some measure altered the arrangements of the clothing department in this state, the whole direction of which was vested in the commissary of stores, it becomes necessary to delineate and ascertain the several respectiye [sic] duties appertaining to their several offices. The duty of the commissary of stores

Circular Letter of Adjutant General, March 7, 1818.

Circular. Adjutant General's Office, Richmond, 7th March, 1818 : Sir, I ... call your particular attention to the condition and preservation of public arms, and other public property applicable to military purposes ... [Signed in print] C.W. Gooch, Adjutant General

Circular Letter of Council to County-Court Clerks, December 31, 1817.

Circular. Richmond, Council Chamber. December 31, 1817. Sir, I beg leave to call your attention to the instructions contained in the annexed advice of Council ... in transmitting recommendations of the court of fit and proper persons to be added to the commission of the peace. … William Robertson, c.c.

Circular Letter of David Barrow explaining his Removal.

Circular letter. Southampton County, Virginia; February 14, 1798 ...

Circular Letter of Dover Baptist Association, October 10, 1814.

Circular letter of the Dover Baptist Association, Virginia, October 10, 1814

Circular Letter of Executive containing Resolution of General Assembly.

[Circular Letter of Executive containing Resolution of General Assembly].

Circular Letter of February 24, 1808.

[Circular letter of executive, February 24, 1808].

Circular Letter of Grand Lodge of Virginia (April 1803).

(Circular), Richmond, Virginia, April [blank] 1803. Worshipful Sir and Brother, I do myself the pleasure of forwarding to you for the perusal of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of [blank] a list of the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. &c. …

Circular Letter of Grand Lodge of Virginia (April 1804).

Richmond, Virginia, April [blank] 1804. Worshipful Sir and Brother, The following is an extract from the proceedings of the last grand annual communication of the Grand of Virginia ...

Circular Letter of Richmond Lodge No. 10 (August 1804).

Richmond, [blank] 1804. Brother, By the direction of the worshipful, the Richmond Lodge No. 10. I herewith transmit to you a copy of the resolution, passed ... on the 14th August, 5804 ...

Circular Letter of the Executive (August 1807).

[Circular letter of the executive].

Circular Letter of the Executive concerning Escheators.

Circular. Richmond, February 2d, 1804. Sir, Subjoined I forward to you an advice of the Council of State, to which I request your attention … John Page.

Circular Letter of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (January 1816).

(Circular.) Richmond, March 18, 1816. : Worshipful Sir and Brother, Enclosed you will receive a copy of the proceedings of the last grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. ...

Circular Letter of the Society of Cincinnati of Virginia.

Richmond, 20th Sept. 1802. Sir, I have the honor of enclosing you an abstract of the state of the funds of the Society of Cincinnati ...

Circular Letter of the Washington Academy (March 1803).

Washington Academy, 9th March, 1803. Sir, You have no doubt been informed that the Cincinati [sic] Society ... formed a resolution for devoting their funds to the use of Washington Academy … S. Blackburn and G.A. Baxter.

Circular Letter of the Washington Academy (October 1803).

Washington Academy, October 25, 1803. Sir, Sometime ago the undersigned had the honor of addressing a circular letter to the members of the Cincinati [sic] Society. We then stated that your Society ... had appropriated its funds to the use of Washington Academy ...

Circular Letter on Assembly Proclamation.

[Letter of the executive enclosing the proclamation convening the assembly]

Circular Letter on Classification of the Militia.

[Classification of the militia].

Circular Letter on Documenting Pending Claims.

In Council, 29th Dec. 1788. Sir, In the settlement of the account of this commonwealth with the United States, vouchers are required to prove that the recruits, provisions, clothing, forage, arms ... were actually appropriated to that purpose ...

Circular Letter on Duties of Commissary Brown.

[Governor’s letter relative to Brown and his deputies, March 29, 1781]

Circular Letter on Inspecting Public Arms.

In Council, July 7th, 1798: it is advised that the deputy adjutant-general be directed to write a circular ...

Circular Letter on Laws regulating Post Office Establishment.

[Circular respecting law of congress for regulating post office establishment].

Circular Letter on Military Affairs.

In council, March 26, 1781. Sir, I enclose you by express, three acts of the last session of assembly for ascertaining the number of militia in the state; exempting artificers employed at iron works from militia duty, and remedying the inconveniences arising from the interruption of the draught, and the procuring clothes, provisions, and waggons for the army ...

Circular Letter on Militia Delinquents.

In Council, April 12, 1781. Sir, Having received an application from the commanding officer to strengthen our army below, and being very unwilling to harrass the militia more than shall be absolutely unavoidable, we are in hopes an immediate and sufficient accession of force may be obtained by application to the several counties for their delinquents in militia duty whom the law sentences to six months service ...

Circular Letter on Militia Discipline.

Richmond, March 29, 1787. Sir, From a review of the situation of our country, the discipline of the militia becomes every day a more important object of my attention. The enclosed proclamation speaks the sense and wishes of the executive ... I would conjure you ... to consider the training of the militia ... I also enclose a late advice of Council ...

Circular Letter on Pennsylvania's Proposed Amendment to Constitution.

[Circular accompanying the resolution of the general assembly relative to the Pennsylvania proposed amendment to the constitution].

Circular Letter on Pension Applications.

In order to prevent abuses as far as it is possible : in the settlement of public claims ... [regulation of procedure for filing claims resulting from the Revolution]

Circular Letter on Precedency of Militia Officers.

In Council, December 20, 1787. The board proceeded to form a general rule for adjusting the precedency of captains and subalterns in the militia of the same county. ... All which matters so advised, the Governor orders accordingly. Attest. A. Blair, C.C.

Circular Letter on Recruiting Exemptions.

In Council, March 30, 1781. Sir, The act of October 1780, for recruiting this state's quota of troops to serve in the Continental Army, allowed persons to exempt themselves from certain military duties ...

Circular Letter on Supplies Furnished the Army.

[Letter of the executive relative to supplies furnished the army].

Results 751-800 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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