Imprint Records

Results 451-500 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Auction Notice for Land of the late Reuben George.

To be sold agreeable to the last will and testament of Reuben George, dec'd of Caroline County, to the highest bidder, on the second Tuesday in February, at Caroline Courthouse, being court day, one certain tract or parcel of land ... This land is the same that was set up to be sold on the 23d day of December, 1799, from some unforeseen accident the purchaser failed to comply with the terms of the sale. …

Auction Notice for Lands of the late Reuben George.

To be sold, to the highest bidder on the [blank] day of December [blank] agreeable to the last will ... of Reuben George ... two tracts of land in the county of Caroline ...

Auction Notice for Sale of Estate of John George.

Advertisement. To be sold to the highest bidder, for twelve months credit, on the 13th of February 1802, at Edward G. Clark's tavern, in the lower end of Henrico County about 8 miles below Richmond, on the stage road, all the property belonging to the estate of John George, deceased ... the administrator, February 4, 1802.

Auction Notice of Christopher Cryser.

A vendue, at my house in Frederick County, Virginia ... the following articles, viz. horses, cows, sheep, hogs, smith's tools, farming utensils and household furniture ...

Auction of Real Estate by Foster & Satchell (August 1810).

Sales at auction. On Monday , the 3rd, September, will be sold, a valuable three story house and lot, situate on the north side of Main Street, and near the Court House … Foster & Satchell, Auc'rs. August 27, 1810. Warrock - Pr.

Auction of Valuable Property by Richard Brooke (May 1810).

Auction. Valuable property. On Wednesday the 23d. inst. … will be sold, a house and lot, situated at Rockets … Richard Brooke, auctioneer. Richmond, 17th May, 1810. Richmond: Printed by Manson & Minor, opposite the Market house.

Auction of Valuable Property by Richard Brooke (October 1810).

Valuable property, at auction. On Thursday the first day of November ... a lot of ground, lying between Mr. Reubin Canter’s lumber-house and dwelling … Richard Brooke, auctioneer. Richmond, October 6, 1810. Manson — Printer.

Auditor's Letter transmitting Estimate of Receipts and Expenses.

[Letter from auditor, James E. Heath, transmitting estimate of receipts and expenses for year ending Sept. 30, 1820].

Auditor's Letter with Accounts concerning the Board of Public Works.

[Letter from the auditor with detailed statement of monies received and disbursed by the board of public works from the creation of the board to the end of the last fiscal year].

Auditor's Letter with Accounts concerning the Penitentiary.

[Letter of the auditor with the accounts of S. P. Parsons, superintendent of the penitentiary, 1816 to Sept. 30, 1820, the accounts of selling agents, number of officers employed and salaries, perquisites of office].

Auditor's Letter with List of Unsatisfied Claims.

[Letter from the auditor with list of unsatisfied claims due to or from the commonwealth].

Auditor's List of Warrants drawn on Literary Fund.

[List of warrants drawn on the literary fund].

Auditor’s and Treasurer’s Letters of December 1805.

Auditor’s Office, 15 Dec. 1805. Pursuant to the resolution of the Committee of Finance, : communicated in ... letter of the 12th inst. …

Balances Due from 1782 to 1st October 1814.

A list of balances due from the year 1782 to the year 1813, both inclusive, taken to 1st October 1814.

Balances Due from Counties.

A list of balances due from the several counties for taxes, from the year 1782 to the year 1790, inclusive.

Balances from 1782 to 1812.

[List of the balances from 1782 to 1812].

Bannaker's Almanack and Ephemeris for 1797 (Pleasants).

Bannaker's Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Kentucky Almanack and Ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1797; Being first after bissextile, or leap year; the twenty-first year of American Independence, and ninth year of the Federal government. … (by privilege.)

Bannaker's Almanack and Ephemeris for 1797 (Prentis & Murray).

Bannaker's Virginia and North Carolina Almanack and Ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1797; Being first after bissextile, or leap year; the twenty-first year of American Independence, and ninth year of the Federal government.

Baptism Hymn.

Baptism Hymn.

Baptist Confession of Faith.

A confession of faith, put forth by the elders and brethren of many congregations of Christians (baptised upon profession of their faith) in London and the country. ... First printed at London, 1688.

Baptist Declaration of Faith.

The Baptist Declaration of Faith. Revised and adapted, by several district association of the United Baptists, in Virginia.

Baptist Universal Register for 1790-1794, Vol. II.

The universal register of the Baptist denomination in North-America, for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, and part of 1793. Volume the second.

Baron Munchausen's Narrative of His Marvellous Travels.

Gulliver revived, containing singular travels, campaigns, voyages, and adventures, in Russia, Iceland, Turkey, Egypt, Gibraltar, up the Mediterranean, and on the Atlantic Ocean: also, an account of a voyage into the moon, with many extraordinary particulars relative to the cooking animal, in that planet, which are here called the human species, by Baron Munchausen. The fourth edition, considerably enlarged.

Bates's Virginia Almanac for 1809 (Grantland).

Bates's Virginia almanac, for the year 1809; being the first after bissextile or leap year. Adapted to the latitude and meridian of Richmond. Calculated by Benj'n. Bates. ...

Benjamin Watkins Leigh's Substitute for Resolutions Proposed by John Tyler.

Substitute, proposed by Mr. Leigh of Dinwiddie, to the Preamble and resolutions, on the subject of the right of the State legislatures to instruct their senators in the Congress of the United States.

Bericht der Verrichtungen (1813) [Report of issues discussed (1813)].

Bericht der Verrichtungen während des Synody des Luth. Ministeriums, gehalten im Staat Nord Carolina, im Jahr unsers Herrn 1813, mit einigen Anhängen.

Bericht von den Conferenzen [Report on the Conferences], 1803-1810.

Kurzer Bericht von den Conferenzen der Vereinigten Evangelisch Lutherischen Predigern, und Abgeordneten, in dem Staat Nord-Carolina, vom Jahr 1803, bis zum Jahr 1810.

Bethlem Gabor, Lord of Transylvania.

Bethlem Gabor, lord of Transylvania, or, The man hating Palatine; an historical drama, in three acts.

Betrachtung der Taufe und Aberdmahl [On Baptism and Communion].

Eine kurze Betrachtung der heil. Taufe und Aberdmahl, : zum Unterricht des gemeinen Mannes. Verfasst von einem Menschenfreund und Verehrer des Reichs Christi.

Bill Abolishing the Superior Courts of Chancery.

A bill abolishing the superior courts of chancery, and establishing superior circuit courts of chancery.

Bill amending the Criminal Law.

[Bill amending the Criminal Law].

Bill appropriating part of Revenue of the Literary Fund, with Amendments.

[Bill appropriating part of the revenue of the literary fund, and for other purposes, with amendments proposed by the Senate]

Bill appropriating part of the Revenue of the Literary Fund.

[Bill appropriating part of the revenue of the literary fund and amendments]

Bill appropriating the Public Revenue.

Bill appropriating the public revenue.

Bill arranging Senatorial Districts and Equalizing the Land Tax.

[Bill for arranging the counties into districts for election of senators, and for equalizing the land tax].

Bill concerning Administration of Oath of Office to Bank Directors.

[Bill prescribing duty of judge or magistrate who shall hereafter administer the oath of office to the directors of the several chartered banks].

Bill concerning Arrearages of Taxes on Lands, Houses, and Lots.

[Bill concerning arrearages of taxes on lands, houses, and lots].

Bill concerning Chancery Courts.

[Bill concerning chancery courts].

Bill concerning Distribution of Public Arms.

[Bill concerning the distribution of public arms].

Bill concerning Divorces.

[Bill concerning Divorces].

Bill concerning Establishment of Sundry New Banks, amended by Senate.

[Bill concerning the establishment of sundry new banks].

Bill concerning Establishment of Sundry New Banks, amended.

[Bill concerning the establishment of sundry new banks].

Bill concerning Establishment of Sundry New Banks, amended.

[Bill concerning the establishment of sundry new banks].

Bill concerning Establishment of Sundry New Banks.

[Bill concerning the establishment of sundry new banks].

Bill concerning Executions and for Other Purposes.

[Bill concerning executions and for other purposes. Printed by order of the senate].

Bill concerning Executions.

Bill concerning Executions, and for other purposes.

Bill concerning Executions.

[Bill concerning executions].

Bill concerning Forcible Entries and Detainers.

[Bill to explain and amend the act reducing into one the several acts concerning forcible entries and detainers].

Bill concerning Judges of the Admiralty and the General Court.

[Bill to enable the judges of the admiralty to hold courts of oyer and terminer and to amend the act establishing the general court]

Bill concerning Juries.

[Bill concerning Juries].

Results 451-500 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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