Imprint Records

Results 2101-2150 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Petition seeking Division of Monongalia County.

To the honourable, the General Assembly ... petition ... inhabitants of Monongalia County …

Petition seeking Extension of Jurisdiction of Norfolk Courts.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Ferry across the Elizabeth River.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Ferry on the Elizabeth River at Norfolk.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the county of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Flood Gates on Back Creek in Norfolk.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Free Small-Pox Vaccinations in Virginia.

To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives ... memorial of the undersigned citizens of [blank] county ...

Petition seeking Funds to Repair the Manchester Turnpike.

To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... memorialists [who] reside in counties ... south of James River ...

Petition seeking Improved Navigation of Chickahominy River.

At a meeting of the owners of lands on Chickahominy River ... on the second Saturday in June 1818 ... petition ... to the ... General Assembly ...

Petition seeking Improved Navigation of James River above Richmond.

To the honourable the Speaker and Members of the General Assembly ... citizens of ... Lynchburg ...

Petition seeking Improvement of Navigation along Roanoke River.

To the honorable the General Assembly ... your petitioners, inhabitants of counties on the Roanoke River, and its waters ...

Petition seeking Improvement of Navigation of James River at Richmond.

To the honorable the Assembly ... petitioners ...

Petition seeking Improvement of Roads to Harper’s Ferry.

To the honorable the Legislature ... undersigned citizens of the county of Jefferson ...

Petition seeking Incorporation of Mechanics’ Bank at Richmond.

To the honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, The petition of sundry inhabitants of the City of Richmond, town of Manchester, and their vicinity, being artists in some mechanical calling, or friends to the arts and industry: Humbly sheweth ...

Petition seeking Incorporation of Monongahela Navigation Company.

To the Legislature ... inhabitants of [blank] county, request ... an act to incorporate ... the Monongahela Navigation Company ...

Petition seeking Increased Capital for the Bank of the Valley.

To the General Assembly ... memorial ... of the undersigned, stockholders of the Bank of the Valley in Virginia ...

Petition seeking Increased Rents in Tobacco Warehouses.

To the honorable Legislature ... petition ... of Thomas Ball ... and John Seabrook ...

Petition seeking Law requiring Surveys of Claimed Lands.

To the General Assembly ... freeholders and inhabitants of the county of [blank] ... propose that a law may be passed ...

Petition seeking Lottery for Paving Streets in Leesburg.

To the honorable the Speaker and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates ... petition ... citizens of ... Leesburg ... inhabitants of the county of Loudoun ...

Petition seeking Lottery to support the Norfolk Academy.

To the honorable the Senate and House of Delegates ... the trustees of Norfolk Academy and a number of inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Navigation Regulations for James River Boats.

To the General Assembly ... petition of many of the inhabitants of the counties of Goochland, Powhatan, Cumberland, Fluvanna ... sheweth, that ... [they] have suffered severely from depredations committed ... by the navigators of boats ... [on the] James River ...

Petition seeking New County from Berkeley and Hampshire Counties.

To the honorable, the General Assembly ... inhabitants of the counties of Berkeley and Hampshire ... ask that a county may be constituted ...

Petition seeking New County from Harrison and Randolph Counties.

To the honorable General Assembly ... petition of the subscribers of Harrison and Randolph counties ... prayeth that a new county may be laid out off Harrison and Randolph ...

Petition seeking New Regulations on the Manchester Turnpike.

To the honorable speaker and members of the House of Delegates of Virginia. The memorial of the subscribers respectctfully [sic] represents, that your memorialists reside in counties lying to the south of James River, and in travelling, and bringing their produce to the Richmond market, by land. they are under the necessity of using the Manchester Turnpike Road ...

Petition seeking New Sites for District Courts of Chancery.

To the honorable ... House of Delegates ….inhabitants of [blank] county … pray that the site of the former district courts ... be made the site of the chancery courts ...

Petition seeking Police Force in Norfolk.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Realignment of Richmond Chancery Court District.

The petition of sundry inhabitants of the county of [blank] ...

Petition seeking Realignment of Winchester Chancery Court District.

To the honorable the Speakers and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates ... memorial & petition of the people of Loudoun county ...

Petition seeking Reduction of Grain Milling Charges.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking Regulation of Gill Nets on the Potomac River.

To the Legislature ... memorial of the ... proprietors and occupiers of fisheries on the river Potomac ... have sustained much injury from tide or gill nets ...

Petition seeking Relocation of Princess Anne County Court Sessions.

To the honorable Speaker and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates ... petition ... of the county of Princess Anne ...

Petition seeking Relocation of Princess Anne County Court.

To the honorable Speaker and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates ... petition ... inhabitants of the county of Princess-Anne ...

Petition seeking Removal of Potomac River Obstructions.

The Petition of the freeholders ... of Alexandria, to the General Assembly of the Common-wealth of Virginia represent ... that all the streets in the said town parallel to the river Potomak, to the westward of Washington Street, being seven in number ... are entirely obstructed ...

Petition seeking Reorganization of the Chancery Courts (A).

To the honorable ... the Senate and House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the county of [blank] … the necessity of ...

Petition seeking Reorganization of the Chancery Courts (B).

To the honorable the Speaker and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates ... memorial ... inhabitants of the county of [blank] …

Petition seeking Reorganization of the Chancery Courts (C).

To the honourable the Speaker & members of both Houses ... petition ...

Petition seeking Reorganization of the Chancery Courts (D).

To the honourable the Speaker & members of both Houses ... petition ...

Petition seeking Restrictions on Hawkers and Peddlers.

To the honorable General Assembly … the petition of sundry inhabitants of the county of [blank] … respectfully sheweth …

Petition seeking Suffrage for All Taxpayers and Militiamen.

To the Legislature ... memorial ... citizens of [blank] county ...

Petition seeking to Amend the State Constitution.

To the Speakers, and Members of the two houses ... petition ... inhabitants of the county of [blank] ...

Petition seeking Toll Bridge across James River at Richmond.

To the honorable the Legislature ... petition of the undersigned ...

Petition seeking Toll Bridge across James River near Lynchburg.

To the honourable ... General Assembly ... freeholders and residents of the county of [blank] ...

Petition seeking Toll-Free Bridge over James River near Lynchburg.

To the honorable the General Assembly the petition of sundry inhabitants of the county of Amherst and town of Lynchburg ...

Petition seeking Turnpike between Roanoke and Appomattox Rivers.

To the General Assembly ... petition of ... citizens of the counties between Roanoke and Appomattox Rivers ...

Petition seeking Turnpike from Manchester to Petersburg.

To the honorable the speaker and members of the Virginia legislature. We your petitioners view with pleasure the rapid progress of agriculture, mechanicks and commerce, throughout our happy country ... establishing of a turnpike-road from the streets in Manchester to the toll-bridge on Appomattox at Petersburg; …

Petition seeking Turnpike from Winchester to Harper’s Ferry.

To the honorable the Legislature ... memorial of the undersigned citizens of the counties of Frederick and Jefferson ... sheweth ... the necessity ... of establishing a turnpike road from Winchester to Harper’s Ferry ...

Petition to enlarge Capital Stock of the Bank of Alexandria.

Alexandria, September 3d, 1793. To the honorable the speakers and gentlemen of the two houses of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Petition to extend Charter of Bank of Alexandria (A).

To the honorable the General Assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia. The petition of sundry freeholders and farmers of the county of [blank] humbly sheweth, that great advantages have resulted to them from the establishment of a bank in the town of Alexandria.

Petition to extend Charter of Bank of Alexandria (B).

To the honourable the General Assembly of Virginia. The petition of the merchants, tradesmen, and other inhabitants of the town of Alexandria, humbly sheweth, That the experience of ages has proven that the operations of well conducted banks are beneficial to a country, in facilitating commerce ...

Philadelphia Goods for Sale by Francis Pic.

Francis Pic, in the rear of Colonel Gamble’s store, on the Main Street. Just arrived from Philadelphia ... an elegant assortment of millinery … jewelry … gloves … Richmond, May 6th, 1803.

Pindaric Odes addressed to His Highness the American Caesar.

Pindaric odes, addressed to His Highness the American Caesar, written in the year 1800, and now first published, for the consolation of the fallen friends of order, and a warning to the Jacobins.

Results 2101-2150 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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