Imprint Records

Results 951-1000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Cover Letter for Unit Strength Order.

Adjutant-General's Office, July the 5th, 1797. Sir, I beg leave to address to you, the inclosed Orders of the Commander in Chief of the Militia of Virginia ... [signed] Sam. Coleman for Simon Morgan Adj. Genl.

Critical Remarks on a Letter Ascribed to Common Sense.

Critical remarks on a letter ascribed to Common Sense : containing an attempt to prove that the said letter is an imposition on common sense. : With a dissertation on drowsiness, as the cruel cause of the imposition.

Cursory Reflexions on Government, Philosophy and Education.

Cursory reflexions on government, philosophy and education, by James Ogilvie, instructor of youth in the Stevensburg Academy.

Das A B C Lied [The A B C Song].

Das A B C Lied. Willst du bald ein Doctor werden? …

Das Grosse ABC Buch [The Great ABC-Book], 2nd edition.

Das Grosse ABC-Buch, enthaltend, das ABC, Wurzelwörter, und Wurzelwörter mit ihren angehängten Ableitungssylben nebst vielen Arten Buchstabier- und Leseübungen, &c. von Ambrosius Henkel. Zweite Auflage.

Das Grosse ABC Buch [The Great ABC-Book].

Das Grosse ABC-Buch, enthaltend, das ABC, Wurzelwörter, und Wurzelwörter mit ihren angehängten Ableitungssylben nebst vielen Buchstabier- und Leseübungen, &c. von Ambrosius Henkel. Erste Auflage.

Das Kleine A B C Buch [The Small A-B-C-Book], 2nd edition.

Das kleine A B C-Buch, oder erste Anfangs-Büchlein mit schönen Bildern und deren Namen, nach dem A B C, um den Kindern das Buchstabiren leichter zu machen. Von Ambrosius Henkel. Zweite Auflage.

Das Kleine A B C Buch [The Small A-B-C-Book], 2nd edition.

Das kleine A B C-Buch, oder erste Anfangs-Büchlein mit schönen Bildern und deren Namen, nach dem A B C, um den Kindern das Buchstabiren leichter zu machen. Von Ambrosius Henkel. Zweite Auflage.

Das kleine A B C Buch [The Small A-B-C-book].

Das kleine A B C-Buch, oder erste Anfangs-Büchlein : mit schönen Bildern und deren Namen, nach dem A B C, um den Kindern das Buchstabiren leichter zu machen. Von Ambrosius Henkel.

Das Kleine A B C Buch [The Small A-B-C-Book].

Das kleine A B C-Buch, oder erste Anfangs-Büchlein mit schönen Bildern und deren Namen, nach dem A B C, um den Kindern das Buchstabiren leichter zu machen. Von Ambrosius Henkel.

Das neu eingerichtete Gesang-Buch [Newly Appointed Singing-Book].

Das neu eingerichtete Gesang-Buch [microform] bestehend aus einer Sammlung der besten Liedern zum gebrauch des öffentlichen Deutschen Gottesdienst's, und anderen Uebungen zur Gottseligkeit, in den Vereinigten Staaten, von Nord-America. 1. aufl.

Das neu eingerichtete Gesang-Buch [Newly Appointed Singing-Book].

Das Neu eingerichtete Gesang-Buch, : bestehend aus einer Sammlung der besten Liedern zum Gebrauch des öffentlichen Deutschen Gottesdienstes, und anderen Uebungen zur Gottseligkeit, in den Vereinigten Staaten, von Nord-America. Zweyte Auflage.

Das Traurige Ende von Polly [The Sad End of Polly].

Das traurige Ende von Polly. Ihr Jungen sündigt früh und spat ...

David and Goliath, or, A Treatise on Water Baptism.

David and Goliath, or A treatise on water baptism; shewing the proper subjects and mode of that ordinance, with observations on the writings of several champions in that cause. By Josiah Osborne.

De monomachia sive duello [Lines on Duelling].

De monomachia, sive duello hoc in monomachiam, sive duellem, poema, comitiis Americanis, devoto, humilique animo, inscribebat auctor, L.H.G.

Death Abolished.

Death abolished: A Sermon. Occasioned by the sickness which prevailed at Alexandria during the months of August, September and October; giving a detail of that sickness, and of some of the views of providence in such calamitous visitations. With an appendix, containing facts, relating to the origin of the sickness--the extent of the mortality--the labours of the committee of health, and the contributions for the relief of the poor. By James Muir, D.D. pastor of the Presbyterian Church.

Debate on a Bill concerning the Administration of Justice, March 1772.

Saturday, the 28th of March, 12 George III, 1772. The House, according to order, resolved itself into a committee of the whole House, to consider further of the bill for the more easy and speedy administration of justice.

Debates and Proceedings of the Virginia Convention.

Debates and other proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, convened at Richmond, on Monday the second day of June, 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the Constitution recommended by the grand Federal Convention. To which is prefixed the Federal Constitution. Taken in short hand, by David Robertson……of Petersburg. Second edition.

Debates in House of Delegates on Alien and Sedition Laws.

Debates in the House of Delegates of Virginia, upon certain resolutions before the House, upon the important subject of the acts of Congress passed at their last session, commonly called, the Alien and Sedition laws.

Decisions of Cases in Virginia by the High Court of Chancery.

Decisions of cases in Virginia, by the High Court of Chancery, with remarks upon decrees by the Court of Appeals, reversing some of those decision.

Decius's Letters.

Decius's letters on the opposition to the new Constitution in Virginia, 1789.

Defence of Catholic Principles in a Letter to a Protestant Minister.

A defence of Catholic principles, in a letter to a Protestant minister. By Demetrius A. Gallitzin.

Defence of the Resolution of the Episcopal Convention at Winchester.

A Defence of the resolution of the Episcopal Convention, held at Winchester, in May, 1818.

Defense of Ezra Talmage's Conduct.

To the public. When the character of a family is attacked in an unwarrantable manner, it behoves the accused to seek redress … Ezra Talmage. Richmond, October 9th, 1809.

Defense of Samuel Chase.

To the publick. July 18th. 1766. I waited upon Mr. Jonas Green the printer of this province, with the following vindication of myself, from the aspersions of Messrs. Walter Dulany, M. Macnemara, Geo. Steuart, John Brice and U. Scot ... but he refused to give it a place in his paper; this partiality of the press ... has reduced me to the necessity of taking this step of clearing myself to the world. ...

Defense of Samuel Southwick's Conduct.

To the public. Whereas a number of handbills have been thrown about our streets at night … people have supposed that this must have been done ... to injure Mr. Samuel Southwick … Richmond, October 5th. 1809 ... Samuel Southwick.

Delinquency, No Fable.

Delinquency, no fable.

Der Christliche Catechismus [The Christian Catechism].

Der christliche catechismus, verfasst zum unterricht der jugend in der erkenntniss der christlichen religion, samt morgen-und abend-lieder, und gebäte. Erste auflage.

Der Christliche Catechismus [The Christian Catechism].

Der christliche Catechismus, verfasst zum Unterricht der Jugend in der Erkenntniss der christlichen Religion; : samt Morgen- und Abend-Gebäte, &c. wie auch eine kurze Erklärung der Fest- Fast- und Feuer-Tagen, und besondere Sonntagen, &c. Von Paulus Henkel, Evangelischer Lehrer. Zweyte Auflage, verbessert und vermehret.

Detail of Virginia’s Quota of the 100,000 Man Requisition.

[Detail of Virginia’s quota of the 100,000 men].

Devout Letters.

Devout letters: or, Letters spiritual and friendly. Written by Sarah Jones. Corrected and published by Jeremiah Minter, minister of the Gospel: author of The life and death of Mrs. Jones; Truth's cause plead, &c. &c.

Dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented…

A dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented, William Oronoco, planters, both men of good understanding, and Justice Love-Country, who can speak for himself, recommended to the reading of the planters. By a sincere lover of Virginia.

Dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented…

A dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented, William Oronoco, planters, both men of good understanding, and Justice Love-Country, who can speak for himself, recommended to the reading of the planters. By a sincere lover of Virginia.

Dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented…

A dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Scented, William Oronoco, planters, both men of good understanding, and Justice Love-Country, who can speak for himself, recommended to the reading of the planters. By a sincere lover of Virginia.

Die Allgemein Nützliche Choral-Music [Universally Useful Choral-Music].

Die allgemein nützliche choral-music. Enthaltend: auserlesene melodien, welche bey allen religions verfassungen gebräuchlich sind. Auf zwey stimmen gesetzt. Begleitet, mit einer vorrede, über die music, oder tonkunst; und mit einer, zum grunde der vocal-music vollständigen einleitung. Eingerichtet zum gebrauch des öffentlichen Gottesdienstes, sing-schulen und privat-uebungen. Verfasset von Joseph Funk.

Die Fromme Zwillinge [The Pious Twins].

Die fromme Zwillinge: eine Geschichte von zween Christen-knaben, die von einem Juden in die Türkey verkauft wurden, und wunderbarliche mit ihrem Vater vom Tode errettet. Das erste deutsche Virginische Kinderbuch.

Die Stufen des Menschlichen [The Stages of Human Life].

Die Stufen des Menschlichen-Lebens in Reimen gebracht nach dem Alphabet von W: Harms.

Die Todes Glocke [The Death Bell].

Die Todes Glocke, oder Das wärdige Verhalten eines Christen bey Krankheiten: ein Auszug vom Ev. Magazin, nebst Einer Todes-Geschichte von Gerhard : ein Auszug von Heinrich Stillings Heimweh.

Die Todes Glocke [The Death Bell].

Die Todes Glocke, oder Das würdige Verhalten eines Christen bey Krankheiten, ein Auszug vom Ev. Magazin, ; nebst einer Todes-Geschichte von Pfr. Gerhard: ; ein Auszug von Heinrich Stillings Heimweh. Erste Auflage.

Die Unterredung ueber die Feyertage [Conversation over the Holidays].

Die Unterredung: ueber die Feyertage, eines Schul-Lehrers und seiner Kindern. In Frag und Antwort. Das 2te deutsche Virginische Kinderbuch.

Dieses soll bezeugen… [This will testify…].

Dieses soll bezeugen: Dass [blank] nach dem Zeuchnüss ihrer Eltern christlicher Ordnung gemäs dem Herrn durch die Heilige Taufe gewiedmet wurde; und nach Ordnung der Evang. Lutherischen Kirche zum Mitglied derselben confirmirt und eingesegnet worden ist. Paul Henkel

Discourse at the Episcopal Church at Martinsburg (November 1806).

A Discourse, delivered in the Protestant Episcopal Church, on Sunday, November 26, 1806, Martinsburg, Virginia.

Discourse delivered at the Funeral of David Stokely.

A discourse delivered in Wellsburgh, Va. on the 27th of September, 1820 at the funeral of David Stokely, who departed this life on the 25th ... by the Rev'd Dr. Joseph Doddridge.

Discourse delivered in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, June 24, 1820.

A discourse delivered in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, June 24, 1820, being the anniversary of St. John the Baptist; at the request of Brooke Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. By the Rev. William H. Wilmer, D.D. rector of St. Paul's Church, Alexandria.

Discourse on the Death of General Washington (1).

A discourse, on the death of General Washington, late president of the United States; delivered on the 22d of February, 1800, in the church in Williamsburg. By James Madison, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, and President of William and Mary College.

Discourse on the Death of General Washington (2).

A discourse on the death of General Washington, late president of the United States; delivered on the 22d of February, 1800, in the church in Williamsburg. By James Madison, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, and president of William and Mary College. The second edition--corrected.

Discourse on the Final Perseverance of the Saints in Grace.

A discourse on the final perseverance of the saints in grace; wherein the different opinions on the subject are examined. By John Jenkins, V.D.M.

Disquisitions on Several Subjects.

Disquisitions on several subjects

Dissertation on the Morbid Effects induced by Grief and Fear.

A dissertation on the morbid effects induced on the mind and body, by grief and fear; submitted for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. By Nathan Colgate Whitehead, of Norfolk, Virginia.

Results 951-1000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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