Imprint Records

Results 2301-2350 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Prospectus the Lynchburg Centinel.

Prospectus for publishing a paper in the town of Lynchburg, by Rives and Davies; to be entitled the Lynchburg Centinel ... Addison Davies. Lynchburg, August 13, 1814

Protest against a Toll-Bridge across James River at Cartersville.

To the honorable the General Assembly ... memorial of Randolph Harrison ...

Protest against Toll-Free Bridge over James River near Lynchburg.

To the honorable the Speaker and Members of ... the General Assembly ... the Lynchburg Toll Bridge [Co.] ...

Protest of the Intolerable Acts, May 27, 1774.

An Association, signed by 89 members of the late House of Burgesses.

Protest of the Minority of the Staunton Convention (A).

Protest, of the minority of the Staunton Convention. The undersigned members ... protest against the call of an unlimited convention ...

Protest of the Minority of the Staunton Convention (B).

Protest, of the minority of the Staunton Convention. The undersigned members ... protest against the call of an unlimited convention ...

Psalms suited to the Christian Worship in the United States.

Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America. Being an improvement of the old version of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches & private families.

Public Notice of a General Inoculation in Richmond.

Public notice is hereby given that a general inoculation is permitted to take place within the city, to commence on the twenty-fifth instant, and to continue until the twentieth day of February next ... Richmond, Jan. 21, 1794.

Quarantine Proclamation (Summer 1804).

By the governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, a proclamation. …

Quarantine Proclamation of August 1803.

By the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, A Proclamation. … Signed, John Page.

Quarter-Master General's Order to Regimental Commanders.

Quarter-Master General's Department, Richmond, March 31, 1814. Sir, A detachment of troops from the Virginia line of Militia being ordered into the service of the U. States by the executive of this state, on a requisition, by the commanding officer of this district.―It being referred to me by the Governor to direct the march of this force.―You will please to order the commanding officer of the detachment from your regiment, to proceed immediately to this place. …

Rags will be bought at Printing Office of Ambrose Henkel.

Rags. Two cents and a half will be given per lb. for clean linen & cotton rags, at the Printing-Office of Ambrose Henkel & Co. in New Market, Shenandoah County, Va. New-Market, November 4th, 1811 ...

Ratification Votes of June 25, 1788.

Richmond, state of Virginia. In Convention, Wednesday, the 25th of June, 1788. The Convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole Convention, to take into farther consideration, the proposed Constitution of government for the United States ...

Ratifications of the New Foederal Constitution.

The Ratifications of the new foederal Constitution, together with the amendments, proposed by the several states. This collection was made at the instance of several gentlemen, who supposed, that it would be useful and acceptable to the public, to be able to compare at once the sentiments of the different states together.

Reason and Faith, or, Philosophical Absurdities.

Reason and faith, or, Philosophical absurdities, shewing the necessity of revelation. Intended to promote faith among infidels, and the unbonded exercise of humanity among all religious men. By Rabba Henriquis, Esq. One of the sons of Abraham to his brethren.

Recruiting Commission.

Williamsburg, [blank], 177 [blank]. To [blank] Gentlemen, you are forthwith to proceed to recruit men to serve in a corps of troops destined for the protection and defense of the county of Illinois...

Reflections on Encouraging Commerce.

Reflections on the policy and necessity of encouraging the commerce of the citizens of the United States of America, and of granting them exclusive privileges of trade.

Reflections on the Present State Government of Virginia.

Reflections on the present state government of Virginia; and a variety of good causes shewn for altering the same. In two parts. By a native.

Reflections on the Subject of Water Baptism.

A few reflections, on the subject of water baptism, taken from a late author, and recommended by Stith Mead, to the candid perusal of all the enquirers after truth.

Regimental Orders (19th Regiment, March 1807).

Regimental orders. Agreeable to a resolution of a regimental court of enquiry for the 19th regiment, held at the Bell tavern on the 15th of November last. Thomas Nicolson, secretary, March 15th, 1807. … Extracts from the militia laws now in force against the citizens of Richmond.

Regimental Orders of May 1809.

Regimental orders … Geo. W. Smith, It. gov. May 24, 1809.

Regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

General regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge of Virginia, since the publication of the book of Ahiman Rezon, arranged under district heads. Published by the order of the Grand Lodge.

Regulations for Richmond Assemblies.

At a meeting of the managers for the Richmond Assemblies for the ensuing season, to commence at the Eagle Tavern on Thursday evening the [blank] day of November, 1790, and to continue once a fortnight.

Regulations governing the Grand Lodge of Virginia (1789).

Regulations for the government of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Regulations of Mutual Assurance Society Against Fire on Buildings.

Constitution, rules and regulations of the Mutual Assurance Society Against Fire on Buildings in the State of Virginia.

Religion, The Best Accomplishment.

Religion, the best accomplishment. A sermon preached to the young ladies of Harrisonburg, January 24th, 1813. By Andrew B. Davidson.

Religions-Register [Religious Register].

Religions-Register, oder Kurze Beschreibung der Glaubens-Lehre und gottesdienstliche Verrichtungen der sogennanten Schäking-Quäkers in dem Staat Ohio; aus dem Englischen genau übersetzt. Nebst eine kurze Erinnerung an den Leser.

Remarkable Occurrences among the People called Shakers.

Remarkable occurrences lately discovered among the people called Shakers, of a treasonous & barbarous nature, or, Shakerism developed. By James Smith.

Remarkable Occurrences among the People called Shakers.

Remarkable occurrences lately discovered among the people called Shakers, of a treasonous & barbarous nature, or, Shakerism developed. By James Smith.

Remarks on Bill of Rights, Constitution and Some Acts of Assembly.

Remarks on the Bill of Rights, Constitution and some acts of the General Assembly of the state of Virginia.

Remarks on Ministerial Purity.

Remarks on Ministerial Purity.

Remonstrance of Albemarle Citizens against Alien & Sedition Acts.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being citizens of the county of Albemarle in the state of Virginia, are urged by considerations which we cannot resist, to remonstrate as follows ...

Remonstrance to the Commonwealth's first General Assembly.

To the honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A memorial and remonstrance ...

Repentance, or Richmond in Tears.

Repentance, or Richmond in tears.

Reply to the Council President by the Council in Assembly (July 1771).

To the Honourable William Nelson, Esquire, president and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia. The address of the Council.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (April 1757).

April 18th, 1757. To the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia; the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (August 1734)

The humble address of the House of Burgesses, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor of the colony and dominion of Virginia.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (August 1740)

The humble address of the Burgesses, met in Assembly, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq.; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (February 1754).

February 18, 1754. To the Honourable Robert Dinwiddie, Esq.; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia; the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (February 1759).

February 27th, 1759. To the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia: the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (February 1772).

To His Excellency the Right Honourable John Earl of Dunmore, His Majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the colony and dominion of Virginia, and vice admiral of the same: the humble address of the House of Burgesses

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (January 1764).

January 16, 1764. To the Honourable Francis Fauquier, Esquire, His Majesty's lieutenant-governour, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia: the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (January 1764).

November 2, 1764. To the Honble Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governour, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia: the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (March 1747).

To the Honourable Sir William Gooch, Bart. His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia, the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (March 1759).

March 6th, 1759. To the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia: the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (March 1762).

April 1, 1762. To the Honourable Francis Fauquier, Esquire, His Majesty's lieutenant-governour, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia: the humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (March 1773).

To His Excellency the Right Honourable John Earl of Dunmore, His Majesty's lieutenant governor general of the colony and dominion of Virginia, and vice admiral of the same. The humble address of the House of Burgesses.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (May 1732)

The humble address of the House of Burgesses, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (May 1740)

The humble address of the House of Burgesses, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq.; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia.

Reply to the Governor by the Burgesses in Assembly (May 1742).

The humble address of the House of Burgesses, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia.

Results 2301-2350 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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