Imprint Records

Results 2051-2100 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Petition of John Mercer [1747].

To the worshipful the speaker and gentlemen of the House of Burgesses, the case and petition of John Mercer, of Marlborough-town, in the county of Stafford, gent.

Petition of Kentucky Inhabitants concerning Supreme Court Sessions.

To the honorable the General Assembly of Virginia, the petition of a number of inhabitants of the district of Kentucky, humbly sheweth ... a very great expence ... attends the sitting of the Supreme Court at only one place in this district ...

Petition of Samuel Holmes of Mecklenburg County.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives ... petition of Samuel Holmes ...

Petition of the Militia of Berkeley County.

To the honorable the speakers and members of both houses of the general assembly of Virginia: the representation and petition of the ... inhabitants of the county of Berkeley ...

Petition on Road Repair in Loudoun and Fairfax Counties.

To the honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates … petition … inhabitants of [blank] county …

Petition opposing a Division of Berkeley County.

Petition in favour of a division of Berkeley County: to the General Assembly of Virginia ... inhabitants of the County of Berkeley ...

Petition opposing Division of Berkeley County.

To the honourable the speaker and gentlemen of the House of Representatives : the memorial and petition ... of the inhabitants of the County of Berkeley ... the wish and hope which accompanies this petition ... is that the County of Berkeley may remain whole ...

Petition opposing Move of District Court to Centerville.

To the General Assembly of Virginia: the petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of the counties of Loudoun, Fairfax, Prince William & Fauquier ...

Petition opposing Move of District Court to Centerville.

To the General Assembly ... inhabitants of the counties of Loudoun, Fairfax, Prince William & Fauquier ...

Petition opposing Religious Exemptions to Militia Service.

To the honorable ... General Assembly of Virginia : ... petition of ... inhabitants of ... Frederick ... [oppose] granting to Quakers and Menonists an exemption from militia duty ...

Petition opposing Relocation of Petersburg District Court.

To the honorable legislature of Virginia. : The petition of the inhabitants of that part of Virginia, comprehended within the counties composing the district of Petersburg--Humbly sheweth—That a petition will be presented to your honorable body, to move the district court of Petersburg, to Dinwiddie courthouse ... And your petitioners humbly conceive themselves warranted, in offering ... reasons countervailing those in the said petition contained. ...

Petition opposing Relocation of Princess Anne County Court Sessions.

To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives ... petition ... citizens of Princess Anne county ...

Petition proposing Move of District Court to Centerville (A).

To the General Assembly of Virginia: the petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of the counties of Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Fauquier...

Petition proposing Move of District Court to Centerville (B).

To the General Assembly of Virginia: the subscribers, inhabitants of the county of [blank] beg leave respectfully to submit that they labour under great inconvenience from being obliged to attend the Court of the District, composed of the Counties of Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Fauquier, in the town of Dumfries, which is situated in an extreme corner of the said district ...

Petition seeking a Chartered Bank in Norfolk.

To the Honorable the speakers and members of the Senate and House of Delegates of the commonwealth of Virginia, in General Assembly convened, the petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk, respectfully represents, …

Petition seeking a Chartered Bank in Richmond.

To the honorable the legislature of Virginia, the petition of sundry inhabitants of the city of Richmond, town of Manchester and their vicinities sheweth …

Petition seeking a Convention to Revise the State Constitution.

To the honorable the speakers and gentlemen of both houses of assembly : the petition of ... inhabitants of [blank] county ...

Petition seeking a Public Road to Georgia.

To the honorable the speaker and House of Delegates, for the state of Virginia, the petition of sundry inhabitants of the federal district, and of the state of Virginia, humbly sheweth, That your petitioners are strongly impressed by information, as well as their own immediate knowledge, that there is a necessity for a great leading road, as direct as the ground will admit of, from the city of Washington, thro' the middle counties of the different states, south-westward to the seat of government, in Georgia ...

Petition seeking a second State-Chartered Bank in Richmond.

To the Honorable the legislature of Virginia. The memorial of sundry merchants, traders, farmers, and other citizens of the commonwealth, sheweth: That whereas the public voice has called for the establishment of a bank, and the legislature have thought proper not only to reserve a great interest and controul in that which has been established, but to create public responsibility ...

Petition seeking a State-Chartered Bank at Dumfries.

To the honorable the Speaker and House of Delegates ... petition ... inhabitants of ... Dumfries ...

Petition seeking a State-Chartered Bank at Winchester.

To the honorable the Senate and House of Delegates ... petition of the undersigned, inhabitants of Frederick County and the adjacent county ... pray the Legislature to grant …

Petition seeking a Toll-Bridge across James River at Cartersville.

To the Speaker and Members of ... the General Assembly ... inhabitants of the counties of Cumberland, Goochland and Powhatan ...

Petition seeking Additional Capital for the Bank of Alexandria.

To the honourable the speakers and members of both houses of the General Assembly of Virginia : the petition of the subscribers, citizens and freeholders in the county of [blank] ... hope that a law may pass adding to the capital of the Bank of Alexandria ...

Petition seeking Alterations to Laws on Chattel Slavery.

To the honorable the General Assembly ... inhabitants of the county of Berkeley ... pray, that the law ... may be so altered ... to permit persons ... to bring their slaves into this state, and retain their property in them ...

Petition seeking Bank of Virginia branch near Alexandria (1).

To the General Assembly of Virginia, the petition of the citizens of the county of [blank] Respectfully shews that your petitioners are desirous of recalling the attention of the legislature to the subject of sundry memorials and petitions, presented to the last session ... that it should participate in the advantages resulting from the establishment of the Bank of Virginia ... Your petitioners humbly pray that an act may be passed for establishing an Office of the Bank of Virginia, for the purposes of Discount & Deposit in that part of the county of Fairfax adjacent to the town of Alexandria …

Petition seeking Bank of Virginia branch near Alexandria (2).

To the General Assembly of Virginia, the petition of the citizens of the county of [blank] Respectfully shews that your petitioners are desirous of recalling the attention of the legislature to the subject of sundry memorials and petitions, presented to the last session ... that it should participate in the advantages resulting from the establishment of the Bank of Virginia ... Your petitioners humbly pray that an act may be passed for establishing an Office of the Bank of Virginia, for the purposes of Discount & Deposit in that part of the county of Fairfax adjacent to the town of Alexandria …

Petition seeking Bank of Virginia branch near Alexandria (3).

To the General Assembly ... petition of the citizens of ... [blank] …

Petition seeking Bank or Brank Bank in Town of Danville (1).

To the honorable the General Assembly ... petition ... inhabitants of the town of Danville, and the county of Pittsylvania ...

Petition seeking Bank or Brank Bank in Town of Danville (2).

To the honorable the General Assembly … petition … of … Danville …

Petition seeking Bank or Brank Bank in Town of Danville (3).

To the honorable the General Assembly ... petition of sundry inhabitants of the town on Danville …

Petition seeking Branch of Bank of Virginia at Staunton.

To the honorable ... both Houses of Assembly ... The memorial of the citizens of Staunton ...

Petition seeking Branch of Bank of Virginia in Lynchburg (A).

To the honorable ... General Assembly ... memorial of planters ... merchants ... of Campbell, Buckingham [22 counties in all] ...

Petition seeking Branch of Bank of Virginia in Lynchburg (B).

[Memorial of Lynchburg City] ... state ... a part of the advantages ... from the establishment of a bank in Lynchburg ...

Petition seeking Branch of Bank of Virginia in Lynchburg (C).

To the honorable the Speaker, and Members of the General Assembly … the petition of the merchants ... of Lynchburg...

Petition seeking Canal between Staunton and Appomattox Rivers.

To the General Assembly of Virginia: the petition of the undersigned citizens of the counties on the river Appomattox and its waters, respectfully sheweth …

Petition seeking Canal on South Side of James River near Manchester.

To the Speakers and Members of both Houses ... petition ... inhabitants of the [blank] ...

Petition seeking Canal on South Side of James River near Manchester.

To the speakers and members of both houses of the Virginia legislature. The petition of sundry inhabitants of the [blank] respectfully sheweth, that all the country above the falls contiguous to James River, is greatly interested in the establishment of a canal on the south side thereof ...

Petition seeking Chancery District Court at Fredericksburg.

The petition of sundry inhabitants of the county of [blank] to the Legislature ...

Petition seeking Chancery District Court at Lynchburg.

To the honorable, the Speaker, and Members of both Houses ... petition ...

Petition seeking Change in Frederick/Shenandoah County Border.

Notice. A petition will be presented to the Legislature ... at the next session for attaching that part of Frederick County to Shenandoah, lying in the forks of Shenandoah River. October 31st 1820,

Petition seeking change in Lynchburg Chancery Court District.

To the General Assembly ... citizens of the county of Nelson...

Petition seeking Changes in Judicial Processes of County Courts.

To the honorable the Senate and House of Delegates ... petitioners ... county of [blank] ...

Petition seeking Changes in Norfolk Borough Charter.

To the Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk ...

Petition seeking changes in Richmond City Elections.

To the General Assembly ... inhabitants of the city of Richmond ... pray ...

Petition seeking Charter Extension for Farmers' Bank of Virginia.

To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Delegates ... petition ...

Petition seeking Charter for a Richmond East India Company.

To the General Assembly ... petition ... citizens of Richmond, Manchester ...

Petition seeking Circulation of Private Bank Notes.

To the honorable the Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates ... memorial ... citizens ... county of [blank] ...

Petition seeking Convention to alter State Constitution.

To the honorable the Speaker and Gentlemen of both Houses of Assembly. The memorial of the freemen of [blank] county ...

Petition seeking County from parts of Frederick, Loudoun, & Fauquier.

Notice Is hereby given,—that a petition will be presented to the next assembly ... praying for ... a new county ...

Petition seeking Creation of Great Western Turnpike Road Company.

Star-Office. To the honorable ... General Assembly ...

Results 2051-2100 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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