Imprint Records

Results 2951-3000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

The Cossack Celebration.

[The Cossack celebration, at Shepherd’s Town, Jefferson County, Virginia, July 18th, 1814].

The Crisis, A Sermon.

The crisis, a sermon, preached at Shepherd's Town, Virginia, on Thursday, August 20, 1812, the day appointed by the President of the United States, to be observed as a day of humiliation and prayer. By Lewis Mayer, Minister of the Gospel at Shepherd's-Town

The Crisis.

The Crisis.

The Dairyman's Daughter.

The dairyman's daughter. An authentic and interesting narrative.

The Devil on Politics.

The devil on politics; or, The history of political religion.

The Doctrine and Worship of the Roman Catholic Church.

An attempt to explain and vindicate the doctrine and worship of the Roman Catholic Church by John Andrews, of Norfolk, Virginia.

The Doctrine of Justification.

The doctrine of justification, by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, opened and defended in a sermon on Romans X. 4. By Andrew Broaddus; Minister of the Gospel in the Baptist Church.

The Domestic Animal's Friend.

The Domestic animal's friend, or The complete Virginia and Maryland farrier, being a copious selection from the best treatises on farriery now extant in the United States, in five parts.

The Drunkard's Emblem.

The drunkard's emblem, or An inquiry into the effects of ardent spirits upon the human body and mind with an account of the means of preventing, and of the remedies for curing them. By Benjamin Rush, M.D. professor of the institutes and practice of medicine, and of clinical practice, in the University of Pennsylvania.

The Duties of the Pastoral Office, A Sermon.

The duties of the pastoral office, a sermon, delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, at the ordination of Wells Andrews, January 11, 1818; before the Presbytery of Winchester; by John Mathews [sic], A.M.

The Duty of American Citizens. A Sermon.

The duty of American citizens. A sermon delivered in Port Republic on the General Fast Day, September 9th, 1813.

The Duty of Giving Thanks for National Blessings.

The duty of giving thanks for national blessings. A sermon, preached in the parish church of Bruton, Williamsburg; on Thursday February 19th, 1795. Being the day appointed to be kept as a general thanksgiving to Almighty God throughout the United States of America. By John Bracken, D.D., Rector of Bruton parish.

The Duty of Masters to Their Servants: A Sermon.

The duty of masters to their servants: in a sermon, by the late reverend, pious, and learned, Samuel Davies, of Hanover County, Virginia.

The Duty of Spreading the Gospel, A Sermon.

The duty of spreading the gospel, a sermon preached in the Protestant Episcopal Church of Winchester, Va. on Thursday the sixth of January, 1820 (being the anniversary of the Epiphany, or manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles,) soliciting a contribution to the funds of the Episcopal Society of the Valley by Rev. Benj. Allen.

The Embargo Act of 1807.

[An act laying an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States].

The Essence of English Grammar.

The essence of English grammar, by Samuel Houston, A.B. Principal of Rural Valley Seminary. In Rockbridge, Virginia. MVIIIXVI.

The Examination of Col. Aaron Burr.

The examination of Col. Aaron Burr, before the chief justice of the United States, upon the charges of a high misdemeanor, and of treason against the United States; together with the arguments of counsel and opinion of the judge. : To which is added an appendix, containing the opinion of the Supreme Court delivered by Chief Justice Marshall, in the case of Bollman and Swartwout

The Exile of Erin, A Novel.

The exile of Erin, a novel. Three volumes in one. By Mrs. Plunkett, late Miss Gunning.

The Expostulations of Potowmac.

The Expostulations of Potowmac. … [signed] Potowmac. Waters of the Potowmac, Nov. 20, 1789.

The Faithful Preacher: A Sermon.

The faithful preacher: a sermon, delivered before the Presbytery of Hanover, at Bethesda, October 23, 1807.

The Famous English Horse Hambleton will Stand (February 1807).

The famous high blooded English horse Hambleton, bred by the Duke of Grafton, a beautiful bright bay, near 16 hands high, of high form and elegance, being 15 years old, in good health and great perfection, imported by Wm. Lightfoot, esq. of Charles City County ... will stand the ensuing season ... in Albemarle County ... James Kingsolving, for William Lightfoot, February 24th, 1807.

The Farmer's Almanac for 1820 (Potter).

The Farmer's almanac, for the year of our Lord 1820, being bissextile or leap year, and (till July 4th) the forty-fourth of American independence. Calculated for the horizon and meridian of Philadelphia, lat. 39 deg. 57 m. N. Lon. 75 deg. 10 m. W. but may serve for either of the towns in the state of Pennsylvania, or the adjacent states without any essential difference. ... By Andbew [sic] Beers, philom.

The Franklin Almanac for 1821 (Pollard).

The Franklin almanac, calculated on a new and improved plan for the year of our Lord, 1821.

The Gentleman's New Pocket Farrier.

The gentleman's new pocket farrier comprising a general description of the noble and useful animal the horse : together with the quickest and simplest mode of fattening : necessary treatment while undergoing excessive fatigue, or on a journey : the construction and management of stables : different marks for ascertaining the age of a horse, from three to nine years : also, a concise account of the diseases to which the horse is subject, with such remedies as long experience has proved to be effectual. Second edition, enlarged and improved. By Richard Mason, M.D., formerly of Surry County, Virginia.

The Gentleman’s Amusement.

The gentleman’s amusement. Containing a select collection of songs, marches &c. for the flute, fife or violin. Book 1, price 3s 6d.

The Glosser.

The glosser; a poem, in two books. By Giles Julap, of Chotank, Virginia.

The Gospel an Antidote to Affliction and Death, A Sermon.

The Gospel an antidote to affliction and death. A sermon preached at the interment of Thos. Burgess Ball Hammond, on Tuesday, April 4th 1820 : also, the substance of a sermon preached at the interment of Capt. Thos. Hammond, on Thursday, April 20th, 1820 by the Rev. Benj Allen, rector of the parish of St. Andrews, Va.

The Gospel, Worthy of All Acceptation. A Sermon.

The Gospel, worthy of all acceptation. A sermon, preached in the Presbyterian Church, in the city of Richmond, May 1820. For the benefit of the Young Men's Missionary Society, by the Rev. Benjamin H. Rice, Petersburg

The Great Importance of a Religious Life Considered.

The great importance of a religious life considered by the late William Melmoth, Esq. of Lincoln's-Inn, London. From the twenty-third London edition. To which are added, prefatory observations on the credibility of the Christian religion; and, a few concise observations on prayer.

The Heavenly Rest. A Sermon.

The heavenly rest; a sermon delivered at Martinsburgh, July twenty-first, 1819, on occasion of the death of Mrs. Ann Boyd, by John Blair Hoge.

The History of Hammel Clement.

The sufferings of a man of letters; or The history of Hammel Clement by Mr. Brooke.

The History of Mexico.

The history of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts, and ancient paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by charts, and other copper-plates. To which are added, critical dissertations on the land, animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. By Abbé D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero. Translated from the original Italian, by Charles Cullen, Esq. In three volumes.

The Holy-Days.

The Holy-Days, or the feasts and fasts, as they are observed in the Church of England : explained and the reasons why they are yearly celebrated ... By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of London.

The Honey Moon: A Comedy.

The honey moon: a comedy, in five acts. By the late John Tobin, Esquire. As performed at the Theatre of Drury Lane, London.

The Importance of the Gospel Ministry.

The Importance of the Gospel Ministry. A sermon, preached at the opening of the Synod of Virginia, on the sixteenth of October, 1817. By John H. Rice, A.M. (Published by request.)

The Independency of the Mind Affirmed.

The Independency of the mind, affirmed. A poem, in two parts. With occasional notes.

The Indwelling of the Spirit.

The Indwelling of the Spirit, the Common Privilege of All Believers. A A sermon preach'd in in the parish-church of Bexly in Kent, on Whitsunday, June 10, 1739, By George Whitefield, A. B. Of Pembroke College, Oxford. Publish'd At The Reques'r Of The Vicar, And Many Of The Hearers.

The Invisible Spy.

The Invisible Spy.

The Irish Emigrant.

The Irish emigrant. An historical tale, founded on fact, by an Hibernian.

The Life of Joseph.

The life of Joseph, the son of Israel. In eight books. Chiefly designed to allure young minds to a love of the sacred Scriptures. By John Macgowan. A new edition.

The Life of the Pilgrim Joseph Thomas.

The life of the pilgrim Joseph Thomas, containing an accurate account of his trials, travels and gospel labours, up to the present date.

The Life of the Rev. James Ireland.

The life of the Rev. James Ireland, who was, for many years, pastor of the Baptist church at Buck Marsh, Waterlick and Happy Creek, in Frederick and Shenandoah counties, Virginia.

The Love of God, Benevolence, and Self-Love, Considered Together.

The love of God, benevolence, and self-love, considered together. A sermon preached at Norfolk, before a Society of Free and Accepted Masons, December 27th, 1752. By the Revd. Thomas Warrington, Rector of Charles-Parish.

The Lover's Almanac, No. 1.

The Lover's almanac, no. 1. – Containing -- besides what is common in the best Virginia almanac, a very seasonable and savoury dissertation on love, courtship, and matrimony--with a most enchanting flourish on beauty, admirably calculated to disclose those the most delectable and desirable of all secrets, how the homely may become handsome, and the handsome angelic! : And, secondly, how the single may become married, and the married, happy!! Exemplified in the history of Miss Delia D----, one of the brightest and loveliest of all the bright and lovely daughters of Virginia.

The Manual Exercise.

The Manual Exercise: Containing the several Words of Command, and Motions, now made use of in the Military Exercise. Very proper for the Use of all Persons in the Militia; to instruct or remind them in Their Discipline.

The Manual Exercise.

The Manual Exercise: Teaching the Military Exercise of the Firelock. The Second Edition.

The Marks of the New Birth.

The marks of the new birth: a sermon preach'd at the Parish Church of St. Mary, White-Chapel. To which is added, a prayer for one desiring to be awaken'd to an experience of the new birth…

The Married Lady's Companion.

The married lady's companion, or, Poor man's friend; In four parts. I. An address to the married lady, who is the mother of daughters. II. An address to the newly married lady. III. Some important hints to the midwife. IV. An essay on the management and common diseases of children.

The Means of Improving Richmond and the State of Virginia.

The means of improving Richmond, and the State of Virginia. Consisting of various essays, written on this interesting subject by different persons. Collected and published at the request of a number of gentlemen, by William Shelton.

The Merchant's and Traveller's Companion.

The merchant's and traveller's companion Published by Thomas Shore, Post-master, Petersburg, Va.

Results 2951-3000 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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