Imprint Records

Results 1901-1950 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Notice of Public Lands for Sale.

[Handbill relative to sale of public lands].

Notice of Publication of Acts Regulating the Militia.

Sir, we take the liberty of informing you that we have published certain acts of the Commonwealth of Virginia for regulating the militia … Should you think proper to introduce them among your officers, the price … Alexandria. June 8, 1802

Notice of Requirements under Amended Militia Laws.

In Council, January 1, 1788. It is advised that the lieutenant or commanding officer of the several counties on the eastern waters recommend ... proper persons to be appointed as officers of the cavalry ...

Notice of Runaway Slave by Parke Goodall (February 1799).

Stolen or run away from my late dwelling house, in the county of Hanover, at ... Goodall’s Tavern, seven negroes ... Parke Goodall.

Notice of Runaway Slave named Ceasar (May 1797).

25 dollars reward. Ran-away from the subscriber's plantation in Montgomery county ... Negro man servant named Ceasar ... John Hook. Hall’s-ford, May 12th, 1797.

Notice of Runaway Slave named Mich (October 1802).

Twenty dollars reward for apprehending a small black fellow named Mich ... in Frederick County ... Thomas Massie 15th Oct. 1802.

Notice of Runaway Slave named Scipio (December 1783).

Advertisement. Stolen or ran away ... from my plantation ... a likely Negro, named Scipio ... Wilson Carey Selden. December 11, 1783.

Notice of Sale of David Crawford's Estate.

Sales of a valuable estate. On Thursday ... [Jan. 11, 1810] about 800 acres ... in the county of Amherst ... late David Crawford ... resided. 14th December, 1809. The executors. Star Office.

Notice of Sale of Lots in Bedford County (September 1802).

Sale of lots. On Thursday the 2d day of September, 1802, will be offered for sale, 25 lots ... in Peelbrook ... James Ripley, Bedford County, gap of the mountain, July 11th, 1802.

Notice of Sale of Lots in Estate of Robert Craig.

Well known corner. In obedience of a decree of the United States Court, 5th circuit, and Virginia district, dated June 1st, 1818 will be sold, on Wednesday, 7th of October ... premises ... at ... Governor or 13th, with E street ... estate of Robert Craig, dec. … and lots, in ... Manchester ... by order of John Leslie ... Saturday, Sept. 26.

Notice of Sale of Lots near Alexandria.

Valuable lots of ground for sale, contiguous to the town of Alexandria … forty half-acre lots ... lying between the George Town Road and the Potomac River … P. Fitzhugh, and Ch. Simms, attornies in fact for Nath. Pendleton. Alexandria, May 17, 1802.

Notice of Sale of Luray Town Lots.

Luray, a town established by an act of the General Assembly of this state has first been laid out on the lands of the subscriber … And the public is hereby informed, that the lots therein contained will be sold to the highest bidder, on Friday the 21st ... August ... Isaac Ruffner. Shenandoah County, Va. 31st July, 1812

Notice of Sale of Negroes in the Penitentiary.

[Announcement of sale of negroes in the penitentiary].

Notice of Sale of Patton's Farm in Pendleton County.

For sale : The subscriber wishing to remove to the Western country, offers for sale, that valuable and well known tract of land, called Patton's Farm, lying on the south fork of the south branch of Potomac, Pendleton county, and state of Virginia. … Henry Hull. Pendleton county, June 23d. 1815.

Notice of Sale of Public Property in County of Fluvanna.

[Handbill of all the public property for sale in the county of Fluvanna].

Notice of Slave Auction by Thomas Taylor.

Will be sold, before the door of the Eagle Tavern, at 12 o’clock, on Monday the 24th instant, a number of valuable slaves ... Thomas Taylor. February 17, 1812. J. O’Lynch, Pr.

Notice of Sow Taken Up by Nicholas Amos.

[Notice of Sow Taken Up by Nicholas Amos]

Numbers in the First Class of the Lexington Lottery.

Fortunate numbers in the first class of the Lexington Lottery, at the close of the drawing, 17th August, 1805. … Wm. Caruthers, sec'y.

Observations on Articles in the Preliminary Peace Treaty.

Observations on the fourth and fifth articles of the preliminaries for a peace with Great Britain, designed for the information and consideration of the people of Virginia.

Observations on Establishing an Independent System of Banking.

Observations designed to shew the propriety of establishing an independent system of banking, in preference to increasing the capital of the Bank of Virginia, and of deriving public revenue therefrom. By Henry Banks. January 1, 1811

Observations on Importance of the Present Life.

Observations on the importance of the present life, as introductory to the future. From the funeral sermon, delivered in memory of Mrs. Mary Patten. By James Muir, D.D.

Observations on the Tax on Merchants.

Observations on the tax on merchants: respectfully submitted to the consideration of the General Assembly of Virginia

Ode on the Return of the Richmond Washington Volunteers.

From the Richmond Compiler, March 15th, 1814. Ode on the return of the Richmond Washington Volunteers. Whene’er the patriot soldier’s praise …

Odes and Other Poems.

Odes and other poems, by the Virginian.

Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace.

The office and authority of a justice of peace explained and digested, under proper titles. To which are added, full and correct precedents of all kinds of process necessary to be used by magistrates; in which also the duty of sheriffs, and other publick officers, is properly discussed. By Richard Starke, Esquire

On Intemperance.

On intemperance

On Prisoners Taken during Clark's Expedition to the Illinois.

In Council, June 16, 1779. The board proceeded to the consideration of the letters of Colonel Clarke, and other papers relating to Henry Hamilton, Esq; who has acted some years past as lieutenant governour of the settlement at and about Detroit, and commandant of the British garrison there, under Sir Guy Carleton as Governour in Chief; Philip Dejean, Justice of the Peace for Detroit, and William Lamothe, Captain of volunteers, prisoners of war, taken in the county of Illinois. ...

On the Doctrines of Election and Final Perseverance.

A letter, on the doctrines of election and final perseverance.

On the Importance of the American Revolution.

Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world. By Richard Price, D.D. L.L.D. and Fellow of the Royal Society of London, and of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in New-England.

Open Letter of Adelaide Brent.

To the Public. …

Open Letter to Gabriel Jones.

July 20, 1803. To Gabriel Jones, You have basely attempted to impeach the honesty and traduce the character of the Chief Magistrate of the United States ... I shall leave you to justify yourself to you friends, for having led them into the error of resting one of the most vehement attacks upon the moral character of the President upon so slender a foundation as your reputation. Veritas.

Open Letter to the Roman Catholics of Norfolk.

To the Roman Catholics of Norfolk. The present trustees, fearful of a confusion similar to that which happened in the assembly of the 20th, will prevent them (in the one advertised for this day) to inform the assistants of their former proceedings, as well of the wrong plans you are to adopt, beg leave to offer to your prudent and calm reflections the following observa-tions ... By order of the trustees, A. Oliveira, sec'y. Norfolk, Thursday, 25th June, 1818.

Opinion of Attorney General on Criminal Procedure.

[Letter from P. N. Nicholas, esq., attorney general, to governor Cabell].

Opinion of the Treasurer on Voting Rights in Bank of Virginia Stock.

[Letter from the treasurer relative to the right of voting in a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Virginia].

Oration before Alexandria Society for Promotion of Useful Knowledge.

An oration: delivered, October 8th, 1790, before the Alexandria Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge, by Ludwell Lee, Esqr.

Oration by Francis Scott Key before Washington Society of Alexandria.

An oration, delivered by Francis S. Key, Esq. at a meeting of the Washington Society of Alexandria, Ca., on Tuesday, the 22d of March [i.e. February], 1814.

Oration by Mr. Custis before the Washington Society of Alexandria.

Oration by Mr. Custis, of Arlington, delivered before the Washington Society of Alexandria, on the anniversary of the 22d February, 1820.

Oration by Richard Bland Lee commemorating Birth of Washington.

An oration, delivered by Richard Bland Lee, Esq. at the request of the Washington Society, on the 22d February last, in commemoration of the birth of Washington

Oration Delivered before Masonic Society of Wellsburgh.

An oration delivered before the Masonic Society, of Wellsburgh and its vicinity, on St. John's Day, June 24th, 1817. By Dr. Joseph Doddridge

Oration delivered by Charles Fenton Mercer.

An oration, delivered in the Episcopal Church, on the twenty-second of February, 1806. By Charles F. Mercer, a member of the Washington Society.

Oration on Female Education.

Oration on female education, by Daniel Bryan; delivered before the visitors and students of the Female Academy in Harrisonburg August 4th, 1815.

Oration on the Birth of Washington by Robert Goodloe Harper.

An oration, on the birth of Washington; delivered before the Washington Society of Alexandria, by Robert Goodloe Harper, one of its members, on the 22d. of February, A.D. 1810. And published by its order.

Oration on the Death of Washington by John K. Read.

Commemorative oration, delivered on the 22d of February, 1800, on the death of General George Washington, before a numerous assemblage of the citizens of Norfolk and its vicinity--the volunteer corps--the United States troops--and the lodges of no. 1, and of Naphtali, no. 56, at the request of Major Ford, commanding the U.S. troops. By Dr. J.K. Read, mayor of the borough of Norfolk.

Oration on the Death of Washington by Rev. John Glendy.

An oration, on the death of Lieut. Gen. George Washington, composed on the special request of the commandant and his brother officers, of the cantonment in this vicinity, and delivered at Staunton, on the twenty second day of February last past, 1800. By Rev. John Glendy, Minister of the Gospel.

Oration on the Influence of the Arts and Sciences.

An oration on the influence of the arts and sciences upon individual and national happiness : delivered at the capitol in Richmond, on the 3d August, 1809 by Robert Seldon Garnett.

Oratorio, for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum.

Oratorio, for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum, performed in Christ Church, Norfolk, on Tuesday evening, 19th May, 1818. Order of performance. …

Order for Day of Fasting.

Tuesday, the 24th of May, 14 Geo. III. 1774. [Order, for making June 1st a day of fasting and prayer on account of tile threatened destruction of "our civil rights."]

Order of Funeral Procession of George Wythe.

[Order of procession preparatory to the interment of George Wythe].

Orders for a Dancing School.

Orders for a Dancing School … May 1784.

Orders for the 7th Regiment of U.S. Infantry.

Division orders. January 14, 1800. …

Results 1901-1950 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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