Imprint Records

Results 2501-2550 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Report of the Superintendent of the Virginia Manufactory of Arms.

The superintendant [sic] of the Virginia manufactory of arms, to the governor of the Commonwealth

Report of the Trials of Capt. Thomas Wells.

Report of the trials of Capt. Thomas Wells, before the County Court of Nottoway; sitting as an examining court, at the August term, 1816--charged with feloniously and maliciously shooting, with intent to kill Peter Randolph, Esq. judge of the 5th Circuit; and Col. Wm. C. Greenhill. By a member of the bar.

Report of Treasurer John Preston (October 1814).

[Letters from the treasurer, John Preston, with his accompanying annual reports].

Report of Visitors of the Penitentiary with Governor's Letter.

Extract from the proceedings of a quarterly meeting of the visitors at the jail and penitentiary house, on the 15th December, 1807. "Resolved, unanimously, that the Honorable Creed Taylor, James Lownes, and Thomas Ladd, members of this Board, be requested to prepare a report upon the penitentiary system, for the information of the Legislature ...

Report of Visitors of the Penitentiary.

[Report of visitors of the penitentiary, and tables therein annexed].

Report on Amendment proposed by Massachusetts (Public).

The committee to whom was referred so much of the Governor's letter as relates to the communication of the Governor of Massachusetts covering an amendment proposed ... to the Constitution of the United States ...

Report on Amendment proposed by Massachusetts (Senate).

[Report and resolutions of the house of delegates on the subject of the amendment proposed by the state of Massachusetts to the constitution of the United States].

Report on Case of Zane's Devisees against Zane.

Jonathan Zane, complainant, vs. Noah & Daniel Zane, Defts. In Chancery. Upon appeal by the defendants from a decree of the superior court of chancery at Clarksburgh. …

Report on False Lists of Delinquents from Augusta County.

Report of certain commissioners, appointed by the Court of Augusta, for the purpose of prosecuting Anth: Mustoe & William Chambers, supposed to have been guilty of returning false lists of delinquents in the collection of the revenue taxes of the years one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five and eighty-six, with lists of the names of the persons returned by them as delinquents. Published by order of Council, April 7, 1796.

Report on General State of the Commonwealth’s Revenue.

[General state of the commonwealth’s revenue for 1804].

Report on Proceedings of December 1804 Assembly.

... The present session of the General Assembly is now drawing to a close, we shall therefore proceed to give you all the information that we can, in the bounds of a common letter, on the most important and interesting subjects that has engaged the attention of the Legislature during this session ... Richmond, January 28th, 1805.

Report on Public Arms distributed since January 1807.

Letter from the governor, W. H. Cabell, transmitting a statement of the arms distributed since the act, “Concerning the distribution of public arms,” passed January 21, 1807, together with a statement of all the arms and accoutrements now remaining on hand. Jan. 13, 1808.

Report on Resolutions on Board of Public Works and Literary Fund (1).

[Report of select committee on proposed resolutions relative to the abolition of the board of public works, and the president and directors of the literary fund, December 31, 1817]

Report on Resolutions on Board of Public Works and Literary Fund (2).

[Report of select committee on proposed resolutions relative to the abolition of the board of public works, and the president and directors of the literary fund, January 25, 1818]

Report on Revenue Taxes.

Revenue Taxes.

Report on State of Bank of Virginia and Farmers’ Bank of Virginia.

Report of committee on the state of the Bank of Virginia, and the Farmers’ bank of Virginia.

Report on the President's Annual Address to Congress.

President's speech. Some time after our paper was at press, a gentleman who came in Capt. Butler's packet from Alexandria, politely gave us the following speech, which we hasten to lay before our patrons. : Washington, Nov. 22. This day at 12 o'clock, the president of the United States met both houses of Congress in the Senate chamber, and delivered the following speech ...

Report on the Virginia Colony Bicentennial Jubilee.

Report of the proceedings of the late jubilee at James-town, in commemoration of the 13th May, the second centesimal anniversary of the settlement of Virginia; containing the order of procession, the prayer of Bishop Madison, the orations, the odes and toasts; together with the proceedings at Williamsburg on the 15th, the day when the Convention of Virginia assembled in the old capitol, declared her independent and recommended a similar procedure to Congress and to the other states. Reported by the Select committee.

Report on Tobacco inspected at Shockoe Warehouse.

Weights of James Pitman’s tobacco, inspected at Shockoe Warehouse the 16th day of January, 1805 ... March 5, 1805.

Reports of Commissioners examining Ohio River Obstructions.

Reports of the Commissioners for examining the obstructions to the navigation of the Ohio River.

Reports of Committee on Complaints against James River Company.

Two reports of the committee appointed to enquire into the complaints against the James River Company : with an accompanying document.

Reports of Committees considering Petitions on the Alien & Sedition Laws.

Reports of committees in Congress to whom were referred certain memorials and petitions complaining of the acts of Congress, concerning the Alien & Sedition laws. And on the naval establishment, the augmentation of the Navy, and the adoption of measures for procuring of timber and other supplies. Also an answer of the Massachusetts legislature to the Virginia resolutions respecting dangerous aliens and seditious citizens.

Reports of Managers of Bible Society of Jefferson County.

First and second report of the board of managers, of the Bible society, of Jefferson county, (Virginia.)

Reports of the Adjutant General from Governor Preston.

[Reports of the adjutant general with cover letter of governor].

Reports of the Young Men's Missionary Society of Richmond.

Extracts from the minutes of the first annual meeting of the Young Men's Missionary Society of Richmond : their constitution, and the first annual report of the directors : together with an address to the young men of Virginia

Reports on Case of John K. Read and on Trials of Gabriel Rebels.

[Governor’s letter to the assembly, and the several documents in the case of J. K. Reade, who delivered up an American to the British consul; and a statement of the trials of the negroes who were concerned in the late insurrection].

Resolution approving the Conduct of the Executive of the United States.

[Resolution of the general assembly approbatory of the conduct of the executive of the United States].

Resolution Approving the Conduct of the General Government.

[Bill approving the conduct of the general government].

Resolution concerning the District Jails.

In the House of Delegates, December 15, 1789. Resolved, That the Executive be request to take the most effectual Means in their Power, to prevent the Employment of unnecessary Guards over the Prisoners, … and to enforce upon the Courts … the necessity of keeping the said Jails in good repair.

Resolution for Public Comment on Revising the Constitution.

Virginia. In the House of Delegates, Tuesday, December the 13th, 1796. … Whereas petitions have been presented to the General Assembly, from various parts of this commonwealth, praying for the establishment of some mode. whereby the present Constitution or Form of Government, should be revised and amended; and this Assembly, deeming it improper for them to act upon the case without a declaration of the public will …

Resolution of May 10, 1776.

In convention. Friday, May 10, 1776. Resolved that 1300 men, consisting of minute-men and militia, be immediately raised in the following counties ... and sent to the assistance of North Carolina … Edmund Pendleton, President, John Tazewell, Clerk of the Convention.

Resolution on a second Constitutional Convention.

Virginia, to wit: In General Assembly, Friday, the 20th November, 1788. Resolved, that an application be made, in the name and on behalf of the legislature of this commonwealth, to the Congress of the United States, in the words following, to wit: "The good people of this commonwealth in convention assembled, having ratified the Constitution ..."

Resolution on Constitutional Amendments on Foreign-Born Officials.

In the House of Delegates, Friday, January 11, 1799. The General Assembly of Virginia considering that the privation of personal rights solemnly sanctioned by the Constitution and laws of the United States, is arbitrary and unjust; that the right of election to office is one of the most important secured thereby to the citizen; and that it ought not to be destroyed or impaired, especially by regulations having a retrospective operation: ...

Resolution on Pending Claims against the United States.

In the House of Delegates, the 25th of December, 1788. Resolved, that the executive be authorized and directed, to take the earliest and most effectual measures for procuring all such vouchers and documents as be necessary or useful in founding or establishing the claims of this Commonwealth against the United States; …

Resolution on Pennsylvania's Proposed Amendment to Constitution.

[Resolution of general assembly relative to the Pennsylvania proposed amendment to constitution].

Resolution on Right of State Legislatures to Instruct U.S. Senators.

Preamble and Resolution, asserting the right of the state legislatures to instruct their senators in the Congress of the United States; an disapproving the conduct of the Senators from this state in Congress, in relation to the instructions given them at the last session, on the subject of the Bank of the United States.

Resolution Proposing Amendment to Federal Constitution.

[Resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States].

Resolution relative to States as Defendants in Lawsuits.

Virginia. In the House of Delegates, Thursday, 28th November, 1793. Resolved, that the state cannot, under the Constitution of the United States, be made a defendant at the suit of any individual or individuals ... 1793, December 3rd, Agreed to by the Senate …

Resolutions asking Advice on Calling a State Constitutional Convention.

[Resolutions recommending that the people instruct their representatives in the next session of the general assembly, upon the propriety of calling a convention for revising the constitution of the commonwealth].

Resolutions concerning the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair.

Norfolk, June 25. At a meeting of the citizens of the borough of Norfolk and town of Portsmouth, held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, the 24th June, 1807. ... Resolved unanimously, that all communication with the British ships of war, now within our waters and on our coasts, and with their agent or agents among us, be discontinued ...

Resolutions concerning the Real Estate Bank of Virginia.

Resolutions concerning the Real Estate Bank of Virginia.

Resolutions for Independence.

In Convention present 112 members. Wednesday, May 15, 1776. Forasmuch as all the endeavours of the United Colonies, by the most decent representations and petitions to the King and Parliament of Great Britain, to restore peace and security to America under the British government ... instead of a redress of grievances, have produced ... oppression, and a vigorous attempt to effect our total destruction. ... Resolved unanimously, that a committee ought to be appointed to prepare a declaration of rights, and such a plan of government as will be most likely to maintain peace and order in this colony, and secure substantial and equal liberty to the people.

Resolutions from Piedmont Counties Opposing the Alien & Sedition Acts.

[Resolutions from the counties of Caroline, Orange, Louisa Dinwiddie, Hanover, Essex and Buckingham respecting the alien and sedition laws passed by congress].

Resolutions from the October 1786 Assembly.

In the House of Delegates, Wednesday, the 29th of November, 1786. … December the 8th, 1786. … January the 6th, 1787. … (Teste) John Beckley, C.H.D. (Teste) H. Brooke, C.S.

Resolutions of Society of the Cincinnati in Virginia.

Richmond, December 29th, 1818. Dear Sir, In conformity to the decision of the General Meeting of the Society of Cincinnati, held in Richmond on the 14th of December, 1818, I now transmit to you the following resolutions ... Ro. Quarles, Secretary.

Resolutions of the Society of Cincinnati of Virginia.

At a meeting of the Society of Cincinnati, in the State of Virginia, at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the 13th December, 1802 ...

Resolutions of Trustees of the Fredericksburg Academy.

At a meeting of the trustees of the Fredericksburg Academy, on the 9th day of June, 1787. : Resolved, … A copy, J. Mercer, president.

Resolutions on Missouri Question with Senate Amendment (1).

Preamble and resolutions on the subject of the Missouri question, agreed to by the House of Delegates of Virginia, and the amendment of the Senate, proposed thereto.

Resolutions on Missouri Question with Senate Amendment (2).

Preamble and resolutions on the subject of the Missouri question, agreed to by the House of Delegates of Virginia, and the amendment of the Senate, proposed thereto.

Results 2501-2550 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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