Imprint Records

Results 1651-1700 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Maryland & Virginia Almanac for 1809 (Gray).

The Maryland & Virginia almanac, for the year 1809; being the first after bissextile or leap year. Adapted to the latitude and meridian of Alexandria. Calculated by Benj'n. Bates. ...

Memoirs of the Society of Virginia for Promoting Agriculture.

Memoirs of the "Society of Virginia for Promoting Agriculture:" containing communications on various subjects in husbandry and rural affairs.

Memoirs of the year Two Thousand Five Hundred.

Memoirs of the year two thousand five hundred. … Translated from the French, by W. Hooper, M.A.

Memoirs of William Sampson.

Memoirs of William Sampson: including particulars of his adventures in various parts of Europe, his confinement in the dungeons of the inquisition in Lisbon, &c., &c., several original letters; being his correspondence with the ministers of state in Great-Britain and Portugal. A short sketch of the history of Ireland. Particularly as it respects the spirit of British domination in that country; and a few observations on the state om manners, &c., in America. Second edition: revised and corrected by the author.

Memorial against New County from Fauquier, Loudoun, & Prince William.

To the honorable the General Assembly memorial of the undersigned inhabitants of the county of Fauquier ...

Memorial and Claim of Amélie-Eugénie Caron de Beaumarchais.

The memorial and claim of Amélie Eugénie Caron de Beaumarchais, wife of André Toussaint de la Rue, heir and representative of Caron de Beaumarchais by her agent John Augustus Chevallié, for a balance due his estate for sundry arms, ammunition, &c., furnished the United States during the war between Great Britain and America.

Memorial from Washington County concerning Constitutional Convention.

To the General Assembly of Virginia. The memorial of the citizens of Washington County. The undersigned inhabitants of Washington county, uniting for the purpose of obtaining such amendments to the constitution of this commonwealth, as will secure to the good people thereof, all the rights and privileges, to which they are by nature entitled; and of which they have been deprived by the early adoption of principles, which if not originally and radically wrong, have become so by the subsequent "operation of natural and accidental causes," beg leave to lay before the Legislature of the state such an exposition of their grievances, as will establish at once, the certainty of their existence, the extent of their oppression, and the necessity of their removal. …

Memorial of Citizens of Virginia concerning Constitutional Convention (A).

To the General Assembly ... memorial of the citizens of [blank county, uniteing [sic] for the purpose of obtaining …

Memorial of Citizens of Virginia concerning Constitutional Convention (B).

To the General Assembly ... memorial of the citizens of [blank] county, uniting for the purpose of obtaining ...

Memorial of Citizens of Virginia concerning Constitutional Convention (C).

To the General Assembly ... memorial of the citizens of [blank] county, uniting for the purpose of obtaining ...

Memorial of inhabitants of Augusta County.

Memorial: we the undersigned, inhabitants of [blank] ... petition ... [for] ascertaining the sense of the people ... whether there shall be a convention ...

Memorial of Inhabitants of Richmond on Treaty with Great Britain.

To the honourable the House of Representatives of the United States. The memorial of the subscribers, freeholders and inhabitants of ... Henrico and city of Richmond ...

Memorial of Inhabitants on Rivers of Western Virginia (Federal).

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. The memorial of the underwritten inhabitants of the country bordering on the James River and its branches, the Greenbrier, the New River, the Kanawha and the Ohio respectfully represents ...

Memorial of Inhabitants on Rivers of Western Virginia (Virginia).

To the honorable speaker and the gentlemen of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The memorial of the underwritten inhabitants of the country bordering on the James River and its branches, the Greenbrier, the New River, the Kanawha, and the Ohio, respectfully represents ...

Memorial of J. & J.D. Westcott for Printing the Laws of Virginia.

To the legislature of Virginia: the memorial of J. & J.D. Westcott ...

Memorial of John Nicholas, Revolutionary War Veteran.

The statement and substance of a memorial, &c., of John Nicholas; presented to the Virginia legislature, 1819-20. Now addressed to them at the opening of their session in December, 1820.

Memorial of Kanawha County Committee for Internal Improvements.

Charlestown [sic], Kanawha County, Virginia. At a meeting of the Standing Committee of Kanawha County, for the promotion of Internal Improvements, by opening the James and Great Kanawha Rivers to the highest points of navigation, and connecting the same by an artificial road, held in ... Charlestown ... 3d September, 1817 ... Phil. R. Thompson, Chairman ; Joseph Lovell, Secretary

Memorial of the Proprietors of Transylvania.

June 26, 1776. Whereas disputes have arisen respecting the title of the proprietors of Transylvania to the soil of that country ... John Luttrell, James Hogg, David Hart, Leonard H. Bullock, Richard Henderson ...

Memorial of the Staunton Convention (A).

Memorial of the Staunton Convention, to the Legislature of the State of Virginia ... to the honorable the General Assembly ...

Memorial of the Staunton Convention (B).

Memorial of the Staunton Convention, to the Legislature of the State of Virginia ... to the honorable the General Assembly ...

Memorial on Situating the National Capital on the Potomac.

December 7, 1789. Gentlemen, The permanent residence of Congress has furnished so interesting a subject for debate, in the late session of that Honourable body, as to justify us in presuming that the individual citizens of each State must feel themselves deeply concerned in the eventual decision. Next to the great constitutional question, which has so lately agitated our minds. We consider it as an object of the greatest importance to the present and future welfare of our country, that ever called for a discussion in our national councils. Such being the sentiments of the inhabitants of Alexandria and George-Town, they have appointed us a committee to communicate ... an impartial and candid detail of those circumstances, which, in our estimation, render the Potomack the most eligible situation in the union. ...

Memorial Protesting Presentment by a Federal Grand Jury.

[Petition of the inhabitants of the counties of Amherst, Albemarle, Fluvanna and Goochland in relation to the presentment of Samuel Jordan Cabell their representative in congress, by the grand jury of the U. S. for the district of Virginia, for sending circular letters in -which were disseminated unfounded calumnies against the happy government of the U. S. ...].

Memorial Relating to the Tobacco-Trade.

A Memorial Relating to the Tobacco-Trade: offer'd to the consideration of the planters of Virginia and Maryland.

Memorial relative to a Lottery for Rees’ Encyclopedia.

[Letter of Samuel F. Bradford, to the general assembly, January 16th, 1821, transmitting the memorial of George Murray, Gideon Fairman, John Draper, Robert Bald and Thomas Underwood, trading under the firm of Murray, Fairman & co., relative to a lottery for Rees’ encyclopedia].

Merchant's Magazine or Factor's Guide.

The Merchant's Magazine; or Factor's Guide. Containing, great variety of plain and easy tables for the speedy casting up of all sorts of merchandize, sold either by number, weight, or measure; and for reducing sterling money into currency at sundry rates; with tables of interest and rebate, and of the value of gold and silver in Virginia: also tables shewing the amount of any quantity of goods at almost any per cent. advance on the prime cost, and for finding the nett duties on tobacco from one pound to fifty thousand pounds. To which is added, some tables of per cents on transfer notes, the whole applied throughout to trade and merchandize.

Military Laws.

Military laws. Containing: extracts from the federal and state constitutions, synopsis of the organization of the militia, militia laws of Virginia, militia laws of the United States, articles of war, army regulations, description of uniform, forms, &c. Adjutant General’s office, Richmond, Virginia, June, 1820. By order of the executive, C.W. Gooch, adjutant general.

Military Tactics or The Soldier's Companion.

Military tactics or The soldier's companion. Teaching how to form companies--with directions for the formation and exercise of a battalion and regiment: and the various forms of reports &c. : Likewise, evolutions for the cavalry and artillery, with explanations & improvements upon Baron Steuban [i.e., Steuben]. By Samuel J. Winston, brigade inspector, for the second brigade.

Militia Commission.

The Committee of Safety for the Colony of Virginia to [blank] ...We...appoint you to be Lieutenant and Commander in Chief of the militia of the County of [blank] ...

Militia Law of February 1806.

[An Act further to amend the several Acts concerning the' Militia of this Commonwealth].

Militia Laws of Virginia.

[Militia Laws]

Militia Order concerning Patrols Mandated by Statute.

Richmond, September 3d, 1800. Sir, you are requested, in pursuance of the 39th section of the militia law to direct that the patroles therein authorised and required, be duly ordered on duty ...

Militia Order for detailing Unit Strength.

The Commander in Chief of the Militia of this Commonwealth, in pursuance of an advice of Council, of the 8th of last month, hereby directs the Adjutant-General to call for returns of the troops of cavalry, and of the companies of artillery, grenadiers, light-infantry, and riflemen, in order that the strength of the said troops and companies may be accurately ascertained. … Given at the Office of the Adjutant-General, in Richmond, this 5th day of July, 1797.

Militia Orders concerning a Possible Slave Insurrection.

[Orders to militia officers in the different counties issued in consequence of an apprehension of an insurrection of the slaves].

Militia Orders concerning Uniforms.

Militia orders. It being necessary to establish an Uniform for the Militia; to regulate the proportion of men to be enlisted in the Artillery and Cavalry, Grenadier, Light Infantry and Rifle Companies, and to declare the period for completion of the said Companies, — and which points the law is silent; I have deemed it proper to do the same, and do therefore direct, ...

Militia Returns.

[Militia returns].

Mills & Plantation to be Rented by Andrew Reid.

Mills & plantation to be rented for one or more years ... grist and saw mills, situate on Mill Creek in Rockbridge County, Virginia ... one mile and a half from Lexington ... Andrew Reid.

Ministerial Fidelity and Perseverance.

Ministerial fidelity and perseverance. A sermon preached before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in Virginia. At Richmomd [sic], May 3, 1792. By Devereux Jarratt, Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie County.

Ministerial Parity. A Sermon.

Ministerial parity, or An equality of grade, office, and authority among the Christian clergy vindicated and proved; in a sermon delivered in Winchester, October 31st, 1819, at the opening of the Synod of Virginia by Rev. William Hill, D.D. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in Winchester, Virginia

Minutes of 1806 Sessions of Baptist Middle District Association.

Minutes of two sessions of the Baptist Middle District Association: holden at Salem Meeting-House, Chesterfield County, holden in May and October, 1806.

Minutes of 1812 Sessions of Roanoke Baptist Association.

Minutes, of two sessions of the Roanoake Baptist Association, held in the year 1812.

Minutes of Accomac Baptist Association (August 1819).

Minutes of the Accomac Baptist Association, held at Hungar's Meeting-House, Northampton County, August 14th, 15th & 16th, 1819.

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1808).

Minutes of the Culpeper Baptist Association held at Blue-Run Meeting-house, Orange County, commencing Friday, September 30, 1808.

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1810).

Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen, held at Little River Meeting House, Louisa County. Beginning the third Saturday in October, 1810

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1812).

Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen: held at Mine-Road Meeting-House, Spotsylvania, beginning the third Saturday in October, 1812

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1815).

Minutes of the Baptist Association, in the District of Goshen: Held at Gold-mine Meeting-House, Louisa County, Virginia. Being the first Saturday in October, 1815

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1816).

Minutes of the Baptist Association, in the District of Goshen: held at Bethel Meeting-House, Caroline County, Virginia. Beginning on the third Saturday in October, 1816

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (October 1817).

Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen, held at Zion Meeting-House, Orange County, Virginia, beginning on the third Saturday in October, 1817.

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (September 1818).

Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen, held at Foster's-Creek Meeting-House, Louisa County, Virginia: beginning the first Saturday in September, 1818.

Minutes of Baptist Association in District of Goshen (September 1819).

Minutes of the Baptist Association, in the District of Goshen: held at Waller's Meeting--House, Spottsylvania County, Virginia: beginning on the first Saturday in October, 1819.

Minutes of Baptist Association of the Albemarle District (August 1818).

Minutes of the Baptist Association in the Albemarle District, met at Maple Creek Meeting House, Amherst County, the 29th of August, 1818..

Results 1651-1700 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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