Imprint Records

Results 701-750 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Census of Virginia for 1800 and 1810 (A).

[Census of Virginia, 1800, 1810, in the form printed by the United States].

Census of Virginia for 1800 and 1810 (B).

[Aggregate amount of each description of persons within the district of Virginia].

Census of Virginia for 1810.

[Census of Virginia for 1810].

Certain Acts of Assembly (October 1792).

Certain acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia; passed at a General Assembly, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday the first day of October, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, the operation whereof was suspended by an act of the same session until the first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three.

Certification of Hening's Statutes at Large, volume 1.

We do hereby certify that we have carefully compared the laws contained in this volume, with the originals … at Richmond this 1st day of September, 1809. Creed Taylor. William Munford

Certification of Revised Code Continuation by George William Smith.

Richmond, February 8th, 1808. 1 do hereby certify that 1 have superintended the press during the printing of the “New Revised Code,” by Pleasants and Pace . . . James Rind. 1 do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the several laws printed . . . [approves printing and lists a few corrections] Geo. Wm. Smith.

Certification of Revised Code Continuation by Hening & Munford.

I do hereby certify, that I have examined, with William Munford, the proof sheets ... of the Continuation of the Revised Code of Laws ... at Richmond, this 2nd of September, 1808. William Waller Hening . . . William Munford

Certification of the New Revised Code.

Richmond. February 8th, 1803. I do hereby certify that I have superintended the press during the printing of the "new Revised Code," by Pleasants and Pace ... James Rind. I do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the ... edition ... and ... have found the said laws ... to be truly and accurately printed with the following exceptions ... Geo. Wm. Smith.

Chancery Suit concerning Estate of Lord Fairfax.

Virginia, at a High Court of Chancery held in Richmond the 8th day of May 1786, the representatives of Joist Hite, Robert Green, William Duff, and Robert McCoy, plaintiffs against the executors and heir at law, or other legal representatives of Thomas Lord Fairfax, deceased, defendants, and others ...

Chancery Suit concerning John Brown.

Virginia, at a High Court of Chancery held in Richmond, the 8th day of May, 1786 ... John Brown ...

Charge delivered by Associate Justice James Wilson.

A charge delivered by The Hon. James Wilson, Esq. one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the grand jury, impanelled for the Circuit Court of the United States, holden for the Middle-Circuit at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, and District of Virginia, on Monday, the 23d day of May, 1791.

Charge to the Grand Jury.

Charge to the Grand Jury: At a General Court held at the capitol of the city of Williamsburg, in Virginia, on Monday the 19th of October, 1730. By the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; governour of Virginia. : Publish'd at the request of several gentlemen.

Charles F. Mercer's Substitute for Leigh's and Tyler's Proposed Resolutions.

Substitute, proposed by Mr. Mercer, of Loudoun : by way of amendment to the substitute proposed by Mr. Leigh, of Dinwiddie, to the preamble and resolutions, on the subject of the right of the state legislatures to instruct the senators of their respective states, in the Congress of the United States.

Charlotte Temple.

Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, The inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. ; Two volumes in one

Charter and Statutes of William and Mary.

The charter, and statutes, of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia. In Latin and English.

Charter of Norfolk Borough.

Copy of the charter of Norfolk Borough. : Incorporated the 15th of September, 1736.

Charter of the College of William & Mary.

The charter of the College of William & Mary.

Charter, Transfer, and Statutes of the College of William and Mary.

The charter, transfer, and statutes, of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia: in Latin and English.

Christ Crucified, The Foundation of the Christian's Hope.

Christ Crucified, the foundation of the Christian's hope. A sermon, preached in the Monumental Church, in the city of Richmond, on Tuesday, May 23, 1815. On the occasion of the meeting of the convention of the Diocese of Virginia, and of the ordination of the Revd. William Hawley. By the Right Reverend, Richard Channing Moore, D.D. Bishop of the Prot. Epis. Church, Virginia.

Christ, the True God. An Essay.

Christ, the true God. An essay, in which the divinity of Jesus Christ is evinced to be a scriptural doctrine. By George W. Snyder.

Christags-Geschenk für kleine Knaben [Christmas Gift for Little Boys].

Ein Christags-Geschenk für kleine Knaben; oder Eine Sammlung von verschiedenen Unterredungen. Das 3te Virginische Kinderbuch.

Christags-Geschenk für kleine Mägdlein [Christmas Gift for Little Maidens].

Ein Christags-Geschenk für kleine Mägdlein; oder Eine Sammlung von verschiedenen Unterredungen. : Das 4te Virginische Kinderbuch.

Christian Catechism, Composed for the Instruction of Youth.

The Christian catechism, composed for the instruction of youth in the knowledge of the Christian religion. Together with morning & evening hymns, prayers, &c. By Paul Henkel, Minister of the Gospel. Second edition

Christian Confession of the Faith of the Mennonists.

The Christian confession of the faith of the harmless Christians, in the Netherlands, known by the name of Mennonists.

Christian Election, A Sermon.

Christian election, explained and vindicated against misconception and false deductions: in a sermon, delivered at the Green Spring Church, Washington, Virginia. By the Reverend Stephen Bovell

Christian Panoply.

Christian panoply; containing An apology for the Bible; in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The age of reason, part the second. By R. Watson, D.D. F.R.S. Lord Bishop of Landaff, and Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge: An address to scoffers at religion. By the same author: and a brief view of the historical evidences of Christianity. By William Paley, M.A. Arch Deacon of Carlysle [sic].

Christian Resignation. A Sermon.

Christian resignation. A sermon, delivered at Martinsburgh, January 10, 1819, on occasion of the death of Mrs. Maria M. Smith.

Christmas Address of the Carriers of the Enquirer.

The Address of the carrier's [sic], to the patrons of The Enquirer. Richmond, Christmas, 1809.

Church Hymn Book consisting of Newly Composed Hymns.

Church hymn book, consisting of newly composed hymns, with an addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions. By Paul Henkel, minister of the Gospel. … First edition.

Circular asking Count of Strength of County Militia Units.

Circular. Richmond, July 11, 1806. Sir, In pursuance of an advice of the Council of State, I have to request that you will be pleased to forward to me ... a return of the strength of each volunteer company under your command ... as the executive are prevented from exercising some of their functions in relation to the militia, by the want of the information now sought ...

Circular concerning the Continuation of Burk's History of Virginia.

Sir, Having secured the copy right of a book, of which the enclosed is a prospectus, I take the liberty ... of requesting such information of the events of the period mentioned in the prospectus, as you may, from your public station, have been particularly acquainted with. ...

Circular Letter advertising Vail & Rogers Apothecary.

Circular … Richmond, 9th July 1810.

Circular Letter asking a Count of Justices of the Peace.

Circular: Richmond 23d March, 1801. Gentlemen, I have to request that you will send me a return of all the justices in the commission of the peace for your county ...

Circular Letter Asking for Support of Jay's Treaty.

Richmond, April 27, 1796. Gentlemen, a meeting of the citizens of this place, having appointed us to correspond with our fellow citizens ... on the subject of the enclosed resolutions … Let us beg gentlemen that you will give us your aid in carrying this great object into effect, that it may be proved to the American public that the friends of the popular branch of our government are at the same time the friends of order, and that they can be as active and as firm in maintaining the Constitution, as those who have the temerity to assail it. … [signed] Richard Adams, Alex. Campbell, William Foushee, John Dawson, Samuel McCraw, James Rind, Alexander Quarrier.

Circular Letter Calling a Meeting on American Grievances.

Williamsburg, May 31, 1774. : Gentlemen, Last Sunday morning several letters were received from Boston, Philadelphia, and Maryland, on the most interesting and important subject of American grievances. The inhabitants of Boston seem to be in a most piteous and melancholy situation, and are doubtful whether they will be able to sustain the impending blow without the assistance and cooperation of the other colonies.

Circular Letter Calling Out the Militia.

[Letter for county lieutenants requiring an immediate call of the militia

Circular Letter concerning Acts of October 1780.

In council, January 19, 1781. Sir, the invasion of our country by the enemy at the close of the late session of assembly, their pushing immediately to this place, the dispersion of the public papers, which for the purpose of saving them necessarily took place, and the injury done at the printing office, have been so many causes operating unfortunately to the delay of transmitting you those acts of assembly which required immediate execution. …

Circular Letter concerning Authority of Lt. Gov. George Wm. Smith.

Council chamber, April 23d, 1811. The following advice was adopted by the Council of State for the commonwealth of Virginia, on Tuesday the 23d April. ... that, until the appointment of a governor by the legislature, all such bonds and recognizances shall be given, "to George William Smith, lieutenant governor ... now exercising the functions of governor and to his successors in the office of governor" ...

Circular Letter concerning Changes in Militia Act.

In Council, December 27, 1786. : The board taking into consideration the act of the General Assembly ..."Act to amend and reduce into one act the severed laws for regulating and disciplining the militia and guarding against invasions and insurrections" … advise that a letter be written to the clerks of the several counties, requiring the names of all the officers of the militia thereof not appointed under the Militia Law of October 1784.

Circular Letter concerning Col. Richard Morris.

In Council (Richmond) Nov. 14, 1780: Gentlemen, The General Assembly on their meeting, having found it necessary to authorize the Executive to take measures for laying up a store of beef for the subsistence of the army and militia: we have appointed Col. Richard Morris to superintend and direct this very important operation ...

Circular Letter concerning Collection of Arrearages of Taxes.

[Advice of council instructing agents for collection of arrearages of taxes].

Circular Letter concerning Delinquent Sheriffs.

[Circular letter of executive respecting delinquent sheriffs].

Circular Letter concerning Distribution of Pensions.

In Council, January 29, 1787. Gentlemen, The executive having addressed you on the 20th of February 1786, concerning pensioners; I beg leave to refer to you their letter. They are still solicitous for a strict adherence to the recommendations, then made, ... I am, gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant, [blank].

Circular Letter Concerning Dunmore's Proclamation.

Sir, As the Committee of Safety is not sitting, I take the liberty to enclose you a copy of the proclamation issued by Lord Dunmore; : the design and tendency of which, you will observe, is fatal to the publick safety. An early and unremitting Attention to the Government of Slaves may, I hope, counteract this dangerous Attempt. Constant, and well directed Patrols, seem indispensably necessary. I doubt not of every possible Exertion, in your Power, for the publick Good; … P. Henry. Head-Quarters, Williamsburg, November 20, 1775.

Circular Letter concerning Escheator Vacancies.

(Circular.) Richmond, January 25, 1794. Gentlemen, it is essentially necessary that all vacancies in the office of escheator, within this commonwealth, be filled up ...

Circular Letter concerning Jefferson's Order to Muster Militia.

[Circular and laws of Congress concerning the raising the quota of 100,000 men].

Circular Letter concerning Militia Law.

Richmond, January [blank] 1793. Gentlemen, I do myself the honor to transmit to you, without loss of time, certain acts passed the last session of the General Assembly. Among them you will find one intitled, "An act for regulating the militia of this Commonwealth." It is important to the community, that the objects of that law be carried into execution without delay. ...

Circular Letter concerning Negligent Collectors of Revenue.

(Circular.) Richmond, Supervisor's-Office, December 31st, 1795. Gentlemen, In the course of examining the late revenue returns and accounts which have come into this office, it is found necessary to call your attention to several of your respective collectors, whose negligence in the several branches of revenue, are so extremely great, that it is impossible to suffer them to pass unnoticed.

Circular Letter concerning Official Seals.

To prevent impositions, the board advise, that from and after the first day of March, 1787, no testimonial be given unless, the instrument of writing, to which it is to be annexed, be sealed with the seal of the Office from which it may come, if such Office be by law required to keep a seal. The governor orders accordingly, copy teste, Archibald Blair, C.C.

Results 701-750 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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