Imprint Records

Results 351-400 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Amendments to Resolution on connecting James River with Kanawha.

[Amendments to the resolution concerning the connection of James river with that of Kanawha].

American Standard Extra of December 27, 1811.

The American standard, Extra. Richmond, Friday, December 27, 1811. Most dreadful calamity ...

Amount of Tax on Law Process.

[Amount of tax on law process].

An Account of Robert B. Taylor in 1799 General Assembly.

[An Account of Robert B. Taylor in 1799 General Assembly] … April 13, 1809.

An Account of the Life and Death of Rev. John R. Bradley.

An account of the holy life and happy death of that man of God, The Rev. John R. Bradley, of Chesterfield County, Virginia, who departed this life on Saturday the 19th of December, 1812. Written by William Spencer, Preacher of the Gospel and an intimate acquaintance of the deceased.

An Act appropriating part of the Revenue of the Literary Fund.

An act, appropriating part of the revenue of the literary fund, and for other purposes. (Passed Feb. 21st, 1818.)

An Act concerning Elections.

[An act concerning elections].

An Act for Speedily Clothing Troops.

An act for speedily clothing the troops raised by this commonwealth now in continental service.

An Act to Establish Two New Banks Within This Commonwealth.

An Act to Establish Two New Banks Within This Commonwealth.

An Address delivered to Captain Mallowry's Company.

An address, delivered to Captain J. Mallowry’s company of rifle-men before they set out on their march to Richmond, March 27th 1813. By Andrew B. Davidson.

An Address Respecting the Alien and Sedition Laws.

An address to the people of Virginia, respecting the Alien & Sedition laws. By a citizen of this state.

An Appeal to the Scriptures.

An appeal to the Scriptures, for their decision relative to the design, extent & effect of the propitiation made by Jesus Christ. By Archibald Cameron, a minister of the Gospel.

An Entertaining History of Two Pious Twin Children.

An Entertaining history of two pious twin children, who were stolen from their Christian parents by a Jew, and sold to the Turks as slaves; and with their father, were marvellously saved from death. First edition. Translated from the German. To which is added, Little Charles, or, The good son

An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles.

An essay on Man; in four epistles; to Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. Written in the year 1732. By A. Pope., Esq. To which are added, the recommendatory poems, notes and variations, The universal prayer, and letters relating to the Essay on Man.

An Essay on Naval Establishments.

An Essay on naval establishments; particularly that of America; in a letter to a friend, written during the administration of John Adams.

An Essay on the Pleurisy.

An Essay on the Pleurisy.

An Essay on the Pleurisy.

An Essay on the Pleurisy.

An Explication of the Shorter Catechism.

An Explication of the Shorter catechism, composed by the Assembly of Divines, commonly called, the Westminster Assembly. : Wherein the several questions and answers of the said Shorter catechism, are resolved, divided, and taken apart into several under-questions and answers; in order to render the whole more plain and easy to be understood, not only by the young arising generation, but also, by the more weak and ignorant, of more advanced years; that they all may be helped forward in their growth in knowledge, and acquaintance with the doctrines of faith, and principles of our holy Protestant reformed Christian religion. By John Thomson, M.A. & V.D.M. in the County of Amelia

An Illustration of the Church and Its Ministry.

An illustration of the Church and its ministry, in a sermon preached ... June 24, 1816 ... By Lewis Mayer

An Illustration of the Presbyterian Church in Virginia.

An illustration of the character & conduct of the Presbyterian Church in Virginia.

An Inaugural Dissertation on Dysentery.

An inaugural dissertation on dysentery. Submitted to the examination of the honorable Robert Smith, provost, and of the Regents of the University of Maryland; for the degree of doctor of medicine, By John D. Vowell, Alexandria, District of Columbia, member of the Baltimore Medical Society

An Ode by J. R Toulmin.

An ode. By J. R Toulmin. Oh! cruel fate, that man should be doomed to abject slavery … Lexington. May 7. 1803 …

An Oration delivered by John D. Burk.

An oration, delivered on the fourth of March, 1803, at the Court-House in Petersburg: to celebrate the election of Thomas Jefferson, and the triumph of Republicanism. By John D. Burk, attorney at law. Printed at the request of the committee.

An Oration on the Late Treaty with France.

An oration, on the late treaty with France, by which Louisiana was acquired: delivered in Staunton on the third of March, 1804.

Analects, or Reflections upon Natural, Moral and Political Philosophy.

Analects, or Reflections upon natural, moral and political philosophy: including the rights, interests and duties of man addressed to the different ranks and societies throughout the United States of America. By Lorenzo Dow.

Analogy; or The Elements of Language.

Analogy; or, The elements of language: designed for the instruction of youth. By a citizen of Richmond.

Anecdotes (VRTS no. 6).

Anecdotes. Religious tracts, no. 6.

Anglican Catechism.

The catechism: an instruction to be learned by every person before he or she be brought to be confirmed by the bishop. To which are added several useful prayers, collects, and ejaculations, suited to the capacities of children and beneficial to all Christians. Published for the edification of children of the Church of England in order that they may become, in due time, worthy members of Christ's body.

Annual Communication of Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1800).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia; begun and held in the Mason's Hall, in the city of Richmond, on Monday the eighth day of December, A.L. 5800-- A.D. 1800.

Annual Communication of Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1802).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. Begun and held at the Mason's Hall, in the city of Richmond, on Monday the thirteenth day of December, A.L. 5802.--A.D. 1802.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1799).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia: begun and held in the Mason's Hall, in the city of Richmond on Monday the ninth day of December, A.L. 5799-- A.D. 1799.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1803).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, begun and held in the Mason's-Hall, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the twelfth day of December, A.L. 5803--A.D. 1803.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1804).

Proceedings of a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, begun and held in the Mason's-Hall, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the tenth day of December, A.L. 5804--A.D. 1804.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1805).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. : Begun and held in the Mason's Hall, in the city of Richmond, on the second Monday in December, being the ninth day of the month, anno lucis 5805--anno Domini 1805.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1810).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. Begun and held in the Masons' Hall, in the city of Richmond, on the second Monday in December, being the tenth day of the month, anno lucis 5810--anno Domini 1810.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1815).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, ; begun and held in the Masons' Hall, in the city of Richmond, on Monday evening, December 11th, being the second Monday in the month, anno lucis 5815, anno Domini 1815.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1816).

Proceedings of a grand annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, : begun and held in the Masons' Hall, in the city of Richmond, on the evening of the second Monday in December, being the 9th day of the month, anno lucis, 5816, anno Domini, 1816.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1817).

Proceedings of a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, begun and held in the Masons' Hall in the City of Richmond, on the evening of the second Monday in December, being the eighth day of the month, anno lucis 5817, anno domini 1817.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1800).

A letter from Governor Monroe, to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1801).

[Letter of governor James Monroe, Dec. 7, 1801, at the opening of the general assembly].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1802).

The Governor's letter, of the 6th of December, 1802 to the Speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1804).

The Governor's letter, addressed to both houses of the General Assembly, at their December session, 1804.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1805).

[The governor's letter of Dec. 2, 1805]

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1806).

The governor's letter, addressed to the legislature, at the commencement of December session, 1806.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1807).

Governor’s letter, Richmond, December 8, 1807.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1808).

Governor’s letter. Richmond, December 5th, 1808.

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1809).

[Letter from the governor, John Tyler, Dec. 4, 1809].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1810).

[Letter from the governor, John Tyler, Dec. 3, 1810].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1811).

[Letter from the lieutenant-governor, George William Smith].

Annual Message of the Governor to the Assembly (December 1813).

[Communication from the governor, James Barbour, referring to sundry accompanying documents].

Results 351-400 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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