Imprint Records

Results 2751-2800 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Session Laws (October 1780).

Acts passed at a General Assembly, : begun and held in the town of Richmond, Monday the sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty.

Session Laws (October 1782).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. : Begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the twenty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two.

Session Laws (October 1783).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.

Session Laws (October 1784).

Acts passed at a general assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia; begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the eighteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four. Richmond: Printed by J. Dunlap and J. Hayes, printers to the commonwealth.

Session Laws (October 1785).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. : Begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the seventeenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five.

Session Laws (October 1786).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six.

Session Laws (October 1787: A).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven.

Session Laws (October 1787: B).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven.

Session Laws (October 1788).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, begun and held at the public buildings in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight.

Session Laws (October 1789: A).

Acts passed at a General Assembly, of the Commonwealth of Virginia, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the nineteenth of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.

Session Laws (October 1789: B).

[Public acts and resolutions, passed at the October session, 1789].

Session Laws (October 1790).

Acts passed at a General Assembly, of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the eighteenth of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.

Session Laws (October 1791).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. : Begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the seventeenth of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.

Session Laws (October 1793).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the twenty-first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three.

Session Laws (October 1814).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia, : begun and held at the capitol in the city of Richmond, on Monday the tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and of the commonwealth the thirty-ninth.

Session Laws (September 1744)

Acts of Assembly, passed at a General Assembly summoned to be held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg, on Thursday the sixth day of May, in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and from thence continued, by several prorogations, to Tuesday the fourth day of September, in the eighteenth year of our Lord 1744: Being the second session of this Assembly. Examined and corrected, by the clerk of the House of Burgesses.

Session Laws (September 1756).

Anno regni Georgii II, Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, tricesimo. : At a General Assembly, begun and held at the capitol, in Williamsburg, on Thursday the twenty-fifth day of March, in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six, and continued by prorogation to Monday the twentieth of September, in the thirtieth year of His Majesty's reign, and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six; being the second session of this Assembly.

Session Laws (September 1758).

Anno regni Georgii II, Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, tricesimo secundo. : At a General Assembly, begun and held at the capitol, in Williamsburg, on Thursday the fourteenth day of September, in the thirty-second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the year of our Lord, 1758; being the first session of this Assembly.

Session Laws, Part 1 (October 1792).

Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Passed at a General Assembly, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday the first day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, the operation whereof was suspended by an act of the same session until the first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three.

Session Laws, Part 2 (October 1792).

Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.

Set of Signals Presented to the Navy.

A set of signals presented to the Navy of the United States, of America, by John Barry, Esq. Senior officer.

Sey getreu bis in den Tod [Be Faithful until Death].

Sey getreu bis in den Tod. Ein Lied ...

Shepherd of Salisbury Plain (VRTS no. 4).

The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Religious tracts, no. 4.

Ship Clearance Form.

Port [blank] To all the faithful in Christ to whom these presents may come: I, Thomas Jefferson ... greet you well ... whereas ... the good [blank] called the [blank] now at Norfolk ... is now ready to sail ... for [blank] ... we ... declare ... no dangerous, pestilential, or contagious distemper at present exist within the Dominion of Virginia ... one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine .. .

Shipping Notice for the Ship Charlotte.

For London, the Ship Charlotte, Captain William Lambert, now lying at this port, will sail in all July, will take in 250 hogsheads of tobacco on liberty. ...

Short and Easy Method with the Deists

A short and easy method with the deists: wherein the certainty of the Christian religion, is demonstrated by infallible proof, from four rules, which are incompatible to any imposture that ever yet has been, or that can possibly be. : In a letter to a friend. To which is added, a letter from the Reverend Mr. Leslie, to a deist, upon his conversion, by reading this book. The fifth edition.

Short History of late Ecclesiastical Oppressions in New England.

A short history of late ecclesiastical oppressions in New-England and Vermont, by a citizen. In which is exhibited a statement of the violation of religious liberties, which are ratified by the Constitution of the United States.

Short Treatise on Christian Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

A short treatise on Christian baptism, and on the Lord's Supper. Also: on the nature and propriety of instruction of children, &c. Translated from the German.

Simmons's Norfolk Directory.

Simmons's Norfolk directory, containing the names, occupations, and places of abode of the inhabitants, arranged in alphabetical order. Also a register of the borough corporation, and common council; extracts from sundry ordinances respecting the police; court days, public officers and notaries, companies, lodges, &c. ... To which is added, a list of the streets, lanes, and wharves in the borough.

Sinfulness and Pernicious Nature of Gaming.

The sinfulness and pernicious nature of gaming. A sermon preached before the General Assembly of Virginia: at Williamsburg, March 1st 1752. By William Stith, A.M. Rector of Henrico Parish.; Published at the request of the House of Burgesses.

Sketch of the Life of Lieut. Mathew Hughes.

A sketch of the life of Lieut. Mathew Hughes, late of the United States Army, serving on the Niagara frontier, during the late war between this country and Great Britain. Wrote by a near connection. To which is annexed letters that he wrote to his father and mother, after he marched from Winchester, Va. to the frontiers: together with letters from various sources announcing the melancholy news of his death.

Sketch of the Proceedings of the General Assembly.

General assembly. Sketch of the proceedings &c. of the general assembly, at the session of 1807-8

Sketch of the Proceedings of the Virginia Legislature.

General assembly. Sketch of the proceedings of the Virginia legislature—session 1806-7. Office of the Virginia gazette. …

Sketches & Propositions.

Sketches & propositions, recommending the establishment of an independent system of banking; permanent public roads, a new mode for the recovery of interest on private loans, changes at the penitentiary, and a general system of defence, with some observations necessary to illustrate these several topics. By Henry Banks. Read before you condemn.

Sketches of the History of France.

Sketches of the history of France, from the earliest historical accounts, to the present time—1806, with some remarks concerning the life and achievements of the celebrated Napoleon Bonaparte, now emperor of France. By an American.

Solicitation for Assistants in Taking the Census.

Richmond, March 26, 1790. It having been provided by an act of the present session of Congress, that the marshals of the several districts of the United States, shall cause the number of inhabitants with their respective districts to be taken ... and the said Marshals being empowered. for this purpose, to appoint as many assistants within their respective districts as to them shall appear necessary: … [signed] Edward Carrington, marshal, for the district of Virginia.

Solicitation for Subscription Agents for Map of Southern United States.

Dear sir, The magnitude of the undertaking of which you have a full account in the papers herewith sent, obliges me to trouble my friends in various parts of the world: ... I therefore take the liberty of subjoining a power to you ...

Solicitation for Tobacco Shipments.

Fredericksburg, March 25, 1786. Sir, Being about to settle in [blank] with a view to establishing a commercial connexion with this country ... Either of the aftermentioned gentlemen will at all times receive tobacco, or any other produce, and ship it for you to my address ... Your most obedient servant, [blank]. Mr. Josiah Watson, Alexandria; Mr. William Carr, Dumfries; Mr. Fontaine Maury, Fredericksburgh; Messrs. Samuel Paine and Co. Richmond; Mr. Richard Morris, Louisa.

Some Observations on the Constitution (A).

Observations upon the proposed plan of federal government. With an attempt to answer some of the principal objections that have been made to it. By a native of Virginia.

Some Observations on the Constitution (B).

Observations upon the proposed plan of federal government. With an attempt to answer some of the principal objections that have been made to it. By a native of Virginia.

Song Book.

[Song Book].

Special Message of the Governor to the Assembly (May 1813).

[Letter from the governor, James Barbour, referring to sundry accompanying documents].

Speech by George Hay in Support of Repeal of Usury Laws.

Speech, delivered in the Legislature of Virginia, in the session of 1816-17, in support of a bill to repeal all the laws concerning usury. With some supplemental remarks.

Speech Delivered by Nathaniel Pope against the Sedition Act.

A speech, delivered by Nathaniel Pope, Junior in support of the resolutions which he prepared and presented to the people of Hanover, at their meeting the 17th day of October, 1798, with which he has incorporated sundry observations written in December of the same year, and originally intended as an answer to the arguments of a gentleman of Richmond, in favour of the Sedition Act.

Speech Intended to have been Spoken.

A speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. By the celebrated Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of Saint Asaph.

Speech of Daniel Sheffey in Congress on February 11, 1814.

Speech of the Hon. Daniel Sheffey, on a bill authorising a loan of 25,000,000 dollars, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11th, 1814.

Speech of Daniel Webster in Congress on January 14, 1814.

Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 14th January, 1814, on a bill making further provision for filling the ranks of the regular army, encouraging enlistments, and authorising the enlistments for longer periods of men whose terms of service are about to expire

Speech of Henry Clay in Congress on January 8-9, 1813.

Mr. Clay's speech; on the new Army bill, delivered in the House of Representatives of the U.S. on the 8th and 9th January, 1813: in reply to Mr. Quincy.

Speech of James Emott in Congress on January 12, 1813.

Speech of the Hon. James Emott. In the House of Representatives of the United States. Delivered the 12th January, 1813. On the bill in addition to the act entitled "An act to raise an additional military force," and for other purposes.

Speech of James Ogilvie in Opposition to Alien & Sedition Acts.

A speech delivered in Essex County in support of a memorial, presented to the citizens of that county and now laid before the Assembly, on the subject of the alien and sedition acts.

Results 2751-2800 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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