Imprint Records

Results 1051-1100 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Engineers' Report on Proposed Canal on South Side of the James.

Report of principal and assistant engineers relative to the means and probable consequences of connecting James river at Westham, with the tide water at Manchester, by a canal on the south side.

English stallion Buzzard will Stand (March 1805).

The celebrated English stallion, Buzzard, so famous for getting capital racers, is just arrived from London and will cover mares at my stable, in Greensville County, on Nottoway River ... notes for ten guineas will be expected with the mares by Nathaniel Rives. March, 1805 ...

Enlistment Circular.

To [blank] gentlemen. You are forthwith to proceed to enlist your quota of able-bodied men ...

Enquiry Whether the Sedition Bill is Unconstitutional or Not.

An enquiry whether the act of Congress "in addition to the act, entitled An act, for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States," generally called the sedition bill, is unconstitutional or not.

Episcopalian's Plea and Help to a Holy and Consistent Life.

The Episcopalian's plea, and help to a holy and consistent life; comprising the Apologia of the Rev. John Newton; together with several essays, designed to guard against delusion, and to present scriptural views of religion. The volume contains--Newton's Apologia, Essay on modern characters, Essay on religious affections, Letter on hearing sermons, by the Rev. John Newton.

Epitome of the Acts of the General Assembly.

Epitome of all the acts of the general assembly of Virginia, of a public nature, passed at the Dec. session, 1805.

Essays on the Liberty of the Press by George Hay.

An Essay on the Liberty of the Press.

Essays on the Liberty of the Press by Marcellus.

Essays on the liberty of the press. By Marcellus. Originally published in the Virginia Argus, in December, 1803.

Estimate of Expenses of Civil Government.

Estimate of the expenses of civil government, from the 30th of September, 1801, to the first of October, 1802, and of the debts payable.

Eulogy on the Life of General George Washington.

An eulogy on the life of General George Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, December 14th, 1799, in the 68th year of his age.

Every Man His Own Doctor

Every man his own doctor: or, The poor planter's physician. Prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all, or most of the distempers, incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country.

Every Man His Own Doctor

Every man his own doctor: or, The poor planter's physician. Prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all, or most of the distempers, incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country.

Every Man His Own Doctor.

Every Man His Own Doctor: or, The poor planter's physician. Prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all, or most of the distempers, incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country. The third edition, with additions.

Every Man His Own Doctor.

Every man his own doctor, or, The poor planter’s physician : prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all, or most of the distempers, incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country. The fourth edition, with additions.

Every Man His Own Doctor.

Every man his own doctor, or, The poor planter's physician: prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all, or most of the distempers, incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country. ... The fourth edition.

Evidence in the Case of Commonwealth against Francis S. O'Reilly.

The evidence in the case of Commonwealth against Francis S. O'Reilly for stabbing James Madison Pleasants, on the 31st October, 1818.

Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin.

The Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, before an august assembly, relating to the repeal of the Stamp-Act, &c.

Examination of the Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr.

An examination of the various charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., vice president of the United States; and a development of the characters and views of his political opponents by Aristides.

Examination of the Late Proceedings in Congress.

An examination of the late proceedings in Congress, respecting the official conduct of the secretary of the Treasury.

Executive Communication on Claim of Representatives of Beaumarchais.

The communication of the executive to the legislature during their last session relative to the claim of the representatives of Beaumarchais against the commonwealth.

Exhibition Notice for Historical Pieces of Wax Work (A).

There is now exhibiting at [blank] an ingenious and entertaining variety of historical pieces of wax work … Richmond, Printed by T. Nicolson, second house below the Bank.

Exhibition Notice for Historical Pieces of Wax Work (B).

To the curious. There is now exhibiting at [blank] an ingenious and entertaining variety of historical pieces of wax work … Richmond, Printed by T. Nicolson (near the Virginia Bank.

Exhibition Notice for Temple of Industry in Lynchburg.

Exhibition. The temple of industry. One of the most extraordinary pieces of mechanism ever exhibited ... will be shewn in the brick-house opposite Mr. Edenfield’s medicine store ... June 1811. Star-Office ... Lynchburg.

Exhibition Notice for Temple of Industry in Richmond (A).

Mechanico Microcosmico. or the surprising & entertaining Temple of Industry … Richmond; T. P. Manson Printer

Exhibition Notice for Temple of Industry in Richmond (B).

Natural curiosities. Just arrived from the Gold Coast of Africa, and to be seen at the corner of H & 5th Streets on Shockoe Hill, a beautiful living male mandril … the spider ape from … Borneo ... also the Mechanico Microcosmico, or the … Temple of Industry … Wax-work … J. Warrock-Printer.

Exhibition Notice for Temple of Industry in Richmond (C).

Michanico Microcosmico or the surprising and entertaining Temple of Industry … at the City Tavern … Waxwork …

Expenditures Charged on the Revenue of 1813.

[List of expenditures charged on the revenue of 1813].

Expenditures of 1813 charged on 1814 Revenue.

List of expenditures charged on the revenue 1814, from 1st October to 31st December 1813.

Expenditures of 1814 charged on 1814 Revenue.

List of expenditures charged on the revenue 1814, from 1st January 1814 to 31st October 1814.

Expenses attending the Election of President and Vice President.

[Expenses attending the election of the president and vice president of the United States, at the last and preceding elections].

Experience and Gospel Labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott.

The experience and gospel labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott: to which is annexed a narrative of his life and death. By John Ffirth.

Exposition of the Federal Constitution.

Exposition of the federal Constitution. Contained in the Report of the Committee of the Virginia House of Delegates; to whom were committed the proceedings, of sundry of the other states, in answer to the resolutions of the General Assembly, of the 21st day of December, 1798, commonly called Madison’s Report. To which is subjoined a series of papers under the signature of Hampden, (originally published in the Richmond enquirer of June, 1819.) Being a critique on the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of the bank law.

Express from Lord Dunmore at Camp Charlotte.

By an express from his excelleny [sic] the governor we have an account of the following speeches between His Excellency and the Six Nations and Delawares. At a council held with the Indians: present His Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Dunmore, lieutenant and governor of Virginia, &c. Alexander M'Kee, Esquire, deputy agent, &c. Indians: Delawares, King Custologa [Cornstalk], Captain White Eyes, and Pluggy, a Six Nation chief, and sundry others. ...

Express … this moment the election is decided.

By express from the city of Washington. To the editors of the Times, this moment the election [for President] is decided ...

Extract from Instructions on Act raising a Regular Force for Defence.

Extract of instructions from the Governor, as to the manner of executing the "Act authorising a regular force for the defence of the Commonwealth" ... Wilson Cary Nicholas.

Extract from Minutes of the Penitentiary's Board of Visitors.

Extract from the minutes of +he board of visitors, at their last meeting at the jail and penitentiary house. Document K.

Extract from Proceedings of Late Assembly (October 1784).

In the House of Delegates, Thursday the 30th of December, 1784. An engrossed bill for enabling the British merchants to recover their debts from the citizens of this commonwealth, was read the third time. Resolved, that the bill do pass ...

Extract from the Law concerning Arrearages of Land Taxes.

[Extract from the law concerning arrearages of land taxes]

Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Baltimore (August 1801).

Glorious news: extract of a letter from a gentleman in Baltimore, to his friend in this town, dated the 28th of August 1801 ...

Extract of Address by Arthur Lee.

Extract from an address in the Virginia Gazette, of March 19, 1767.

Extracts from Governor’s Instructions for the Use of the Classes.

[Extracts from the governor’s instructions for the use of the classes].

Extracts from Law respecting the Calling Out the Militia.

[Extracts from a law respecting the calling out the militia].

Extracts from Manuscript Writings of Barnaby Nixon.

Extracts from the manuscript writings of Barnaby Nixon, deceased

Extracts from Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Virginia (December 1799).

Extracts from the proceedings of the last annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Virginia: begun and held in the Masons' Hall, in the city of Richmond on Monday the ninth day of December, A.L. 5799--A.D. 1799.

Extracts from Proceedings of the Continental Congress.

Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia on the 5th of September 1774.

Extracts from the Records of the Grand Lodge of Virginia

Extracts from the Records of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Fables of Æsop.

The fables of Æsop, with his life. To which is added, morals and remarks, accommodated to the youngest capacities. By Robert Burton of London.

Facts and Statements relative to the Fatal Event of 26th December 1811 (1).

A collection of facts and statements, relative to the fatal event which occurred at the theatre, in Richmond, on the 26th December, 1811.

Facts and Statements relative to the Fatal Event of 26th December 1811 (2).

A collection of facts and statements, relative to the fatal event which occurred at the theatre, in Richmond, on the 26th December, 1811. 2nd edition, with additions.

Fair and Rational Vindication of Infant Baptism.

A fair and rational vindication, of the rights of infants to the ordinance of baptism; being the substance of several discourses from Acts II. 39. Containing: I. The Scripture ground on which the [right of?] infants to baptism is founded. II. The evidence by which it is supported. III. A solution of the most material objections. By David Bostwick, A.M. late Minister of the Presbyterian church in the city of New York.

Results 1051-1100 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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