Imprint Records

Results 2851-2900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

St. Leon: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century (B).

St. Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century. By William Godwin. In two volumes. … The first American edition.

St. Leon: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century.

St. Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century. By William Godwin. In two volumes.

Stages from Abingdon to Tennessee and Kentucky.

Road bill specifying the different stages from Abingdon, Va. to Nashville, Ten., Lexington, Ken... .

Stanard's Substitute for Bill to Raise a Force for Defence.

Amendment proposed by Mr. Stanard, by way of substitute for the bill “To raise a regular force for the defence of the commonwealth."

State of Commonwealth’s Revenue for 1812.

[General state of commonwealth’s revenue for 1812].

State of Commonwealth’s Revenue with Statement of Tax Arrearages.

A state of the commonwealth’s revenue, together with a statement of the arrearages of taxes from 1782 to October, 1807.

State of the Commonwealth’s Revenue for 1807.

A general state of the commonwealth’s revenue for the year 1807...

State of the Funds committed to the Literary Fund.

[State of the funds committed to the charge of the president and directors of the literary fund].

State of the Public Taxes for 1786.

State of the public taxes, payable for the year 1786, within the Commonwealth of Virginia. L. Wood, Jun. Sol. Richmond, Solicitor's Office, July 6, 1786 ... ; J. Ambler, Treasurer, Treasury-Office, July 10, 1786.

State of the Public Taxes for 1786.

State of the public taxes, payable for the year 1786, within the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Statement from Congress.

[Statement from Congress]

Statement from the Treasurer.

[Statement from the Treasurer]

Statement of Balances due from Counties.

Statement of the auditor showing the balances due the public from the several counties in the commonwealth.

Statement of Receipts into Treasury during John Preston's Term.

A statement, shewing at one view the total receipts into the Treasury of Virginia, from the 7th day of November, 1808, to the 17th day of January, 1820, inclusive.

Statement of Sinking Fund in account with the Commissioners.

[Statement of the sinking fund in account with the commissioners].

Statement of the Constitutional Society of Virginia.

We, the underwritten, having associated for the purpose of preserving and handing down to posterity, those pure and sacred principles of Liberty, which have been derived to us, from the happy event of the late glorious revolution, and being convinced, that the surest mode to secure republican systems of government from lapsing into tyranny, is by giving free and frequent information to the mass of people, both of the nature of them, and of the measures which may be adopted by their several component parts, have determined, and do hereby most solemnly pledge ourselves to each other, by every holy tie and obligation, which freemen ought to hold inestimably dear, that every one in his respective station, will keep a watchful eye over the great fundamental rights of the people. …

Statement of the National Debt.

A statement of the national debt, with a requisition of Congress, on the United States. April 27, 1784.

Statement of the Revenue Tax for 1818.

[Statement of the revenue tax for 1818].

Statement of the Revenue Tax for 1819.

A statement of the revenue tax, for the year 1819, arising on lands, slaves, and other property.

Statement on Proceedings against Aaron Burr in Kentucky in 1806.

Full statement of the trial and acquittal of Aaron Burr, Esq. Containing, all the proceedings and debates that took place before the Federal Court at Frankfort, Kentucky, November 25, 1806. By John Wood, editor of the "Western world" who attended the trial.

Statements on State of Bank of Virginia and Farmers’ Bank of Virginia.

[Statements showing present condition of Bank of Virginia and the Farmers’ bank of Virginia].

Statutes of the University of William & Mary.

Statutes of the University of William & Mary.

Strictures upon Strictures.

Strictures upon strictures; containing a reply to Bishop Watson's Apology for the Bible: also, weighty remarks on the Bishop's comparison between the crucifixion of Jesus and the execution of Louis the Sixteenth; : with a contrast of the various opinions of different divines on the same parts of scripture, and the testimony given by each of the Evangelists contrasted. : Likewise, a reply to the author of Strictures on the second part of the Age of reason.

Subscriber Circular for the Press, a National Paper at Richmond.

Richmond, November, 2, 1799. Sir, Believing that far the greatest portion of that party which arrogates to itself the exclusive claim to Federalism, consists of men, moral, humane, religious and well affected to the Republican principle, but who from indolence or other motives attending little to public affairs have been content with receiving their information from men interested in keeping them in ignorance; and believing in the omnipotence of truth; we have set on foot an establishment ... Plan of a national paper, approved by the proprietors at a meeting held at the house of Colonel Parke Goodall--Richmond. Doctor William Foushee, in the chair. … [signed] William Munford, secretary.

Subscriber Roll for Winchester Academy.

We the subscribers, do hereby promise and oblige ourselves, our heirs, executors, or administrators, to pay, or cause to be paid, unto the trustees of the Winchester Academy, the several sums of money annexed to our several names ...

Subscriber Solicitation for Mutual Assurance Society Against Fire.

"The Mutual Assurance Society, Against Fire on Buildings in the State of Virginia." Authorized to be established according to an act of the General Assembly of this commonwealth. Passed the 22d of Dec. 1794.

Subscriber Solicitation for the Marine Insurance Company.

Virginia, to wit: an act to incorporate a company of marine insurances, and other purposes, in the town of Alexandria. Passed January the 16th, 1798 ... Ludwell Lee and John Wise.

Subscriber Solicitation for the New Virginia Justice.

Charlottesville, May 1st, 1794 Sir, having ... prepared for the press a new treatise, on the office and authority of a justice of the peace in the commonwealth of Virginia, I cannot devise a better mode of giving it an extensive circulation, than by requesting your friendly aid in the procurement of subscriptions ... [signed] Wm. W. Hening.

Substance of a Funeral Sermon delivered by Enoch George.

The substance of a funeral sermon, Delivered on the Death of the Reverend Wilson Lee, by Enoch George

Substance of a Speech by George Keith Taylor.

Substance of a speech delivered in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the bill to amend the penal laws of this commonwealth.

Substance of an Argument in the Case of the Carriage Duties.

The substance of an argument in the case of the carriage duties, delivered before the Circuit Court of the United States, in Virginia, May term, 1795, by John Wickham, counsel for the United States vs. Hylton.

Substitute Bill to Suppress Duelling.

[Substitute Bill to Suppress Duelling].

Substitute for Bill on Sale of Property under Executions and Incumbrances.

[Amendment, by way of substitute, to the bill concerning the sale of property under executions and incumbrances].

Substitute for Bill to Amend Act establishing a Penitentiary House.

Substitute proposed by Mr. Chamberlayne for the bill, to reduce into one act the several acts and parts of acts for establishing a public jail and penitentiary house, and for the punishment of crimes.

Substitute Resolutions to the Memorial of the Staunton Convention.

[Resolutions by way of substitute to the memorial of the Staunton Convention].

Substitute to Report on Answer to Complaint in Cohens v. Virginia.

A substitute proposed by Mr. Miller, of Powhatan, for the report and resolutions concerning the citation of the commonwealth to answer a complaint before the supreme court of the United States. Printed by order of the house of delegates.

Summary of Church Discipline.

A summary of church dicipline [sic] shewing the qualifications and duties of the officers and members of a Gospel church. By the Baptist Association, in Charleston, South-Carolina.

Summary View of the Rights of British America (A).

A summary view of the rights of British America. Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the people of Virginia. Now in convention. By a native, and member of the House of Burgesses

Summary View of the Rights of British America (B).

A summary view of the rights of British America. Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the people of Virginia. Now in convention. By a native, and member of the House of Burgesses.

Summary View of the Rights of British America (C).

A summary view of the rights of British America. Set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present delegates of the people of Virginia. Now in convention. By a native, and member of the House of Burgesses.

Summons to Appear before the Marshall Lodge in Lynchburg.

Marshall Lodge, No. 39. Sir & Brother, in obedience to the following orders of this Lodge ... Lynchburg ... 3d November, A. D. 1803 ...

Sundry Documents on Subject of a System of Public Education.

Sundry documents on the subject of a system of public education for the state of Virginia.

Supplement to the New Revised Code of 1803.

Supplement, containing the acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and generally interesting nature, : passed since the session of Assembly which commenced in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. : Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, passed the tenth day of Frbruary [sic], one thousand eight hundred and twelve

Supplemental Report of the Board of Public Works.

Supplement to fourth annual report, of board of public works to the general assembly of Virginia. January, 1820.

Supplemental Report of the Board of Public Works.

Report of the principal engineer of the Board of Public Works, on the subject of the survey of James River and its branches, in obedience to a resolution of the General Assembly of the 25th February 1818.

Surplus on Tobacco Exported.

[Surplus on tobacco exported].

Survey Circular from Society of Virginia for Promoting Agriculture.

Richmond, January 20th, 1819/ Sir, Impressed with the importance of obtaining exact information respecting the soil and course of husbandry in different parts of our country …

Surveyor Bond and License [1740s].

Know all men by these presents, that we [blank] of the County of [blank] ... Gent. are held and firmly bound unto the president and masters of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia ... dated this [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and [blank] ... at [blank].

T.W. Peyton’s Private Price Current.

T. W. Peyton's private price current. Alexandria, [blank] 181[blank]. Articles ...

Table of Muster Fines, 1800-1809.

[Table of muster fines, 1800-1809].

Results 2851-2900 of 3366

This version of the Index of Virginia Printing was a gift from the estate of the site's creator, David Rawson. The content contained herein will not be updated, as it is part of the Library of Virginia's personal papers collection. For more information, please see David Rawson Index of Virginia Printing website. Accession 53067. Personal papers collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

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